Legislatures in Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Ohio and others states have recently passed highly restrictive laws aimed at bringing a case to the now stacked conservative Supreme Court in a calculated effort to overturn Roe v Wade. We must answer with the voice of the majority! -Michele Pred (emphasis my own)
Many of you might be wondering what to do about this - this chipping away at women's hard-won bodily autonomy, especially when it's happening in a place miles and miles away from where you are. Even if you live down the street from the Alabama State Legislature, or the Supreme Court, how do we make an impact? How do we activate women and men to vote for their own rights?
Let's start by together putting up a billboard in the heart of Alabama that says "YOUR BODY YOUR BUSINESS" as conceived by my friend and feminist artist extraordinaire Michele Pred.
She writes:
"Your body is your business... and not the business of a hyper-conservative legislature made up mostly of men. Please help support this effort by donating to this Kickstarter. If we surpass the goal, any overage (up to double) will be sent to NARAL Pro-Choice America. If we double the goal, I'll put up a billboard in Ohio."
This billboard not only gets the attention of people "across" the aisle - it will help show Alabama feminists that they are NOT alone, just as the Sea of Pink did at the Women's March in 2017.
The pussyhat created an impact because we GOT EYES on us by creating that sea of pink. In November of 2016 as I wrote the Pussyhat manifesto, I wrote the words "the more we are seen, the more we are heard."
P.S. My Patreon supporters are getting behind-the-scenes looks at my nefarious scheming! Join us for as low as $3 a month to tap into your creativity. And know that you're supporting an artist trying her best to make an impact! Thank you!!!
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