Monday, January 27, 2020

Thanks,, for all the great tips!

Hi there!


Thank you so much for your post here: 

I love that you do such amazing work to help promote only the best for women. 

Have you seen this women's online safety guide here?  

It really speaks to me and I feel more empowered for it. 

Maybe your other readers will find it useful if you linked to it, too.

Again, thank you so much for all the work that you do.

Nicole Frank

Online Privacy Expert at

picture logo

Friday, January 24, 2020

Stop Amazon's Climate Bullying

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Make Exxon pay for Australia

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

No War

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Goodbye from CREDO Action

Dear Katy,

We're writing today with bad news: As of today, CREDO Action will be shutting down, and CREDO will no longer be engaging in activism campaigns. Below, we'll share a few highlights of our work, invite you to join some amazing progressive groups doing crucial work pushing Democratic elected officials to live up to our values and share our 2019 year-in-review video.

But first, there are a lot of people we want to thank.

Thank you to the millions of CREDO activists who have taken part in our campaigns over the years. You have made millions of phone calls to elected officials, generated hundreds of millions of petition signatures and won countless campaigns for progressive change.

Thank you to all former and current CREDO Mobile, CREDO and Working Assets Credit Cards, CREDO Energy, and Working Assets Long Distance customers. Nothing CREDO Action accomplished over the years would have been possible without your decision to support a progressive company that invested in activism – and we will always be thankful.

Thank you to our progressive allies, both on and off Capitol Hill, who partnered with CREDO Action on activism campaigns over the years. No organization exists in a silo, and our work was most effective when we worked in deep partnership and collaboration with progressive elected officials and like-minded organizations in the progressive movement. There are far too many of you to name, but you know who you are, and we deeply appreciate your partnership.

Thank you to all current and former CREDO Action and CREDO Mobile employees. Former CREDO Action team members turned CREDO Action into a key player in the progressive movement and provided the foundation for our success. The current CREDO Action team members are among the smartest, hardest working and most talented people we know. Every single CREDO Mobile employee, past and present, made the work of CREDO Action possible.

We could not be prouder of the CREDO Action team and what it has accomplished. We took on big fights and won, lifted up our allies, stood up for those under attack and strived to do our work with integrity. One of the things we're proudest of was CREDO Action's willingness to push the Democratic Party and its elected officials to live up to progressive values. Yes, we need to do everything we can to stop Republican extremists and their dangerous agenda. But to build the future we want and deserve, we also need to keep the Democratic Party in check and continually push ALL elected officials to support truly progressive policies. Far too often, advocacy groups give Democrats a pass when they sell out progressive values. CREDO Action didn't pull punches for the sake of electoral expediency – and that's one of the things we'll miss the most now that it's gone.

That's why we'd like to invite you to join several organizations doing tremendous work to hold Democrats accountable and push the Democratic Party to the left. The CREDO Victory Fund has donated its remaining balance – roughly $47,000 each – to these five groups. We hope you'll visit their websites and join them in their vital work.

Finally, we put together a short video highlighting some of what CREDO Action accomplished in 2019. We hope you'll take a few minutes to enjoy the video:

Keep fighting.

Heidi Hess and Josh Nelson, Co-Directors
CREDO Action from Working Assets

CREDO action

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Monday, January 6, 2020

🎆2020 is an ⚡EJECTION⚡ YEAR - get the best calendar to stay on top of VOTING dates! 😍

HI MY DEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited to connect with you all for the first time in the new year!  HAPPY 2020!  I hope you are as filled with hope as I am in this critical election year.

I personally think of it as the BIG EJECTION YEAR.  Yup, not a typo.  Let's get rid of our current president!  Whether by impeachment or by voting him out.

Either way we get him out, voting is critical for the BIG WIN we want.  It's a matter of saving the earth.

And yet, how did something so simple - i.e. Make Sure We Vote - get so complicated?  Whether it's straight-up voter suppression or the internalized patriarchy of perfectionism, there are a lot of roadblocks in the voting process.

I've been working on something to help with that... it's a feminist VOTING CALENDAR!

Buy Here
This gorgeous wall calendar has ALL the important dates you need to know about on ONE beautiful page - and we're not just talking November 3rd, 2020, but the primaries/caucuses, the voter registration deadlines, etc. and again, it's all gorgeously laid out on one simple page - 

But "OMG," you say - "Why hasn't anyone ever done this before?!" The answer is simple - VOTING DEADLINES ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE and are different in every state!  

So how do we get around this?

I made FIFTY-ONE calendars - all 50 states plus Washington D.C. - and I'm working on territories and a Democrats Abroad version too.

Yes, your Krista Suh has been hunched over a laptop for quite some time now LoL.

10% of calendar proceeds go to Spread the Vote, an organization dedicated to ending voter suppression.

This calendar is SO amazing - I know it's really going to help ME out and I'm planning on sending this to all of my friends in various states (especially the purple states!) so that they have an easier time keeping track of voting in their busy day-to-day lives.  The information is accessible, easy-to-understand, and VERY easy-on-the-eyes! Just look at how beautiful it is!

These calendars are made-to-order quickly and shipped worldwide wherever you want - so please order them today and enjoy the artwork and the extra help keeping these key voting dates close at hand. You won't regret it.
Buy Here

Sending you all MUCH MUCH LOVE!


P.S. My 20 for 2020 List (full list on my Patreon!)
1. Get Trump out of office
2. Write 3 YA novels
3. Buy a "knuckle purse"
4. Bhangra dance regularly
5. See my 89 year old grandmother (who taught me how to knit!) often!

Copyright © 2020 Krista Suh, All rights reserved.
You are on this list because I love you and I think you love me too. You may have signed up on, at one of my events, or via the Pussyhat Project. You are welcome to opt out, I'll miss you!

Our mailing address is:
Krista Suh
601 N Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sign the petition: Remove Trump

Tell the Senate: Convict Donald Trump

Petition to the Senate:
"Convict Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and remove him from office."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the Senate: Convict Donald Trump

For the third time in our nation's history, the House of Representatives impeached the person occupying the White House.

Trump's attempted bribery and extortion and his threats to our democracy are plain for all to see. His conviction depends on Senate Republicans putting democracy before party – and that will require massive public pressure.

Tell the Senate: Convict Donald Trump and remove him from office. Click here to sign the petition.

We have proved that public pressure delivers results. When progressives, working with champions Reps. Al Green and Rashida Tlaib and other fearless congresswomen of color, first started pushing for impeachment, establishment Democrats resisted and publicly fought the idea. It was only after months and months of sustained grassroots pressure from CREDO activists and others that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats got on board. Now, we need the same outcry turned upon the Senate.

The impeachment hearings in the House show us what to expect in the Senate. Instead of showing they were serious about getting the facts, House Republicans mounted a ridiculous performance intended to appease Trump's fragile ego. They suggested both the Departments of State and Justice were plotting against Trump, ignored serious questions, dabbled in conspiracy theories, attacked witnesses, blamed the Bidens and attempted to out the Ukraine whistleblower.

Trump has essentially committed bribery to get the jury of senators on his side. He is wooing Republican senators by helping them raise money at events and by deploying his campaign email list to fundraise for them. And Mitch McConnell is delivering. He has repeatedly been clear that he will be working lockstep with the White House and has rejected Democrats' efforts to agree on a bipartisan plan for the Senate trial.

Only a massive outcry from voters can force Republican senators to take protecting our democracy seriously. It will take phone calls, rallies, and public actions – and it starts with people like you speaking out right now.

Tell the Senate: Convict Donald Trump and remove him from office. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out.

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Sign the petition ►

Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

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Friday, January 3, 2020

Sign if you agree: No war with Iran

Dear Katy,

Trump's assasination of Qassem Soleimani, a senior Iranian military leader, has brought us to the brink of war. Our friends at Win Without War are leading the work to stop Trump's reckless war mongering. Can you add your name NOW to say no war with Iran?

Thank you,

- Heidi

P.S. Win Without War's full email is below.


This is really, really bad. Because of Donald Trump's actions, we're on the brink of a major war with Iran.

Add your name NOW to say NO WAR WITH IRAN.

Yesterday, Donald Trump ordered the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, a senior Iranian military leader, who was killed in drone strikes at Baghdad airport — merely the latest escalation by a president who has taken one step after another down the path to war with Iran ever since he took office.

Now, we need to do what we do best: turn up the pressure to STOP a WAR. And we need you with us.

Since day one of his presidency, Donald Trump has pushed our country towards a war with Iran:

  • He filled his cabinet with warmongers like Mike Pompeo,
  • He pulled out of the historic and successful Iran nuclear deal, and
  • He embarked on a “maximum pressure” campaign — sending thousands more U.S. troops to the Middle East and imposing crippling economic sanctions on Iran.

We are where we are today because of Donald Trump.

War with Iran would be disastrous and wholly unnecessary. Military and diplomatic leaders have warned it could bring costs in both blood and resources greater than the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan combined. For those in the Middle East, the human suffering from decades of war would be immeasurable.

War is NOT the answer. Diplomacy is the only way out of this crisis, and Congress is our best chance to put up a giant roadblock to war.

Earlier this year, bipartisan majorities, backed by a massive grassroots push for peace, voted in both chambers of Congress to prevent exactly this kind of unilateral escalation. Pushback from Trump and his allies stopped us then, which is why we need to get even louder now.

If we don't demand action, Congress will be content to shirk its responsibility. So let's make them listen.

Join us and tell your members of Congress that they must use their constitutional authority to STOP WAR WITH IRAN.

We have long feared the actions of this White House — besieged by impeachment, party to multiple investigations and lawsuits, and entering an election year — would result in a catastrophic national security crisis. It is time to remind the president his powers have limits. Congress must act now and pull us back from the brink of war.

Thank you for working for peace,

Stephen and the Win Without War team

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Sign the petition: Tax the rich

Tax the super-rich. Pass a millionaires surtax.

Petition to Congress:
"Pass the millionaires surtax, sponsored by Sens. Brown and van Hollen and Rep. Don Beyer."

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Dear Katy,

Tax the super-rich. Pass a millionaires surtax.

America's super-rich have turned our democracy into an oligarchy. Instead of every vote mattering, the richest handful of Americans use their money to distort elections and make government serve them.1

They use their wealth and power to buy politicians and push for policies like the Trump tax scam. And their investments are paying off — the richest of the rich actually pay lower tax rates than the rest of us since they supercharge their wealth with investments that are taxed at a much lower rate.2

Sens. Sherrod Brown and Chris van Hollen and Rep. Don Beyer just introduced legislation to impose a surtax on all millionaires. The millionaires surtax will make sure the super-rich pay their fair share, help fund services for working people – and make our democracy work for the 99 percent again.

Tell Congress: Tax the super-rich. Pass a millionaires surtax. Click here to sign the petition.

The wealthiest few pay less in taxes the richer they get. That's because the top tax bracket kicks in at $450,000 dollars, and the tax rate for investment income is just 15 percent. The richer people get, the more their income comes from investments and Wall Street speculation instead of working for a living, and the lower rate they pay overall. So a Fortune 500 CEO raking in money from Wall Street trades pays a lower tax rate than a doctor making $500,000 each year – and a far lower tax rate than the working people who make giant corporations profitable.3

A millionaire surtax is a great way to crack down on this injustice. It would:4

  • Narrowly target millionaires. The millionaires surtax adds an extra 10 percentage point tax to the .2% of individuals making more than $1 million, or $2 million for married couples. That would have applied to just 329,000 tax filers in 2019, leaving taxes untouched for 98.8 percent of people.
  • Tax all income equally. No longer would millionaires pay a lower tax rate than their assistants. The millionaire surtax applies equally to income from wages and salaries and income from capital gains and dividends – covering a CEO's sky-high salary as well as his investment portfolio.
  • Make government work for working people. A super-majority of Americans of all parties support the millionaires surtax. Even a majority of millionaires supports taxing the richest of the rich. The surtax could raise more than $635 million over the next decade that could go into services for working people and public benefits that help all of us.

Trump ran for office promising to 'drain the swamp,' then turned around and gave the Wall Street swamp a massive tax cut. Progressives need to show what true populism really looks like by rallying behind simple, commonsense ideas to make the richest of the rich pay their fair share. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders helped put this idea on the map as part of their presidential campaigns, and now we need to show that making the super-rich pay their fair share has massive support.

Tell Congress: Tax the super-rich. Pass a millionaires surtax. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. Josh Bivens, "Restraining the power of the rich with a 10 percent surtax on incomes over $2 million," Economic Policy Institute, April 12, 2019.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Americans for Tax Fairness, "Millionaires Surtax Background," Millionaires Surtax, Nov. 4, 2019.
  4. Ibid.

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sign the petition: Stop the new Trump Tax Scam

Block the new Trump Tax Scam

Petition to Congress:
"Oppose any new Trump tax proposal and repeal the Trump Tax Scam that only benefits corporations and the super wealthy."

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Dear Katy,

Block the new Trump Tax scam

In 2017, FedEx owed $1.5 billion in taxes. Last year, thanks to the Trump Tax Scam, it owed exactly $0. FedEx lobbied hard for Trump's tax cuts, and in return Trump and his Republican lackeys cut corporate taxes so much that the government actually owed FedEx money in 2018.1

The Trump Tax Scam is a failure – unless you're an international corporation or a billionaire. It is helping corporations evade taxes and the super wealthy hoard wealth by paying lower taxes than working people.2

But corporations and billionaires are Republicans' most coveted supporters, so they're working with Trump on a Tax Scam 2.0 to be unveiled this fall.3 We need to raise our voices now to stop it in its tracks.

Tell Congress: Block the new Trump Tax scam. Click here to sign the petition.

The Trump Tax Scam was immoral from the start and has become more unpopular with each passing day. It sabotaged the Affordable Care Act and gave corporations a permanent tax break while individuals and families saw only temporary benefits. Two years later, its success at rewarding the rich and failure to help anyone else could not be clearer:4

  • Corporations dodged taxes.
  • CEOs got rich using tax handouts for stock buybacks.
  • Economic growth lagged behind what was promised.
  • Business investment stalled.
  • Predatory hedge funds got an accidental bonus tax break.
  • The deficit grew and became an excuse to cut the safety net.
  • Our national housing shortage got worse.
  • Billionaires can pay a lower tax rate than working moms.
  • 13 million people were put at risk of losing any health care coverage.

But according to new reports, Trump and his Republican puppets in Congress are planning a new tax scam that would give wealthy individuals the same permanent, non-expiring tax breaks that corporations got the first time around and introduce all sorts of new handouts for the well-connected. We need to stop this horrible idea before it gains momentum.

Tell Congress: Block the new Trump Tax Scam. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

Add your name:

Sign the petition ►


  1. Jim Tankersley, Peter Eavis and Ben Casselman, "How FedEx Cut Its Tax Bill to $0," The New York Times, Nov. 17, 2019.
  2. Derek Thompson, "The GOP Tax Cuts Didn't Work," The Atlantic, Oct. 31, 2019.
  3. Erica Werner, Josh Dawsey and Jeff Stein, "White House officials ramp up new tax cut talks, as Trump seeks sharp contrast with 2020 Democrats," The Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2019.
  4. Thompson, "The GOP Tax Cuts Didn't Work."

Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

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