Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ballerina Kenzie

Third week into it, but Kenzie started ballet and tap dance class. She jumped right in and had a blast! She loves music and rarely misses a chance to dance. Today not so much, seems she really took to TC, her instructor and we switched days. I guess we'll be switching back. She managed to dance despite the tears, though. She also showed off a plie and twirling on her toes when asked by a neighboring eater at lunch. Kenzie is the cute one in the tutu. Of course.

Ahh, snooze.

First tooth and starting to crawl!

Today Kelso finally crawled. Everyone can let out their breath. Seems some folks worry that a kid that doesn't crawl will be damaged for life, but 'whew!' we're out of the hole. He's been getting around just fine by rolling and scootching, but now he's got a new trick up his sleeve to get Kenzie's toys. Last week he got his first tooth, too. So now he can chew on her toys, too! Sorry Kenz.