Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fwd: Rise, Resist, Repeat!



It has been a little over a week since all of us in the resistance movement were reeling from the appointment of notorious climate denier Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

As an immediate response, our Executive Director, Annie Leonard, announced an urgent RESIST supporter drive to fuel the resistance and prepare for the fall-out of Pruitt’s new power over our country’s climate resources. We’ll never stop fighting for our environment — and I know you won’t either, Kathleen.

Will you join our RESIST supporter drive to fight back against Trump and Pruitt’s dangerous anti-climate agenda and support Greenpeace’s critical environmental campaigns?

The Trump administration's attacks on our environment are starting to pick up. Once Pruitt was appointed, it didn’t take him long at all to mention his plans to dramatically slash climate and water pollution regulations.1 And reports emerged last week indicating that Trump plans to sign multiple executive orders significantly limiting the EPA’s ability to fight climate change, scrapping regulations that curb emissions from power plants and protect waterways from pollution.2

In light of the these increasing threats to our communities and environment, we’ve increased our goal to 1500 supporters by tomorrow. Make an urgently-needed gift today to protect our environment and communities from threats like Donald Trump and his gang of climate deniers and polluters.

Thank you,

Shana McMahon
Climate Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. I’ve forwarded Annie’s original email in case you missed it, below. Please make your urgent RESIST gift today!

(1) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/feb/25/scott-pruitt-epa-cpac-climate-change-pollution-regulation
(2) http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/16/epa-staff-told-to-prepare-for-trump-executive-orders-sources.html


From: Annie Leonard, Greenpeace
To: katy63.kelso@blogger.com
Subject: Rise, Resist, Repeat!
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 06:01:43 -0600


Can we count you in for the Resistance?

We need everyone stepping up more than ever to grow our movement

We just need 1,000 members in next 10 days! Please donate now!

Donate now!

All day, every day, we're seeing an “unpresidented” amount of terrifying news from Trump and his administration. Friday’s appointment of climate denier extraordinaire, Scott Pruitt, to lead the EPA was the latest devastating blow.

It would be easy for us all to give in to despair right now. But I refuse to give in to that. Let’s not forget: hope is the ultimate act of resistance. And we have reason to hope. People are uniting, rising up, and resisting the Trump agenda — and then getting up the next day and resisting again.

There’s strength in numbers and we need to grow our Resistance now. We only need 1,000 donors in the next 10 days to keep going strong. Will you be one of the 1,000 ready to resist, Kathleen, and make a gift right now?

Trump is dealing blow after to blow to our people and communities with shocking executive orders. He’s trying to build more oil pipelines and increase coal extraction when we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground. And a former Exxon-Mobil executive is serving as Secretary of State, a climate denier was appointed to the EPA, and Congress is attacking clean air and water which could make billionaires richer and make the rest of us suffer.

But we will never let them take our hope and our sense of purpose. It is an act of resistance to wake up every day and have hope in the face of so much ugliness. And the best way to sustain hope is to participate in solutions. You can do that with a donation today.

When you give today, you’ll stand in solidarity with a powerful, diverse movement saying “keep it in the ground” from the Arctic to the Amazon. You’ll help our fight for clean energy and to expose the influence of corporate polluters and hold them responsible. And you’ll be a key part of our public resistance to a frightening agenda that seeks to divide us.

There is so much good work going on at Greenpeace. We need you with us, hopeful and strong, for the long struggle ahead. Please help us reach our supporter goal and give today.

For a sustainable and just world for all,

Annie Leonard
Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We’re on the side that’s right, and we have the momentum. The other side wants to destroy our spirit. They want us to give up. But that’s not who Greenpeace is — that’s not who YOU are. We are The Resistance — and so are you. We need everyone stepping up stronger than ever to grow our movement and protect our planet Earth. Please stand up and be counted; donate today.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Steve Bannon is at it again



There’s still time to stop Trump’s right-hand man Steve Bannon!

Steve Bannon

There’s no room for a climate-denying racist on the National Security Council. Tell Congress to take action today!

Take Action button 

It’s been just under two weeks since we first emailed you about Steve Bannon’s hostile takeover of the National Security Council.

In that time, the Trump administration has given us even more reason to resist. Trump has:

  • Issued orders allowing mining companies to dump coal waste near streams and rolling back protections for trans youth. (He’s also rumored to be preparing executive orders that will limit the EPA’s ability to fight climate change.) [1]
  • Called his administration’s efforts to deport millions of people — inhumanely splitting families apart — a “military operation.” [2]
  • Repeated his claim that the free press — a cornerstone of American democracy — is the enemy of the American people and barred the New York Times, CNN, and other major news outlets from a press briefing on Friday. [3]

Honestly the list is so long I can’t even fit it all in this email.

And as before, Steve Bannon’s dirty fingerprints are all over every dangerous move this administration makes:

  • Those attempts to stop the government from acting on climate? As editor of Breitbart "news" Bannon spread the conspiracy that climate change is a hoax and renewable energy is a scam. He even called climate activists “pure scum.” [4]
  • That new anti-trans policy? Bannon has trumpeted the bigoted lie that allowing trans people to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity somehow places children and families in danger. [5]
  • And the repeated attacks on the free press? Bannon doubled down on Trump’s statements, calling the media the “opposition party” in a speech on Thursday. [6]

Steve Bannon has shown us over and over again that his presence in the White House makes our country less safe. Tell Congress: it’s time to remove Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.

Both houses of Congress have already introduced legislation to protect our national security from Bannon’s dangerous meddling — but it’s up to us to make sure they follow through. Add your name today!

In solidarity,

Rebecca Gerber
Climate Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. More than 40,000 Greenpeace supporters like you have taken action to resist Steve Bannon in the last two weeks, but I think we can still do more. Steve Bannon is a threat to our democracy — but we have the momentum to stop him. Sign the petition today!

[1] https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/us/politics/trump-agenda-tracker.html
[2] http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/320821-trump-calls-deportation-push-a-military-operation
[3] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/17/business/trump-calls-the-news-media-the-enemy-of-the-people.html
[4] https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16112016/steve-bannon-trump-white-house-climate-conspiracy
[5] http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/anti-lgbt-activists-testing-target-by-sending-men-into-womens-rooms
[6] https://www.c-span.org/video/?424394-102/reince-priebus-steve-bannon-make-joint-appearance-cpac

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Did you see that RESIST banner above the White House? That was us.

I’m afraid of heights! But I’m absolutely terrified of Trump’s threats.


We sent a giant message Trump couldn’t ignore. Now it’s your turn.

RESIST banner action

Become one of our 1,000 resistance supporters by March 1! Donate now!

Donate now!

I can hardly believe it was a month ago today that I — along with six other Greenpeace activists — climbed a giant crane and unfurled a massive hand-painted RESIST banner high above the White House. We were there to send a message to all those who want to resist Trump’s attacks on environmental, social, economic, and educational justice to rise up for a better United States of America.

When I was clinging to that crane ladder with a cold wind blowing, I felt energized knowing what people like you were doing all around the world at the same time — stepping up, acting bravely, and resisting in a million different ways. If we’re going to overcome Trump’s dangerous agenda for our communities and climate, we need as many people as possible resisting alongside us. That’s why Greenpeace’s supporter drive is so important.

Will you be one of the 1,000 we need to RESIST by making a gift right now?

As those close to me can tell you, I’m afraid of heights! But I’m absolutely terrified of Trump’s threats to our democracy and our world. At the same time, I’m inspired by the multi-generational resistance movement that is growing across our country.

When Trump tries to weaken the Paris Climate Agreement so fossil fuel companies can profit on climate destruction, we will resist! When he tries to fast-track dangerous projects like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines with no regard for Indigenous sovereignty, we will resist! When he tries to block our communities from building the clean energy future we deserve, we will resist!

When we unfurled that banner over the White House a month ago, we weren’t just sending a message to this administration — we were sending a giant hand-painted love letter to the people of this planet. Today, I hope you’ll stand with me in resistance and support our critical work to protect our environment by making a generous donation to Greenpeace. There is no better time to ACT for our climate and communities than right now.

Thank you,
Karen Topakian
Karen Topakian
Activist and Greenpeace Inc. Board Chair

P.S. Greenpeace has used nonviolence to resist tyrannical bullies since 1971, and we’re not going to back down now. We need to add 1,000 members to our ranks by March 1 — less than one week away — to have the power to fight Trump’s dangerous agenda for our families, communities, and environment. Kathleen, please become a member today with your strongest support.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

Donate Now

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump is signing away our clean air and water



New executive orders from Trump could kill our best hope for a stable planet.

Please help us RESIST with your strongest support right now.

Help Greenpeace fight Trump’s executive orders that threaten the planet. Be one of our new 1,000 RESIST members by March 1!

Donate now!

With a stroke of his pen, Donald Trump could sign the death warrant for the Clean Power Plan and the Clean Water Rule — threatening the safety of millions of Americans and our entire planet.1

Trump’s upcoming executive orders on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are rumored to overturn President Obama’s landmark limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants AND critical protections for our nation’s waterways. At a time when we need to transition away from fossil fuels, Trump would chain us to them. At the moment when people across the country are getting sick from their own drinking water, we need tighter restrictions on pollution, not less.

Trump’s extreme measures call for extraordinary action. Greenpeace will do whatever it takes to fight Trump with the full force of our movement behind us. That’s why our supporter drive is critical. We need to add 1,000 new members to our ranks by March 1 — that’s only 7 days away — to have the power to take direct action to fight Trump’s executive orders that threaten our planet. Kathleen, please join Greenpeace to help us RESIST with your strongest support right now.

Trump’s executive orders on the EPA would be horrifying, but they are just the latest in a string of recent attacks on our environment and climate future.

  • Oil tycoon, Rex Tillerson, is now Secretary of State …
  • Scott Pruitt, an enemy of the EPA who sued the agency 14 times, is now running it …
  • Trump allowed mining companies to pollute waterways at will …2
  • Climate change was scrubbed from government websites …3

I could go on and on.

Without a strong EPA and critical safeguards for air, water, and climate, we are set to return to the days of burning rivers, acid rain, smog, and oil spills.4 And there’s no telling the catastrophe our planet will face as a result of unchecked greenhouse gas emissions.

We cannot go back and we cannot forget those times. We cannot gamble with our children’s health and future. In such a world as we now face, Greenpeace must fight back by organizing and mobilizing like never before. Our supporter goal has been increased to 1,000 members by March 1 so we can fight these direct threats to our people and the planet.

Please join us with your support and take the fight to Trump, Pruitt, and the polluters. I look forward to your part in our growing movement.


Leila Deen
Projects Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. At any moment, Trump could take executive action to gut these critical protections for America’s clean air and water — but we are ready to RESIST. Will you join us? Please help us fight back with your gift today!

(1) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-16/trump-said-to-prepare-directives-dismantling-obama-climate-rule
(2) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/02/business/energy-environment/senate-coal-regulations.html
(3) http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a52430/white-house-website-changes
(4) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/america-before-the-epa-documerica_us_5886ebc5e4b070d8cad5211d

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Rise, Resist, Repeat!



Can we count you in for the Resistance?

We need everyone stepping up more than ever to grow our movement

We just need 1,000 members in next 10 days! Please donate now!

Donate now!

All day, every day, we're seeing an “unpresidented” amount of terrifying news from Trump and his administration. Friday’s appointment of climate denier extraordinaire, Scott Pruitt, to lead the EPA was the latest devastating blow.

It would be easy for us all to give in to despair right now. But I refuse to give in to that. Let’s not forget: hope is the ultimate act of resistance. And we have reason to hope. People are uniting, rising up, and resisting the Trump agenda — and then getting up the next day and resisting again.

There’s strength in numbers and we need to grow our Resistance now. We only need 1,000 donors in the next 10 days to keep going strong. Will you be one of the 1,000 ready to resist, Kathleen, and make a gift right now?

Trump is dealing blow after to blow to our people and communities with shocking executive orders. He’s trying to build more oil pipelines and increase coal extraction when we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground. And a former Exxon-Mobil executive is serving as Secretary of State, a climate denier was appointed to the EPA, and Congress is attacking clean air and water which could make billionaires richer and make the rest of us suffer.

But we will never let them take our hope and our sense of purpose. It is an act of resistance to wake up every day and have hope in the face of so much ugliness. And the best way to sustain hope is to participate in solutions. You can do that with a donation today.

When you give today, you’ll stand in solidarity with a powerful, diverse movement saying “keep it in the ground” from the Arctic to the Amazon. You’ll help our fight for clean energy and to expose the influence of corporate polluters and hold them responsible. And you’ll be a key part of our public resistance to a frightening agenda that seeks to divide us.

There is so much good work going on at Greenpeace. We need you with us, hopeful and strong, for the long struggle ahead. Please help us reach our supporter goal and give today.

For a sustainable and just world for all,

Annie Leonard
Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We’re on the side that’s right, and we have the momentum. The other side wants to destroy our spirit. They want us to give up. But that’s not who Greenpeace is — that’s not who YOU are. We are The Resistance — and so are you. We need everyone stepping up stronger than ever to grow our movement and protect our planet Earth. Please stand up and be counted; donate today.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

Donate Now

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Scott Pruitt, climate denier, new head of EPA



Breaking: Scott Pruitt, Trump's pick for EPA head and long-time climate denier, just confirmed by the Senate.

We, the people, RESIST

We are ready to RESIST. Help us fight back with your emergency gift today!

Donate Today

Today, Republicans in Congress have voted to have Scott Pruitt run the Environmental Protection Agency. This is disgraceful.

Scott Pruitt has made it clear he wants to dismantle the EPA, and now Trump and the Republicans in Congress have put him in charge.1 Now, everyone who cares about protecting our air, water, and land must now do everything in our power to minimize the damage. Every Senator who voted for Pruitt should be prepared to answer to constituents when the next environmental disaster happens in their districts. And every Senator who voted against Pruitt and boycotted his vote must continue resisting and holding Pruitt accountable for every step of the way.

We, the millions of people in this country who want a government that works for them — not for fossil fuel companies — will not stand for this. Scott Pruitt’s legislative history clearly illustrates that he does not place healthy communities, clean air and water, or a safe climate as a high priority. It is up to all of us to still demand those basic rights and fight for them.

We, the people, will RESIST.

We will never stop fighting for a clean, healthy planet — and will continue to peacefully resist Scott Pruitt — and the Trump administration’s — plans to roll back ANY environmental protections. Your emergency support today will help us mobilize even more people and run stronger campaigns to protect our planet.

By appointing Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Trump is putting America at risk:

  • As Oklahoma Attorney General, Pruitt blocked basic protections for clean drinking water.2
  • Pruitt opposed the Clean Power Plan because it would endanger industry profits.
  • Pruitt made a career suing the EPA to undo environmental protection.
  • Pruitt pushes fracking and other dirty energy sources over clean energy.3

If climate change denial is going to be the default position of the Trump White House, then relentless resistance will be the default position of the American people. Please affirm your resistance and commitment with a gift to Greenpeace today.

Yours in solidarity,

Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. In order to stay completely independent and do the critical work we do, Greenpeace never takes any money from corporations or government. We rely entirely on financial support from people like YOU. Help us fight back against attacks to our communities, environment, and climate with your emergency gift today!

(1) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/scott-pruitt-environmental-protection-agency_us_5878ad15e4b0b3c7a7b0c29c
(2) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/14/us/scott-pruitt-trump-epa-pick.html
(3) http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/17/politics/donald-trump-scott-pruitt-epa

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

Donate Now

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

A climate denier has no place running the EPA


Kathleen -

Two of Trump's nominations down in one week! Is Scott Pruitt next?

Block Scott Pruitt

Call 1-877-969-2590 and tell your Senator not to put Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA!

The resistance is working! First public outcry caused Michael Flynn to resign as National Security Director, now fast-food executive Andrew Puzder has withdrawn from consideration as Labor Secretary.

Will climate-denier Scott Pruitt be next? Call your senator TODAY at 877-969-2590 and tell them to vote against Pruitt’s nomination as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

If you’ve never called your senator before, don’t worry. It’s easy! There’s a script and a toll-free number ready for you. It will only take a couple of minutes, but it will make a big difference.

Step 1: Dial 877-969-2590.

Step 2: Before you are connected with your senate office, you will hear a message from me with some brief talking points. 

Step 3: After the message ends, you will be transferred to one of your senators' offices. You may be put on hold, but don’t hang up! Your message couldn’t be more important.

In case you want to practice ahead of time, here are the talking points written out:

  1. My name is _______ and I’m calling to ask the senator to vote NO on Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head up the EPA. 
  2. Scott Pruitt is a known climate-change denier who pushes fracking and other dirty energy sources over clean energy. By nominating Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Donald Trump is putting America’s communities, health, and environment at risk. 

Call 877-969-2590 today to tell your senator to vote NO on Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA. 

As Oklahoma Attorney General, Pruitt blocked basic protections for clean drinking water and helped the industry hide the connections between fracking and earthquakes.Pruitt has made a career suing the EPA to undo critical environmental protections for our air and water. He’s also received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry since 2002, leaving little doubt about whose interests he’ll protect as EPA head — and it’s not people or the environment.

If climate change denial is going to be the default position of the Trump White House, then relentless resistance will be the default position of the American people. It is now up to each one of us to fight for each other, and to resist the ways in which Donald Trump and his crony cabinet threaten our communities, climate, and country.

Thousands have already spoken out in resistance — writing messages, showing up at rallies, and going to town halls. Now let’s pick up the phones and make sure we can’t be ignored! Call 877-969-2590 right now. 

In united resistance,

Jill Pape
Climate Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. The resistance is growing louder by the minute  and it’s working! Add your voice by calling 877-969-2590 to stop the appointment of climate-denier Scott Pruitt.

1 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/14/us/scott-pruitt-trump-epa-pick.html
2 http://www.followthemoney.org/show-me?c-t-eid=6583668&d-cci=36,33&d-ccb=95,98,97#[{1|gro=y

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