Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Stop Steve Bannon



This is our chance to push back against a climate-denying racist in the White House — act now!

Steve Bannon

Sign on to tell Congress to use its power to kick Trump’s right-hand man Steve Bannon off the National Security Council!

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Steve Bannon’s assault on democracy and civil rights has been one of the most chilling storylines of the Trump presidency — but YOU have a chance to stop him

Haven’t heard of Bannon? He’s the white nationalist, neo-Nazi, former Goldman Sachs executive, climate-denying advisor to Trump whose fingerprints are all over everything from the Muslim ban to the administration’s war on climate science. 

He says things like this: "Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power." [1]

Bannon has been advising Trump from the shadows for months now, and we’re seeing the results in the Republican administration’s attacks on our democracy. But recently, Trump did something else unprecedented — he stepped over the country’s top intelligence experts and appointed Bannon to the National Security Council. This could be the opening we need to successfully curb Bannon’s power. 

This is our time to speak up. Greenpeace is partnering with racial justice, women’s rights, anti-war, and civil rights groups to make sure Congress hears from as many of YOU as possible. Sign on TODAY — tell Congress to use its authority to kick Steve Bannon off the National Security Council!

Congress created the National Security Council and has the power to regulate it. In fact, legislation has already been introduced in both the House and the Senate to protect our national security policy from Bannon’s hate and extremism. 

Now is the time for all members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, to pick a side. Will they let a neo-Nazi hijack our democracy, or will they fight back?

Let’s make they sure they fight back. Join the 400,000 people who have already asked Congress to stand up to Steve Bannon and protect our democracy.

Bannon has made headlines for his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic stances, but make no mistake — he’s a huge threat to our environment, too. 

As the editor of far-right “news” site Breitbart, he ran multiple stories denying the science of climate change and advancing vast conspiracy theories attacking renewable energy. Breitbart has called the Paris climate deal a “threat to U.S. sovereignty” and labeled climate activists “pure scum.” [2]

Bannon claims that clean energy — which even a majority of Trump voters support [3] — is “nonsense” and “madness.” 

Intelligence experts have stressed the threat climate change poses to national security since 2004, but the Trump administration seems intent on ignoring their warnings. [4] Thanks in part to Bannon’s conspiracies, the White House’s climate denial is putting all Americans at risk. 

Don’t let Steve Bannon’s hate and climate denial take over our government. Take action today to tell Congress to ACT!

Steve Bannon’s presence in the White House is a threat to every single American. We can’t let this chance to stop Bannon slip away — make sure you sign TODAY.

Thanks for all you do, 

Rachel Rye Butler
Democracy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Climate denial, racism, misogyny — Steve Bannon has no place in the White House. More than 400,000 people have already asked Congress to step in and limit his power, but we’re missing you. Sign today!


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