Thursday, February 2, 2017

Resist the Dakota Access Pipeline



Tell Citibank to pull funds from the Dakota Access Pipeline today!

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Stop the pipeline for good by asking Citibank to support Indigenous rights and pull its funding.

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Trump and his administration keep unleashing new attacks on our communities and the climate.

Yesterday, the Senate confirmed Rex Tillerson, the former CEO of Exxon, as Secretary of State. And Trump and the acting Director of the Army Corp of Engineers have directed the Corps to grant the final permits needed to restart construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Even with these directives I know our movement will not sit by idly and accept this takeover of our government by the oil and gas industry. Indigenous water protectors at Standing Rock have shown us that uncompromising resistance gets results. We can still stop the Dakota Access Pipeline but we have to double down on our solidarity right now and resist the flow of money to the project.

Building this pipeline means trampling Indigenous rights and sovereinty and putting the Standing Rock Sioux’s drinking water at risk. Tell Citibank, one of the largest funders of the Dakota Access Pipeline, that it must pull funding today!

I spent three weeks in Standing Rock sharing my direct action skills with fellow indigenous water protectors and other allies. The movement resisting the pipeline is truly humbling. A reporter told me there was little chance that we would win this fight. And I said that I think — and a lot of others around camp think — that the pipeline project was already dead, the company just didn’t know it yet.

The struggle to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline has fostered unity, strength, and power for Indigenous peoples unlike anything I’ve seen before.

And it worked. The peaceful and prayerful camp at Standing Rock resulted in a victory when the Army Corps of Engineers didn’t grant the permits to drill under Lake Oahe.

Trump is trying to revive the pipeline right now, but the water protectors’ camps are still standing strong through the North Dakota winter. And while they do their part from the ground to protect sacred lands and clean water, you can do yours by putting pressure on Citibank.

Tell Citibank to stop funding human rights abuse and environmental destruction by ending its support of the Dakota Access Pipeline today!

Citibank has a duty — and clear corporate policy — to consider human rights and Indigenous peoples impacted by the projects it funds. And it is failing the Standing Rock Sioux and all the water protectors who have been attacked with tear gas, rubber bullets, and concussion grenades by militarized police.

Citibank takes the complaints of people like you very seriously — every message sent could mean the loss of a customer or potential customer. So let’s make sure its top executives hear us!

Please send a message to Citibank today to tell the company you won’t support a bank that funds dirty projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Thank you for your resistance,

Harmony Lambert
Chumash Nation
Direct Action Trainer, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Trump is already trying to revive the Dakota Access Pipeline but we can still stop the project from being funded. Tell Citibank to pull funding from the pipeline today!

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