Saturday, November 2, 2019

We have a limited time to save the forest that saves us

Comments needed: Protect the Tongass. No logging. No mining.

The comment to the US Forest Service reads:
"The Tongass National Forest is of global importance and opening it to logging will have permanent, detrimental consequences for our environment. I strongly urge you to reject the rule that would open the Tongass National Forest to devastating exploitation by logging and mining interests."

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Dear Katy,


Nearly 100,000 CREDO members already signed a petition urging the US Forest Service to protect the Tongass National Forest.Now the public comment period is open, and we need your help again.

Tongass retains more carbon than any forest in the United States, provides a habitat for iconic wild creatures and continues to protect old-growth trees as much as 1,000 years old.1 We can't let the Trump administration destroy it, but we only have a few weeks left to register our opposition to Trump's rule that would open the Tongass to logging and mining. Will you submit a comment today?

Comments needed: Protect the Tongass from logging and mining. Click here to submit a public comment.

The Tongass National Forest is the world's largest temperate rainforest. This means that Tongass takes in an estimated 10 - 12% of carbon of all of America's national forests and plays a critical role as Alaska's first line of climate change defense.2 In addition, the Tongass is home to local indigenous people, including the Tlingit and Haida, who have lived in this region for centuries and rely on the forest's healthy natural resources for survival.3

Right now, the Tongass is protected by the "roadless rule," a critical moratorium enacted nearly two decades ago that blocks much-needed road building to access the millions of acres of old growth forests in the Tongass. But with dangerous, greedy climate change deniers occupying the White House and consolidating power in the administration, it's no surprise that these important protections are now on the chopping block.

Trump's policy would give mining and gas companies the power to plow through the Tongass, devastating not only Alaska's environment, but also our nation. We only have a few weeks to tell the Forest Service to reject Trump's corrupt proposal. Add your voice now to help us flood the department with comments demanding that it block this dangerous policy.

Comments needed: Protect the Tongass from logging and mining.

Thanks for fighting back,

Jelani Drew, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Juliet Eilperin and Josh Dawsey, "Trump pushes to allow new logging in Alaska's Tongass National Forest," Washington Post, Aug. 27, 2019.
  2. Mary Catharine Martin, "From rock to forest: Southeast's carbon sink," Juneau Empire, Feb. 19, 2019.
  3. Krista Langlois, "Thanks to Trump, This Senator Finally Gets Her Chance to Decimate Alaska's Environmental Protections," Mother Jones, March 11, 2018.

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