Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sign if you agree: Don't cut Social Security

Don't let Mitt Romney destroy Social Security

Petition to Congress:
"Reject Sen. Mitt Romney's plan to cut Social Security behind closed doors and support a real plan like the Social Security 2100 Act from Rep. John Larson."

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Dear Katy,

Don't let Mitt Romney destroy Social Security

Millionaire Mitt Romney ran for president in 2012 calling for cuts to Social Security. He picked Paul Ryan, the nation's loudest advocate for slashing and burning Social Security and Medicare, as his running mate. Now, Millionaire Mitt is in the Senate, and he has a new plan to cut Social Security.1

Romney's legislation would create a special committee of senators who would meet behind closed doors where they can agree to cut earned benefits without interference from the people who rely on those benefits to survive and retire with dignity. We can't let that happen.2

Tell Congress: Don't let Mitt Romney destroy Social Security. Click here to sign the petition.

Romney likes to pose as a member of the Republican resistance to Trump, but he doesn't lift a finger to rein in Trump's abuses or protect terrorized communities. He is fully on board with Trump's agenda of Wall Street profit and Main Street pain. Romney – who leveraged his dad's famous name into a career in predatory private equity and a multi-million dollar fortune – supports Trump's tax handouts for the rich, his ignore-the-rules free pass for Wall Street speculators and his loathing for Social Security.

Mitt Romney and Donald Trump know that cutting earned benefits is incredibly unpopular, which is why they resort to sneak attacks. Trump did it by sabotaging the Social Security Administration itself – leading to office closures, massive loss of staff and long waits for disability benefits.3 Romney introduced legislation to quiet the voices of actual working people and give elite senators like himself the power to come together in a special, private committee to come up with a plan to cut Social Security.4

Millionaire Mitt and Daddy's Money Donald may not need Social Security to retire with dignity, but millions of Americans do – especially after Romney and Trump's Wall Street pals destroyed all their savings in the financial crash. If members of Congress want to help Social Security instead of cutting it, the answer is simple. They need to reject Romney's nonsense plan and get behind the Social Security 2100 Act, which would increase Social Security benefits and keep the system solvent into the next century by making the super-rich finally pay their fair share.5

Tell Congress: Don't let Mitt Romney destroy Social Security. Click below to sign the petition:


Thank you for speaking out,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Max Richtman, "Retirees should say 'no thanks' to Romney's Social Security plan," The Hill, Nov. 5, 2019.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Nancy Altman, "Republicans Are Killing Social Security One Tiny Service Cut at a Time," Slate, Jan. 22, 2018.
  4. Richtman, "Retirees should say 'no thanks' to Romney's Social Security plan."
  5. Ibid.

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