Monday, December 25, 2017

One for you, one for your #BFF-- for FREE! 💞👯

Happy Holidays! Here's your chance to give MAGIC to your #bffinthiswtfworld-- for free! 
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I know what you're thinking— who sends an email on CHRISTMAS? Well, I do. 

I think if I'm good at anything, it's creating my own rules. That goes for everything from teaming up with my friend, artist Michele Pred, to march in The Parade Against Patriarchy, to making my own art labeling system, to, well, sending out this email on a day that many wouldn't. My friends know to expect the unexpected…and I definitely consider you a friend! So here we are. I'm sitting here writing to you, warm and cozy. I hope you're feeling similar good vibes.

I love this time of year for many reasons, but a big one is that the holidays are a great time to figure out what exactly you want for yourself in the coming year. I like to prepare myself by developing vision boards, writing down specific goals with action plans, and doting on my friends by listening to THEIR dreams. What do you do as the new year approaches? Another question: what do you WANT as the new year approaches?

More than anything else during the holidays (or any day, really!), I want to empower you to make the decisions you want and need to, when you want and need to. I want you to create rules for yourself. Rules that serve YOU. Rules that, by proxy, serve the interests of the folks you surround yourself with. 

Can you imagine a world where this is the norm? Where people serve their creativity with love instead of fear? I'm ready for that in 2018. I'm so ready, in fact, that I'm gonna bet that you're ready. And this is how I'm gonna do it:

If you purchase one copy of my book, "DIY Rules for a WTF World" for yourself, you'll get one more for free, for your best friend. All you have to do is submit your receipt and info here. This isn't a trick, or a scam, or anything other than a sweet holiday treat (uh, maybe you forgot to grab a gift for a sweet friend for today?!), and an investment on my end that you're gonna feel really good reading #DIYRULES, doing the exercises, and then changing your life. 

The ONLY catch? This #bffinthiswtfworld giveaway ends next Sunday, December 31st. So giddy up, beep beep, get on this buy-one-get-one-free offer now!

Here's a photo of myself, #DIYRULES, and my two besties: Milck and Yumi Sakagawa

And as if this offer could get any more B-A-N-A-N-A-S, you can download one of our customizable gift tags to give to your best friend so that they know their book is coming. It's a great way for you both to get excited about #DIYRULES. Pop that gift tag in a card, write your message, and then make a date to start reading #DIYRULES together! 

I'm hoping you're exactly where you want to be on this day: tucked under a warm blanket, blissed out with cocoa in hand, or even singing by yourself in a lush green forest if that's your holiday dream. If you're not in that blissful place, I'm sending you my love. Let's make 2018 better, together, in this WTF world.


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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

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