Saturday, December 9, 2017

Join the fight to protect our oceans, Kathleen



Strengthen our movement to end corporate plastic pollution. 

It's that time of year when they come around again: those ads showing polar bears frolicking on the ice and having fun with Coca-Cola bottles. You know what my reaction to those ads is?

Yes, the polar bears are awfully cute, but I can't help thinking that the plastic in those bottles is going to poison real bears — and many other marine animals — and foul their environment for centuries.

The movement to demand solutions to the plastics crisis is racking up victories, including city, state and national plastic bag bans. We're gaining momentum, and we have to keep it up. 

Please support the movement and all our work to protect the environment by making a donation today.

You know that for far too long, corporate executives have treated throwaway plastic like it's the consumer's problem, taking no responsibility for the damage their products cause. But now we have a chance to change that. Coca-Cola is about to announce a new global policy on plastics. We need to put pressure on Coca-Cola executives to ensure that they take responsibility for the damage the company has done, and reduce the damage it does in the future.

Any gift you can make right now will greatly help our efforts to protect our oceans from plastic pollution and oil drilling, to stop public land from being given away to oil companies, and much more.

We never take a dime from governments or from corporations. We depend on the support of donors like you. Please donate now.


Kate Melges
Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!



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