Thursday, October 24, 2019

Signatures needed: Google just hired a Muslim ban champion to be its "head of national security policy."

No soft landing for the people carrying out Trump's hate

Tell Google's CEO Sundar Pichai:
"Miles Taylor championed Trump's racist and xenophobic Muslim ban and was a leader at the Department of Homeland Security as it implemented family separation. Google should not be rewarding and rehabilitating a person who carries this destructive legacy. Fire Taylor immediately."

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Dear Katy,

I'm writing to tell you about some important work we did together over the last few weeks and ask you to join us in an important next step.

Tuesday, Fortune magazine included Kirstjen Nielsen as a featured speaker at its Most Powerful Women Summit. In the days and weeks before the Summit, tens of thousands of CREDO members spoke out against Fortune's decision to give the person who oversaw family separation a platform to rehabilitate her image.

We had a big impact: Hillary Clinton, filmmaker dream hampton and musician Brandi Carlile all refused to share a platform with Nielsen and be complicit in Fortune's rehabilitation event.1 But Fortune still insisted on having Nielsen on stage. So on Tuesday, we drove a billboard truck around Washington calling out Fortune's decision to normalize hate. And I risked arrest to protest outside Nielsen's session.

Right now, too many institutions and corporations are helping normalize Trump's bigoted regime by elevating the members of his administration while they serve and helping them find a soft landing when they leave. CREDO is committed to pushing back – by holding institutions who normalize hate accountable and making it impossible for Trump collaborators to rehabilitate themselves.

In September, we pressured the Atlantic Festival to drop Nielsen as a speaker.2 Earlier this month, we asked organizers of an immigration policy conference to not legitimize Trump's reign of terror by letting acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan make a keynote. When they refused, we did a direct action to disrupt the speech and forced McAleenan off the stage.3 He resigned four days later.

Now we have another place to push and we need your help. We just learned that Google has hired Nielsen's former chief of staff Miles Taylor to be its "head of national security policy engagement." Taylor was not only complicit in helping Nielsen tear apart thousands of immigrant families, but also defended Trump's Muslim ban.4 Google has refused to comment on this hire, but we're already seeing massive outrage online from Google employees, immigrant community advocates, and Google consumers.

When Trump announced the Muslim ban, Google claimed it stood with Muslims, but now it's turning its back on them. Can you add your name to demand that the company be consistent with its values and fire Miles Taylor?

Thanks for everything you do,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Chris Willman, "Brandi Carlile Pulls Out of Fortune Women's Summit Over Kirstjen Nielsen Appearance," Variety, Oct. 21, 2019.
  2. Joe Concha, "Kirstjen Nielsen drops out of Atlantic Media event after liberal backlash," The Hill, Sept. 20, 2019.
  3. Zolan Kanno-Youngs, "Acting Homeland Security Chief Shouted Off Stage at Georgetown Law," The New York Times, Oct. 7, 2019.
  4. Ryan Mac, "A Top DHS Staffer Who Defended The Muslim Travel Ban Now Works At Google" Buzzfeed News, Oct. 21, 2019.

CREDO action

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