Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sign the petition: Stand with working families

Tell Congress: Workers should have control over their schedules

The petition to Congress reads:
"Stand with working families. Pass the Schedules That Work Act."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Congress: Workers should have control over their schedules

Imagine working on-call for multiple days, a split shift of non-consecutive hours in one day or even being sent home in the middle of your shift when sales are low.

This is the harsh reality for many workers. Unpredictable schedules make it nearly impossible for hourly and low-wage workers to balance family and work responsibilities or rely on a steady paycheck. That needs to stop now.

Progressive champion Sen. Elizabeth Warren just reintroduced legislation to give hourly workers control over their schedules.1 Now, we must use our power to make sure Congress passes this important bill.

Tell Congress: Pass the Schedules That Work Act. Click here to sign the petition.

For far too long, working families have struggled to make ends meet in large part because of companies' exploitative scheduling practices.

Many employees in food service, cleaning, hospitality, warehouse and retail occupations don't have a consistent schedule or any guarantee of working hours every week. Some only know their schedules a week in advance, work back-to-back shifts and are often punished by their bosses when they request schedule changes. In addition, new research shows that employers are more likely to give African American, Latino and women workers irregular schedules.2 That is unacceptable.

The Schedules That Work Act would give greater certainty and stability to hourly and low-wage workers. It would:

  • Protect workers who ask for time off
  • Ensure workers have predictable and stable schedules
  • Guarantee workers the right to rest between shifts

When surveyed, many hourly and low-wage workers described going hungry, losing sleep, losing housing and scrambling to arrange childcare because of their employer's cruel scheduling practices.3 The Schedules That Work Act will help workers thrive and make it easier for them to provide for their families.

Tell Congress: Pass the Schedules That Work Act. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for all you do.

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "Senator Warren and Representative DeLauro Announce Reintroduction of the Schedules That Work Act," Oct. 17, 2019.
  2. Claire Cain Miller, "How Unpredictable Work Hours Turn Families Upside Down," The New York Times, Oct. 16, 2019.
  3. Ibid.

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