Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sign the petition: Block Trump's extreme anti-woman judge

Tell the Senate: Stand with women. Block Sarah Pitlyk.

The petition to the Senate reads:
"Block anti-abortion extremist Sarah Pitlyk's judicial confirmation."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the Senate: Stand with women. Block Sarah Pitlyk.

Sarah Pitlyk devoted her career to defending extreme abortion bans, slashing access to reproductive health care and protecting powerful misogynists from accountabilty.1

Donald Trump and Republicans are about to reward her with a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. We cannot let that happen.

Not only is Pitlyk arguably the worst of Trump's judicial nominees when it comes to reproductive health and rights, she also has zero trial experience. She is completely unqualified and clearly biased. The Senate must block her judicial confirmation.

Tell the Senate: Sarah Pitlyk has no place on the federal bench. Click here to sign the petition.

Pitlyk is the latest in a long line of Trump judicial nominees that the American Bar Association (ABA) rated "Not-Qualified" to serve as a federal judge. She is also one of four nominees who earned that rating unanimously.2 The ABA's rating should disqualify Pitlyk outright, but Trump and Republicans are so desperate to install anti-woman federal judges that the only thing that matters to them is Pitlyk's extremist bona fides.

Pitlyk spent her entire legal career defending unconstitutional abortion bans and attacking reproductive rights. She:3,4

  • Defended Iowa's unconstitutional six-week abortion ban.
  • Helped block a St. Louis ordinance that barred employment and housing discrimination against people who had abortions or use birth control.
  • Used a divorce proceeding to try to establish personhood rights to a frozen embryo.
  • Opposes and spreads dangerous lies about surrogacy and vitro fertilization.
  • Supports the Trump administration's Title X gag rule, which is jeopardizing health care access for more than 1 million Planned Parenthood patients.

And that's not all. Pitlyk also used her platform to protect morally bankrupt misogynists from accountability. She vouched for sexual predator Brett Kavanaugh and defended Planned Parenthood smear-campaign architect David Daleiden in multiple cases.5 There is no doubt that as a federal judge, Pitlyk will be one of anti-woman Republicans' most dangerous weapons.

We cannot allow the Senate to hand her a lifetime appointment and the power to make decisions that could strip away women's rights and access to health care for generations to come.

Tell the Senate: Sarah Pitlyk has no place on the federal bench. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for all you do,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Dahlia Lithwick, "The Judges Republicans Are Doing It All For," Slate, Oct. 23, 2019.
  2. Jessica Mason Pieklo, "This Kavanaugh Defender and Abortion Foe Could End Up on the Federal Bench," Rewire, Oct. 24, 2019.
  3. Theresa Lau, "Five Reasons the Senate Should Reject Problematic Judicial Nominee Sarah Pitlyk," National Women's Law Center, Oct. 1, 2019.
  4. Pieklo, "This Kavanaugh Defender and Abortion Foe Could End Up on the Federal Bench."
  5. Ibid.

(photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

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