Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sign the petition: Stop protecting corporate Democrats

The Democratic establishment is blacklisting consultants that work with progressives

Petition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer and the Democratic House and Senate Campaign Committees:
"Stop sabotaging the campaigns of progressive challengers and people of color in order to protect corporate interests and moderate Democratic incumbents."

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Dear Katy,

The Democratic establishment is blacklisting consultants that work with progressives

While progressives – especially progressive women of color – led the way on impeachment, the Democratic establishment stalled and made excuses about how they couldn't hold Trump accountable for his racism and abuses of power.

Those same Democrats opposed Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and bold action to stop Trump's border crimes, while progressives pushed to deliver real solutions for struggling people.

So it's no surprise that they have been using their power to blacklist and threaten people who are trying to elect more progressives, while they work to protect right-wing Democrats.1

We need to make it clear we're paying attention – and expect them to stop closing the door on long-excluded voices and new, progressive leaders.

Tell Democratic leaders: Stop sabotaging progressives. Click here to sign the petition.

Rep. Dan Lipinski holds a safe Democratic district in Illinois, but he's stridently anti-abortion and fought President Obama at every turn. As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez put it when endorsing his opponent, "We can't afford deep blue seats fighting against healthcare and equal rights." But as Lipinski faces a primary challenge from a progressive woman whom he only narrowly defeated in 2018, the Democratic establishment is closing ranks around him.2

In fact, the House Democrats' campaign arm – the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee – blacklisted campaign firms that were willing to work with her.3 This year, the DCCC adopted a new, official policy that blocks any consultant or firm that works with a progressive challenger from working with any DCCC-endorsed candidate. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee threatened consultants for a Colorado progressive running in the primary against corporate Democrat Gov. John Hickenlooper. Establishment Democrats are trying to put Democratic consultants out of business in order to keep progressives out of office.4

But at the very same time, the DCCC is turning over the money it rakes in from grassroots donors to corporate lobbyists for Big Telecom, Big Oil and Big Pharma.5 The DCCC is protecting the worst Democrats while helping corporations sabotage the agendas of the best of them.

Democratic leaders in Washington are terrified of more progressive champions like Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez. The Democratic establishment has no right to try to rig the system and take away voters' voices. It's time to make it clear that the progressive base of the party is sick and tired of Democratic leaders siding with corporate power and moderate policies instead of standing for our values.

Tell Democratic leaders: Stop sabotaging progressives. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking up,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Aída Chávez and Akila Lacey, "Senate Democrats' campaign arm is pressuring consultants not to work with leader progressive candidate in Colorado," The Intercept, Aug. 29, 2019.
  2. Scott Wong and Mike Lillis, "Democrats rally behind incumbents as Lipinski takes liberal fire," The Hill, Sept. 23, 2019.
  3. Donald Shaw, "DCCC Vendors Work for Corporations Lobbying Against Democratic Policies," Sludge, May 21, 2019.
  4. Chávez and Lacey, "Senate Democrats' campaign arm is pressuring consultants not to work with leader progressive candidate in Colorado."
  5. Shaw, "DCCC Vendors Work for Corporations Lobbying Against Democratic Policies."

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