Dear Katy, He is a liar and a credibly accused sexual predator. Misogynistic Senate Republicans put him on the Supreme Court anyway. It's time for the Democrats who control the House of Representatives to impeach Brett Kavanaugh. Tell the House of Representatives: Impeach Brett Kavanaugh. Click here to sign the petition. This weekend, the New York Times published an in-depth corroboration of Kavanaugh's college assault of Deborah Ramirez.1 It highlights how Senate Republicans constrained the FBI's investigation of her allegations in their attempt to railroad Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and ram through Kavanaugh's confirmation. It's not surprising – we all watched them do it in real time – but it makes it even more clear why Democrats need to lead now. Kavanaugh was credibly accused of sexual assault and lying under oath in 2004 and 2006 and at least 30 times during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings.2 Not only is lying under oath unacceptable, but perjury is an impeachable offense. Here are some of the lies Kavanaugh told during his confirmation hearing: - He said he first heard about Deborah Ramirez' allegations when "The New Yorker" published them on Sept. 23. But text messages show that Kavanaugh and his team were trying to refute Ramirez's allegations before they became public.3
- Kavanaugh claimed to have "no connections" to Yale, explaining "I got there by busting my tail." But Kavanaugh's grandfather attended the school, giving him an advantage as a legacy student under Yale's admissions policies.4
- Kavanaugh said that he and Dr. Ford did not travel in the same social circles. But Dr. Ford dated Kavanaugh's friend Chris Garrett (aka Squi), whom Kavanaugh mentioned repeatedly in his testimony, in the summer of 1982.5
- Kavanaugh said that none of the gatherings on his calendar included the group of people that Dr. Ford identified. But a July 1 calendar entry included the same people that Dr. Ford said attended the gathering.6
- Kavanaugh claimed that "all the witnesses who were there say it didn't happen." But Dr. Ford's friend Leland Keyser, one of those Dr. Ford says was present, said she believes Dr. Ford's allegation.7
The lies matter. Each one undermines Kavanaugh's denials of the multiple sexual assault claims against him. Each one calls into question his trustworthiness and ability to be an impartial and honest jurist. Because lying under oath is an impeachable offense, these lies also open Kavanaugh up to blackmail by anyone who could expose him, a risk that FBI agents are supposed to assess during background checks. But it is clear that the FBI did not conduct a real investigation. Rep. Jerry Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, promised that if Democrats took over the House, he would open an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct and perjury against Kavanaugh.8 It's past time to make good on that promise. We must hold each and every Democrat in the House of Representatives accountable and demand that they preserve the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. Tell the House of Representatives: Investigate and impeach Brett Kavanaugh. Click the link below to sign the petition: Thanks for fighting back, Heidi Hess, Co-Director CREDO Action from Working Assets Add your name: References: - Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, "Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not." The New York Times, Sept. 14, 2019.
- Demand Justice, "Kavanaugh: 31 Lies and Counting," Oct. 1, 2018.
- Heidi Przybyla and Leigh Ann Caldwell, "Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public," NBC News, Oct. 2, 2018.
- Jason Lemon, "Kavanaugh said he had 'no connections' to Yale. He was, in fact, a legacy student," Newsweek, Sept. 30, 2018.
- Michael Kranish, Joe Heim and Emma Brown, "Details in Kavanaugh's 1982 calendar entry could be scrutinized in FBI investigation," Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2018.
- Li Zhou, "Brett Kavanaugh's July 1 calendar entry that could help Ford's case, explained," Vox, Sept. 28, 2018.
- Ariane de Vogue, "Christine Blasey Ford's friend is not refuting Ford's allegation, will cooperate with FBI, lawyer says," CNN, Sept. 29, 2018.
- Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "House Democrat Promises Kavanaugh Investigation if Party Wins Control," The New York Times, Oct. 5, 2018.
Photo: Pool/Getty Images |
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