Monday, September 30, 2019

Call your members of Congress: Impeach Trump now

Call your members of Congress: Impeach Trump now

An impeachment inquiry is finally happening. Every member of Congress needs to hear that their constituents expect them to impeach Trump now.

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Dear Katy,

Impeach Trump

We've never had a better chance to impeach Trump than we do right now.

The House of Representative's official impeachment inquiry would not have happened without a powerful grassroots movement driven by people like you. Now we need to keep the momentum going until Trump is removed from office.

While Congress is on recess, every member needs to hear from their constituents who demand impeachment now. Can you call your members of Congress today?

Call your members of Congress: It's time to impeach Trump. Click here to get started with your call.

We shouldn't wait to move forward on impeachment. Trump committed numerous impeachable offenses and threatens our communities, democracy and planet on a daily basis. There is more than enough evidence for a full vote in the House of Representatives to impeach by Nov. 15 and a vote in the Senate to convict and remove Trump. Doing anything less is recklessly putting our country at risk.

The momentum is clearly on our side, but we will not win if we don't demand bold leadership from every member of Congress. As Congress begins its two-week recess, it's important that every member hears from their constituents. We can remind brave Democrats that we have their backs, stiffen the spines of any Democrats whose support for impeachment may waver and put massive pressure on Republicans to choose country over party.

The more of us who call, the louder our voices will be demanding our elected representatives do their jobs and uphold their constitutional duty.

Call your members of Congress: Impeach Trump now. Click the link below to get started with your call:

Thanks for fighting back,

Thaís Marques, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

Click below for a sample script and the number to call:

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P.S. Activists nationwide are joining together to thank Democrats in the House of Representatives who have called for impeachment and make a unified demand of our senators and representatives during the October recess to impeach Trump now. Click here to find an event near you.

Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

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Scaling back is not an option

Sign if you agree: Refugees are welcome in Colorado

Tell governors: Refugees are welcome here

The petition to governors reads:
"Reject hate. Welcome refugees in your state."

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Dear Katy,

Tell governors: Refugees are welcome here

Stephen Miller's latest attempt to shut down our borders puts the future of many refugees in the hands of state and local leaders.

Along with setting a record-low refugee quota for 2020 last week, the Trump-Miller administration also enacted a new policy that requires governors and local officials to provide written consent to the federal government in order to allow refugees to resettle in their areas.1

Governors will play a critical role in setting the standard for their state, which is why we must demand that they lead now. Add your name to demand that governors reject hate and welcome refugees with open arms.

Sign if you agree: Refugees are welcome in Colorado. Click here to sign the petition.

This new policy is just the latest in a long line of hurdles set down by the Trump-Miller administration to make an arduous immigration process even more difficult for refugee families.

Like Trump's Muslim and asylum bans, zero-tolerance policy, concentration camps and baby jails, this latest attack comes straight out of Miller's white nationalist playbook. Handing xenophobic governors the power and cover to openly discriminate against refugees is one way the Trump-Miller regime is consolidating power nationwide. This new policy also gives governors who say they stand with refugees and immigrants an opportunity to put their words into action and register their commitment in writing.

Trump and Miller's persistent and callous attacks on immigrants may feel overwhelming, but it's important to remember that every act of resistance makes a difference. Last week, Congress passed a resolution to end Trump's fake national emergency at the border, marking Congress' second bipartisan rebuke of Trump.2 A federal judge just struck down the administration's policy to eliminate protections for children in detention.3 And thanks to the advocacy of CREDO members and allies, momentum for impeachment is growing every day.4

Now, we must use our power to put the spotlight on governors and demand that they stand on the right side of history. Whether they join the resistance or enable xenophobic hate is up to us.

Sign if you agree: Refugees are welcome in Colorado. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for all you do,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs, "Trump Slashes Refugee Cap to 18,000, Curtailing U.S. Role as Haven," The New York Times, Sept. 26, 2019.
  2. Sarah Ferris, "Congress forces a Trump veto with rebuke on border wall funding," POLITICO, Sept. 27, 2019.
  3. Graham Kates, "Migrant detention ruling: Judge blocks government effort to indefinitely detain migrant families," CBS, Sept. 27, 2019.
  4. Nicholas Fandos, "Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump," The New York Times, Sept. 24, 2019.

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Twitter has a hate speech problem

Tell Twitter: Change the Terms

The petition to Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey reads:
"Ban all white supremacists from your platform. Adopt the Change the Term coalition's model policies and terms of service. Remove Twitter from the chain of events that spill over into real-world violence."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Twitter: Change the Terms

Twitter's failure to stand against hate is putting all of us in danger.

The platform is enabling white nationalists to organize, fundraise, recruit and supercharge attacks on people of color, LGBTQ+ people and women.1

Fortunately, there is a movement working to reduce hate speech online. We are joining our friends in the Change the Terms coalition to push tech companies to mitigate hate speech on their platforms, starting with Twitter. And we need you in this fight.2 The more people who speak out, the more pressure we can put on Twitter. Will you add your name?

Tell Twitter: Change the terms, ban white nationalists. Click here to sign the petition.

We're living in a world where information and ideas travel faster than we ever imagined. The internet is a place where people share their ideas, seek community, and for some, spread hate. Yet some tech companies, including Twitter, still refuse to take real action to regulate the online hate speech that we know incites violence in the real world. Twitter needs to do better.

With Trump in office, white nationalists are even more emboldened to dehumanize our communities online. Their hateful words have consequences. The white nationalists who murdered people in Charlottesville, Virginia and most recently, El Paso, Texas were all radicalized in online spaces.

It is long past time for Twitter to step up and stop giving violent racists a megaphone and platform. Forcing Twitter to add strong hate speech regulations to its terms of service will bring us one step closer to preventing white nationalist, Christian supremacist and far-right violence.

Tell Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Stand on the right side of history by banning white nationalists. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you,

Jelani Drew, Campaign Manger
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Alison Durkee, "Jack Dorsey Keeps Finding New Reasons to Defend Hate Speech on Twitter" Vanity Fair, April 26, 2019.
  2. Change the Terms Coalition, "Model Policies," accessed Sept. 27, 2019.

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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Thin ice

Sign the petition: Don't trade Social Security for paid family leave

We need paid family leave now

Petition to Congress:
"Pass the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act and establish an insurance plan to provide paid family and sick leave to every working American."

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Dear Katy,

We need paid family leave now

Donald Trump's America is the only industrialized nation that fails to offer paid family and medical leave. That's not a problem if you are a Wall Street executive who can take time off when you or a relative falls ill. But for everyone else, it means choosing between a paycheck and your health or a paycheck and your loved ones.

This year, Trump's budget once again included a bogus paid family leave proposal that opens to the door to Republican sneak attacks on Social Security.1 But while Trump violates the Constitution and schemes against the social safety net, progressives are proposing real, concrete plans to make our country stronger.

The FAMILY Act would establish an insurance plan to provide paid family and medical leave to every working American.2 At a time when working people face so many challenges, it's more important than ever to rally behind the most progressive plan in Congress.

Tell Congress: We need paid family leave now. Click here to sign the petition.

New parents should not have to choose between caring for their children and keeping their jobs. Yet more than 25 years after Congress passed the Family and Medical Leave Act – which requires some employers to allow employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend to family and health-related matters the United States remains the only industrialized nation in the world that does not offer all citizens paid family or medical leave.3

The raw numbers behind that fact are staggering. Eighty-three percent of U.S. workers do not have paid family or medical leave – leaving more than 100 million people struggling when they or a loved one gets sick. Right now, low-wage earners and women make up a disproportionate number of workers without paid family and medical leave. No wonder it has support from more than three quarters of Republican, independent and Democratic voters.4

The progressive FAMILY Act would give people up to 12 weeks of paid time off, earning up to two-thirds of their regular wages, to care for new children or deal with serious family or health issues. It is funded by a small increase in payroll taxes – less than $2 per person – instead of pitting family leave and earned Social Security benefits against each other like Republican plans do.5

With Trump trying to soften his despicable image by putting paid family leave in his budget, there is more and more talk that Republicans and Democrats may come together to get something done. We need to make sure the strong, progressive Family Act is the standard for any paid family leave plan.

Tell Congress: We need paid family leave now. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Emily Peck, "Trump's Parental Leave Proposal Is Pure Hypocrisy," HuffPost, March 12, 2019.
  2. National Partnership for Women and Families, "Coalition Letter," May 6, 2019.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Peck, "Trump's Parental Leave Proposal Is Pure Hypocrisy."

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Friday, September 27, 2019

BREAKING: Hundreds of ex-national security officials support impeachment inquiry into Trump

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Sign if you agree: Republicans must choose country over party

Tell Republicans in Congress: Impeach Trump now

The petition to Republicans in Congress reads:
"Trump colluded with Ukraine to influence the 2020 elections and engaged in criminal behavior to cover it up. It's time to put country over party and impeach Trump now."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Republicans in Congress: Impeach Trump now

The newly released whistleblower complaint confirms what we already knew: Trump broke the law and the White House covered it up.

The whistleblower was crystal clear: Trump "used the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. presidential election."1 Yet, despite growing momentum for impeachment, Republicans in Congress continue to protect their lawless, racist president and abdicate their responsibility to uphold the Constitution.

Progressives spent so much time pressuring Democrats to open a formal impeachment inquiry that Republicans have been largely off the hook. Now that Democrats finally acted, it's time to make it crystal clear to every Republican in Congress that the burden is now on them and that failure to choose country over party will be a permanent moral stain on their Party and careers.

Tell Republicans in Congress: It's time to impeach Trump. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump knowingly broke the law and his White House lackeys helped him get away with it. He repeatedly follows a pattern of lawbreaking and undermining our Constitution – and Republicans time and time again turn a blind eye to protect his criminality under the guise of party unity. And while Democrats in the House of Representatives move forward with a formal impeachment inquiry, Republicans are defending the Trump administration's crimes and spinning lies.

Republicans have a choice before them: Will they protect the lawbreaking criminal occupying the White House or will they abide by their moral and constitutional duty to defend our democracy?

Tell Republicans in Congress: Impeach Trump now. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting back,

Thaís Marques, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. The New York Times, "Full Document: The Whistle-Blower Complaint,"Sept. 26, 2019.
  2. Maggie Haberman, "Trump Attacks Whistle-Blower's Sources and Alludes to Punishment for Spies," The New York Times, Sept. 26, 2019.

Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sign the petition: Stop Big Pharma

Tell Democrats: Fight for a progressive plan to crack down on Big Pharma

Petition to the House Ways & Means, Education & Labor and Energy & Commerce Committees:
"Fight for the most progressive plan to crack down on predatory Big Pharma. At the very least, any proposal to negotiate drug prices must include more than 25 drugs per year with no ceiling on the total number and policies to address high prices at initial launch."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Democrats: Fight for a progressive plan to crack down on Big Pharma

Under pressure from House progressives and CREDO members like you, Speaker Pelosi just unveiled a better-than-expected plan to crack down on predatory Big Pharma prices.1

But this plan still isn't as strong as what we need to bring drug prices down and stop Big Pharma's out-of-control greed. And there's a real risk it gets watered down even more in fruitless negotiations with Trump and Senate Republicans. We can't let that happen – we need to keep up the pressure for the most progressive plan possible.

Tell Democrats: Fight for a progressive plan to crack down on Big Pharma. Click here to sign the petition.

CREDO members have spoken out in force in support of truly progressive plans to break the power of Big Pharma monopolies and lower drug prices. Sen. Warren's plan would direct the government to manufacture generic drugs. Sens. Sanders and Merkley and Rep. Ro Khanna's plan would force companies to follow international average prices or face tough consequences. Rep. Lloyd Doggett's bill would allow Medicare to negotiate discounts and let the government issue a license to produce a generic version of the drug if Big Pharma refuses to negotiate in good faith.2,3

Democratic leaders took these bold plans off the table. Their plan is weaker than the progressive options, but tougher than some of the draft plans that were floated by some of Speaker Pelosi's closest allies. It instructs HHS to negotiate the prices of only a minimum of 25 pharmaceutical drugs each year, with an unnecessary maximum of 250. It leaves room for prices above international standards and for Big Pharma to launch new medicines with absurdly high prices only to "bargain" them down. It levies penalties instead of creating competition when Big Pharma refuses to negotiate. It does include important protections to cap out-of-pocket pay under Medicare Part D and repeal some recent price hikes, and it does not include Pelosi's horrible earlier idea to let corporate-friendly arbitration panels set drug prices.4

Our voices helped block a terrible Big Pharma-friendly Democratic proposal, but we need to fight to improve the new Democratic plan and keep pushing for progressive plans that actually crack down on Big Pharma and deliver lower prescription drug prices for the American people.

Tell Democrats: Fight for a progressive plan to crack down on Big Pharma. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Li Zhou, "House Democrats just introduced an ambitious plan to take on prescription drug prices," Vox, Sep. 19, 2019.
  2. Zach Carter and Daniel Marans, "Democrats Ran On Lowering Drug Prices. Now They Could Cut A Bad Deal With Donald Trump." HuffPost, April 19, 2019.
  3. David Dayen, "Nancy Pelosi's Drug-Pricing Talks with the Trump Administration Are About Mediating Fights Between Corporate Interests," The Intercept, April 22, 2019.
  4. Zhou, "House Democrats just introduced an ambitious plan to take on prescription drug prices."

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