Tuesday, September 25, 2018

TO DO: Develop Psychic Powers Before Election Day Nov 6th

Dearest friends and fellow magic-makers,

The greatest witch of our time might well be Martha Stewart.

But lest you think Martha's got something you don't, let me nip that misconception in the bud.

I remember the first time I lived by myself after college, and it felt like I would just get walloped by events that came out of nowhere. It's Halloween already?! Ah, where's my costume? Omg, it's Christmas already? Wasn't yesterday the Fourth of July, how are we already in December?

How does Martha (or insert any woman who is just killing it) already have her themed cards?  When did she get all those mailing addresses and the time to handwrite them and the time to learn calligraphy?  When did she have a time to do a Xmas photo of the kids? How did she gets the kids to wear bows and ties?

It really actually feels like magic.  And it is magic, but not the kind of magic unavailable to mere mortals.  No. This is the type of magic that is available to us all.

And it's as mundane as a calendar.

Martha Stewart (I imagine) has a smoothly running life and is prepared for all seasons, because she is PSYCHIC and knows when the seasons are coming.  She then "cheats" and months ahead of time, visualizes what her world will be like 4-5 months from now.  And then she works backwards of what needs to be done to get there and puts it in her calendar - she starts preparing now.  This is how she manipulates time, people!

It's the same with Voting Day.  We can be psychic.

Visualize what that day will be like.

Have you already turned in your ballot?  Are you going to volunteer to drive people to the polls?

Will you watch the news or listen to the radio?

Who will you call to celebrate the Blue Wave?  When we flip the house blue.

And as you come out of your visualization.  Breathe. Take out that calendar. And schedule it in. Prepare for that outcome you want.

Here is a VOTING PLAN you can print out and give to your friends.

And here is a VOTING VISUALIZATION worksheet you and your besties can fill out. (Visualize something good! You are powerful.)

Share what you visualize on November 6th on social media and tag me! @kristasuh

Here is an image you can use for that . . . 

Please share it with your friends.


P.S. Be sure to check out my newest blog post "My Voting Visualization is already working!"

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