Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sign the petition: Don’t normalize Trump’s extremism

Tell the mainstream corporate media: Don't normalize Trump's extremism.

Tell the traditional corporate media:
"Donald Trump is a dangerous, racist extremist who wants to divide the country. He has been since he launched his campaign for president. Don't let the Trump White House fool you with a polished, teleprompter-aided State of the Union speech into normalizing his extremism and the unhinged nature of his entire authoritarian regime."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the mainstream corporate media: Don't normalize Trump's extremism.

Traditional corporate media outlets have got to do a better job of holding Donald Trump accountable for his unhinged racist extremism.

Their bar for Donald Trump's performance is literally so low that he recently got credit for remembering the names of people he was meeting with - when their names were written on placards in front of them.1

Trump heads to the Capitol next week to deliver his State of the Union address. We cannot let traditional corporate media outlets, whether on cable networks or in national newspapers, turn their backs on the clear evidence that Trump is a dangerous racist, sexual predator, and warmongering xenophobe who puts our democracy, our country and the whole world at risk. We have to demand they do better.

Tell the mainstream corporate media: One polished State of the Union address doesn't undo Trump's fascist extremism. Don't use the speech to normalize his dangerous agenda. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump's State of the Union may turn out to be more polished and vetted than his unhinged tweets and racist comments, but it will still promote his dangerous, racist agenda. Unfortunately, unless there is a massive outcry right now, the media will probably laud Trump for achieving the bare minimum – staying on script, not focusing entirely on himself or not immediately sparking a war. But even more dangerously, they will likely use the speech as chance to report that Trump has finally made a pivot.

We cannot let traditional media outlets normalize Trump. Especially not now. As our friends at Media Matters for America have made clear, Trump is never going to change:

The pivot is not coming. There is no decision this president can make that will alter the trajectory of his administration. It's long past time for journalists to stop predicting a change in course is imminent, or even possible… Instead of constantly looking for signs of the pivot, journalists should be stressing the remarkable consistency of Trump's tenure. The administration's throughline is chaos and hate, failure propagated by laziness and stupidity. Trump told us who he was, and he is living up to it.2

We cannot let pundits race to assert that Trump has finally come around. We must demand that they consistently report that he is a racist extremist who is leading an authoritarian regime focused on destroying the norms and foundations of our democracy, including the free press.3 Can you add your name today?

Tell the mainstream corporate media: Don't use Trump's State of the Union address to normalize his dangerous agenda. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump's State of the Union is coming on the heels of his calling Haiti and African countries shitholes during a meeting to negotiate the fate of the 800,000 DACA recipients whom he threw under the bus in September. Already, six Democrats have said that they are going to skip the State of the Union entirely, ensuring that they don't provide a shred of legitimacy to his racist regime.

The media should also refuse to provide legitimacy to Trump. We must put massive pressure on them to keep their standards high and refuse to lower them for someone clearly unfit for office. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for standing up to Trump,

Heidi Hess, Senior Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Matthew Yglesias, "Tuesday's DACA negotiation stunt showed how dangerously we've lowered the bar for Trump," Vox, Jan. 10, 2018.
  2. Matt Gertz, "There will be no pivot," Media Matters for America, Aug. 16, 2017.
  3. Sabrina Siddiqui, "Donald Trump faces backlash as he reveals 'Fake News Awards' winners," The Guardian, Jan. 18, 2018.

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