Monday, January 29, 2018

I've got a secret. 

Secrets galore! Ok, one secret and a whole lotta sharing. xo
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My friends know a little secret about me-- and if you've found me in person, you've likely heard me admit it out loud. I'm a week into my "DIY Rules for a WTF World" book tour, and I've found myself telling nearly everyone I've met. Maybe it's not even a secret anymore?! But if you haven't heard it, don't worry, I'm gonna say it right here:


Ok, I'll explain myself. It's not like I'm sunning myself like a cat eating bonbons 24-7. (Let's be fair, creating that situation for myself would require a lot of effort! But also, that's just not the life I've designed for myself). Nope. The reason I can say I'm lazy is that I believe in the power of groups. Of folks collectively pulling their weight and doing good so that one person doesn't have to do all the work. 

Are you thinking about group projects from grade school yet? *SHUDDER* The unfair allocation of work! Of time! Of respect and acknowledgment! 

Clear your head, I'm not intent on leading you down that path. Maybe you're already politically involved and doing what you can to lend your voice and talents to the resistance and the mid-term elections. If you're not, I want to encourage you to find a group, or create a group of like-minded individuals and then figure out how to make your DIY dream come true. 

THINK BIG! Think about what you love to do and what skills you have to lend that make you feel like you're doing something LAZY!

I love that idea. Getting involved and creating change doesn't always have to be a difficult slog if you focus on what you're good at and how to use it. The fight itself is hard enough. Don't shovel snow if you don't have a shovel. Maybe you have a tap for trees and can fill up buckets of maple syrup. You feel me?!

I've been trying to explain this in talks on my book tour. I genuinely believe we all have something to offer that's beneficial, and The Pussyhat Project was the first step to proving this concept to be true. I feel that my book, "DIY Rules for a WTF World" is the second step. I wrote it specifically to empower you to find your creative voice and then USE it. The world needs you! 

I'm on tour and will be traveling around the country through February. I've been seeing lots of things, but my favorite EVENT is meeting you-- putting a face to a name. We're changing up each reading to keep it fresh and fun-- maybe we'll do an exercise from the book together! Maybe we'll have a special guest! Maybe we'll just throw on our feminist jams and have a dance party!-- but the golden thread is that I have the opportunity to spend time with you. Come out. Say hi. Get a book signed for your craft obsessed drivers ed teacher, your actor friend who loves watering plants, your bestie who can't give up painting flowers for strangers (and why would they?!). 

Laziness aside, a few orders of business! Ahem! You'll wanna know these things. TRUST.

  • I gotta say a big HOLY COW! to attending the anniversary of the Women's March in NYC. What a rush! I met so many of you and we laughed together, we cried together, we took so many photos together! I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you that stands up and marches. It was just the energy jolt and reminder I needed. You know we've got this, right? WE'VE GOT THIS. 

  • If you ordered a book through Amazon, iBooks, Indiebound, Barnes and Noble, or BAM Books a Million from January 8-31 2018, you were promised a sticker pack! You've probably gotten your book, but not that promised sticker pack. Not to worry, friends! Stickers are coming, but we need your receipt and info. Just go ahead and submit it at this link (see that green button that the top that says "Submit Receipt"? Click that! And just a note-- be excited. Be VERY excited about these cute stickers. But also know that we're a small team, and we're out around the country, so it may take some time to send out to you. But your sticker pack, rest assured, is coming!
  • If you have gotten your book, would you do me a kindness and leave a review here on Amazon? Reviews are super important to the decision making of publishers-- they are weighed heavily into the rubric when the big wigs decide it's worth it to do another run of printing. We want to make it undeniably easy when it gets to be time for them to consider that, and so we are asking YOU to leave your honest assessment of #DIYRULES at Amazon. Be as descriptive as you want! As flowery! As complimentary! As short! It's all good! And thank you thank you thank you in advance. 
  • And finally, we've had some changes and additions to our tour calendar. Here's the list as it stands right now, but the best way to stay up to date with details is to check my website at the #DIYRULES page.

As always, 

Your friend,

 .            .   

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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

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