Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I'm turning 30 in 30 days - any advice?!

Celebrations, hilarious mentors, and BOOKS!
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30 DAYS FROM TODAY, on July 13th, I will be 30.  Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm not scared of 30 because I have mentors who have gone through it and survived just fine :)

Mentorship can be non-consensual.  Which is kind of great.  You don't need someone's consent in order to learn from them or be inspired from them.

"Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini for the entire year I was twenty-six. If anyone young is reading this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don't take it off until you're thirty-four."

-Nora Ephron
I never asked Nora Ephron's permission to be her mentee, but I consider her my mentor, even though we've never met and she's no longer alive, God rest her hilarious witty soul.  Hearing what she wishes she did and didn't do in her 20s really inspires me.  Namely, she wished she wasn't so hard on herself and her body when she was in her 20s, and she wished she appreciated her body when she was younger.  So I try to to appreciate who I am and what I have now, so I don't regret it later!

Who in your life has inspired you to age gracefully and fearlessly?  I want to know!

I put together a list of "30 before 30" on the blog - it's a REALLY fun exercise to do, you put together a list of "bucket list" things you want to do before a certain age.  I see it done for all ages (40 before 40, 50 before 50, I don't see many 5 before 5, but I guess 5 year olds aren't the go-getters we are).  

As I look over my list, I am so happily surprised to see I've done most of the items I wanted to do in my 20s!  I've seen the Northern Lights, I've travelled the 7 continents, I've sold a screenplay... but there are 2 things I haven't done yet (and I only have 30 days left to do them!).

4.  Roast a whole chicken

30.  Write a book
I am so proud to share with you all that I am going to be doing BOTH of these items in the next 30 days, to complete my list!  Some chicken is gonna be roasted, and a book WILL be written.  The book is called DIY Rules for a WTF World.  I recently sold it to Grand Central Publishing (I have the same editor as Caitlyn Jenner!) and it will be released Winter 2018.

Over the next few months, I will let you know as soon as I can when the cover and a sample excerpt come out!  I'm so excited to share my stories, ideas, lessons, and failures with you.  My hope is that this book will be like a best friend that lives on your nightstand.  A best friend who is funny, mischievous, and aways cheering your most outrageous ideas onward and upward!  Please wish me luck, in my last 30 days of my 20s!  

Talk to you soon :)
Lots of love,
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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

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