Monday, June 12, 2017

If Greenpeace is gone… then what?


Kathleen -

Greenpeace isn't going away. Support our fight in court!

Become a monthly donor today!

Help us fight Resolute's lawsuit and Trump's attacks. We need you.

Become a monthly donor today!

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It's a perfect storm of events. Trump is failing the world on climate change, dragging the country and the planet backward — all to pad the pockets of polluters. The result could be nothing short of catastrophic. This moment demands we fight harder than ever against Trump and the polluters. But as we step up, a giant corporation called Resolute is trying to shut us down.

This megacorporation is not only suing us for exposing its unsustainable logging in Canada's boreal forest. Resolute is pouring untold sums of money into a massive PR campaign to discredit our activists and our movement. Will you please become a monthly donor right now to fight Resolute in court and protect our forests, climate, and free speech? There are just few days left to hit our June 16 funding goal of $500,000.

Kathleen, we can only win the long, expensive battles against Trump and the polluters with steady support. Many of our members are pitching in with small regular gifts, such as $8 a month, right now to give us resources we can rely on. Please join them by signing up for monthly giving today.

We must be here to fight the tough fights for our planet. If the environmental movement is silenced, who will stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? The loggers and polluters will do whatever they want, no matter who it harms, no matter the damage it causes.

I know that together we can defeat the polluter agenda and create a better world. But it's going to take all of us. Between our battle with Resolute and our resistance campaigns against Trump, our resources are stretched. We need you in this fight, so I hope you'll step up as a monthly donor now.

With gratitude, hope, and more determination than ever,

Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. With so many threats facing our climate and planet, we can't allow ourselves to be silenced by a logging corporation or anybody else. We hope you will stand with us again. Please make your monthly gift today.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

Donate Now

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702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995

Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.

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