Monday, October 8, 2018

Signatures needed: Manchin betrayed us. Hold him accountable.

Manchin betrayed us. Hold him accountable.

Tell Democratic leaders, funders and consultants:
"Sen. Joe Manchin's vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh goes against every Democratic value. You must hold him accountable by not funding or otherwise supporting his re-election campaign and removing him from Democratic Party leadership."

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Dear Katy,

Manchin betrayed us. Hold him accountable.

It is time to hold Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin accountable for his vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh stands against everything for which the Democratic party stands. Manchin's vote to confirm him was a spineless betrayal of survivors, women, Muslims, immigrants, LGBTQ people, workers, our planet, and our democracy.

The Democratic Party establishment is not going to hold Manchin accountable unless we force them to. Manchin is still part of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer's leadership team. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) sent fundraising emails this weekend to raise money to fight pro-Kavanaugh Republicans but were silent on Manchin's vote. They are trying to sweep Manchin's endorsement of Kavanaugh under the rug. We have to be clear about what we expect.

Tell Democratic funders, leaders and campaign consultants: Manchin betrayed the Democratic party. Hold him accountable. Click here to sign the petition.

Manchin's vote for Kavanaugh is appalling but not surprising. After Kavanaugh was nominated, Manchin said if Schumer thought he could whip Manchin in line with the Democratic caucus, Schumer could kiss Manchin's "you know what."1 Manchin has been a more consistent supporter of Trump's extremism than a proponent of the resistance. He was the only Democrat who voted to confirm racist Jeff Sessions as attorney general. He voted to confirm climate-denying Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

And his anti-Democratic stances go back beyond the Trump era. In 2015, he voted to defund Planned Parenthood. In 2013, he went on Fox News to call President Obama's climate policies a war on America.2

Continuing to elevate Manchin as a leader of Democrats and bankroll his re-election would be as much a betrayal of Democratic values as Manchin's vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Schumer should not be elevating and legitimizing someone as a member of Democratic leadership who consistently votes with Trump's extreme right-wing priorities and fails to defend our progressive values. The DNC and DSCC should not be using the outrage over Kavanaugh's lifetime seat on the Supreme Court to fundraise, then handing the money over to someone who help put him there.

Tell Democratic funders, leaders and campaign consultants: Manchin betrayed the Democratic party. Hold him accountable. Click here to sign the petition.

After Manchin announced he would vote yes on Kavanaugh, our friends at MoveOn joined the largest Democratic SuperPAC, Priorities USA, in pulling their support for his Senate race.3 They are standing on principle. Sen. Manchin doesn't get to vote for a liar and accused sexual predator who will undo decades of progress for civil rights, women's rights, workers' rights and the environment and keep getting support from progressives.

The Democratic Party establishment – its leaders, funders and consultants – should follow MoveOn and Priorities USA's lead, but they won't unless we demand it. Can you add your name today?

Tell Democratic funders, leaders and campaign consultants: Manchin betrayed the Democratic party. Hold him accountable. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you for everything you do,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Burgess Everett and Elana Schor, "'Kiss my you know what': Schumer hamstrung in SCOTUS fight," Politico, July 13, 2018.
  2. Rebecca Leber, "Senator: Obama's action on climate change is a 'War On America'," Think Progress, June 26, 2013.
  3. Alexi McCammond, "Progressive group pulls support from 2 Democrats over Kavanaugh," Axios, Oct. 5, 2018.

photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

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