Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Looking for an easy, effective way to impact the election? Check this out.

Dear Katy,

After the tragic mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue last weekend, we must reaffirm our commitment to stand with and defend every community that Trump threatens. It's now more important than ever that we rally family, friends and everyone fighting against Trump's toxic and racist agenda to get out and vote.

A reminder from a friend is one of the best ways to get people to cast their ballot. That's why we're partnering with our friends at ParentsTogether to make it easy to remind friends and family to vote. Click here to try it out now.

The sharing tool allows you to easily send a personalized voting reminder message to any of your Facebook friends. Your friends get your reminder via Facebook Messenger. If you send a reminder to 20 friends, and they pass along the message, you could help reach hundreds of potential voters.

With the Trump administration and Republicans' relentless attacks on our rights, we must vote against misogyny, racism, bigotry and greed and for equality, justice and freedom.

This could be the easiest, most effective thing you can do to impact the election. Click here to start sharing now.

Thank you for all that you do,

Ari Chopelas, Social Media Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Sign the petition: Congress should publicly Condemn Trump's anti-immigrant attacks

When it comes to Trump's hate, whose side is Congress on?

The petition to Congress reads:
"Stand with immigrants. Publicly condemn Trump's racist scapegoating and xenophobic attacks."

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Dear Katy,

When it comes to Trump's hate, whose side is Congress on?

We cannot let Donald Trump's racism destroy the country.

Trump's brand of hate has given a political home to violent white supremacists. People have died at the hands of these extremists and instead of stopping this crisis, Trump is making it worse. He just launched another series of anti-immigrant attacks, including one that would amend the Constitution to prevent future generations of U.S.–born children of immigrants from becoming citizens.1

To save our country, democracy and communities, every person who believes that Americans should be able to live with dignity in communities where they are safe and healthy should immediately denounce Trump's xenophobic attacks. We know that CREDO members like you believe in this future and are fighting to make it a reality. Now it's time for every member of Congress to follow our lead.

Members of Congress, whose side are you on? Publicly condemn Trump's racist attacks on immigrants and do everything you can to stop them. Click here to sign the petition.

News just broke that Trump is planning to deploy nearly 15,000 active duty troops to the border to terrorize a caravan of migrant families, end birthright citizenship and impose another racist ban on refugees at the border.2,3,4 He is clearly trying to manufacture another xenophobic crisis and gin up supporters ahead of the midterms. But that isn't his only goal. Trump also wants to create a political environment in which extreme racist policies, hate and violence are normalized and sanctioned by the public.

Not too long ago, sending thousands of active duty military troops to respond to a manufactured crisis within U.S. territory would have set off red alerts. Elected officials of both parties would have condemned his plan to end birthright citizenship as not only unconstitutional but against our core values as a country. Under Trump's authoritarian regime, these military actions and unconstitutional policies aren't receiving the massive push back they deserve, and that's exactly what we need to fight against.5

Trump will stop at nothing to divide communities and replace our democracy with a fascist state. We need to be vigilant in rejecting his hate and showing the world that the American people will not be divided and will stand with immigrants and every community Trump threantens.

Progressive champions Reps. Jayapal, Lieu and Chu have publicly condemned Trump's latest hateful attacks.6 But that is not enough. We elected every member of Congress to represent the voice of the people. Speak out now to make our demands crystal clear: Publicly denounce Trump's attacks on immigrants and do everything you can to block them. Any member who refuses to speak out is aligning themselves with Trump's vicious hate and the violence it incites.

Members of Congress: Whose side are you on? Publicly condemn Trump's racist attacks on immigrants and do everything you can to stop them. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for your activism,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Sign the petition ►


  1. Deanna Paul, "Trump wants to end birthright citizenship. A judge he appointed says he can't." The Washington Post, Oct. 30, 2018.
  2. Jonathan Swan and Stef W. Kight. "Exclusive: Trump targeting birthright citizenship with executive order," Axios, Oct. 30, 2018.
  3. Dara Lind, "Trump is considering a new 'travel ban' aimed at the migrant caravan," Vox, Oct. 26, 2018.
  4. James Laporta and Tom O'Connor, "Migrant caravan: U.S. military will have up to 14,000 troops, many armed, ready to intervene at Mexico border," Newsweek, Oct. 28, 2018.
  5. Aaron Rupar, "Major media outlets' birthright citizenship tweets are textbook examples of how not to cover Trump," ThinkProgress, Oct. 30, 2018.
  6. Avery Anapol, "Dem lawmaker on Trump intent to end birthright citizenship: He 'should take a high school government class,'" The Hill, Oct. 30, 2018.

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Why Voting Is Witchy - Happy Halloween!

Psssst… Did you know? Not only are you a "nasty woman" you're probably…a WITCH.

How do I know that? Because I'm a storyteller AND an etymology nerd.

I love that stories are made up of words, but also… words themselves are stories…

Let me tell you the story about the word "WEIRD."

It comes from the Old English word wyrd which meant "destiny."

So when you call someone weird you are saying they have the power to control destiny.

The witches in Macbeth were called the Weird Sisters.

And now, in modern times, pussyhat-wearing, nasty, voting, feminine, emotional WOMEN are shaking things up and we're scaring people. We're too weird.

Witches were often women who took their own path, had the gall to live by their own DIY Rules, dared to make money when men felt privy to it, in short - they owned their power to control destiny. 

On this day, All Hallows' Eve, I invite you to consider all the witches (women) before you, and all the witches who will come after you. Consider how witches (women) have been held back - how we've been denied the right to vote, denied to right to own property, denied the right to choose what to do with our bodies…

And consider how we have fought back. How we decided to control our own destiny, even if we were called weird or witchy or bitchy or weak or whiny…it didn't matter.  

Because we fight for the women before us who have died for our rights today. And we fight for the women who will come after us, who need us to speak up and create a better world for women.

Have a great Halloween, and have an even more amazing Election Day. Please do some magic to get out the vote. And remember, a weird sister - someone who controls her fate - is most certainly someone who VOTES.

Be Magical!

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Copyright © 2018 Krista Suh, All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Consider this your invite… to the Nevertheless We Vote Parade!

Today I am flying out to New York City for the Nevertheless We Vote Parade on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 at 2:30pm. I will be joining other activist-artists in a march from Washington Square Park to the Nancy Hoffman Gallery in Chelsea. You are welcome to join us! And if you're not in NY you can follow me on Instagram live that day, my handle is @kristasuh.

A photo from the last artist-activist parade in Miami! Can you spot me in this gorgeous chaos?!

I will be passing out handmade felted apples, pussyhats homemade from my Midterm Election Day fabric, and posters with the snake-and-the-apple iconography on them.

Oh and I will be dressed up as Eve holding my VOTE apple! Here is a pic of me test-running the outfit.

Some Barnard students will be helping me that day, and they will be wearing the Vote Nov 6th shirts and leggings (available in my website shop if you want one of your own - it raises money for Rock the Vote!). 

Which is all to say, we are going to make quite the SPECTACLE!

But if you prefer a cozier way to get out the vote - I've got you covered!
Download the Vote with Me app and Krista Suh's VOTE Sticker app and text your friends reminders to vote! So effective! And fun!

However you decide to get out the vote in this last week, share it with me on social media by tagging @kristasuh so I can take a look and be inspired by your creations!

We've got this.

We've got each other.


P.S. This is the perfect time to host a get-together with friends to research your candidates for elected office together! I highly recommend making it a movie night by adding the comedy The Campaign. Read my blog post about how to throw this party and my favorite parts of the movie!  

P.P.S. You can also send out invites for an Election Night Viewing Party using my free downloadable invite!


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Copyright © 2018 Krista Suh, All rights reserved.
You are on this list because I love you and I think you love me too. You may have signed up on, at one of my events, or via the Pussyhat Project. You are welcome to opt out, I'll miss you!

Our mailing address is:
Krista Suh
601 N Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

Signature needed: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food

Tell Congress: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food

The petition to Congress reads:
"Organophosphates are extremely toxic pesticides linked to neurological disorders, long-term damage to children's brains and cancer. Pass Rep. Nydia Velázquez's Ban Nerve Agents in Our Food Act of 2018 Act to ban all classes of organophosphates."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Congress: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food

Rachel Carson called them "among the most poisonous chemicals in the world."1 They're linked to a whole host of debilitating neurological disorders, long-term damage to children's brains and even cancer. And they're in the same chemical family as sarin nerve gas.2

Yet, despite overwhelming evidence that organophosphates are extremely toxic and deadly pesticides, Trump's EPA continues to allow Big Ag to spray millions of pounds of the chemicals on our food and public spaces each year, posing a massive threat to consumers, children, wildlife and farmworkers, many of whom are immigrants.3

Rep. Nydia Velázquez has introduced legislation called the Ban Nerve Agents in Our Food Act of 2018 to finally ban all classes of organophosphates. We must demand that Congress pass this legislation immediately.

Tell Congress: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food. Click here to sign the petition.

Worldwide, an estimated 3 million people are exposed to organophosphates, resulting in approximately 300,000 deaths every year.4 Chlorpyrifos, a popular organophosphate, is one of the most widely used pesticides in the United States, and people who have been exposed to the chemical have experienced permanent changes in brain structure, loss of IQ, an increased likelihood of children developing ADHD or other developmental and behavioral disorders, reduced lung function, asthma, and cancer.5

In 2015, President Obama's EPA proposed banning chlorpyrifos for all agricultural uses, but in March 2017, Trump's former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reversed that decision, claiming the science behind the chemical's toxic effects were inconclusive.6 Media reports at the time suggest Dow Chemical, the major manufacturer of chlorpyrifos, significantly influenced Pruitt's decision.7

This past August, our allies at Earthjustice, which represents environmental and farm worker groups, won a huge victory when a federal appeals court reversed the EPA's decision not to enforce the ban and forced the EPA to comply within 60 days.8 But late last month, Trump's EPA filed a motion to rehear the case, further delaying the ban and putting more lives at stake. As Patti Goldman, Earthjustice managing attorney, put it, "Every day we go without a ban, children and farmworkers are needlessly eating, drinking and breathing this dreadful pesticide."9

Tell Congress: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food. Click here to sign the petition.

Activism to force lawmakers to regulate and ban organophosphates is starting to work – but we can't let up. After massive pressure by CREDO members and our allies at the Pesticide Action Network, Friends of the Earth and other organizations, California regulators finally added chlorpyrifos to its "Prop 65" list of chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.10

However, California – where more than 900,000 pounds of the chemicals are applied each year to crops and fields affecting the lives of countless farm workers and children – has failed to ban chlorpyrifos and other deadly organophosphates. With insufficient action at the state level and Trump's EPA siding with the chemical industry over consumers, we must speak out and build public pressure to pass Rep. Velázquez's important legislation to protect children, farm workers and our food supply immediately.

Tell Congress: Ban all toxic nerve agents in our food. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you for everything you do.

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Sign the petition ►


  1. Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring," 1962.
  2. Zoë Schlanger, "The US government is ignoring its own scientists' warning that a Dow pesticide causes brain damage in children," Quartz, March 30, 2017.
  3. Donald Atwood and Claire Paisley-Jones, "Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 2008 – 2012 Market Estimates," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017.
  4. Erika L. Robb; Mari B. Baker, "Organophosphate Toxicity," StatPearls, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Sept. 8, 2018.
  5. Pesticide Action Network, "Chlorpyrifos," accessed Oct. 15, 2018.
  6. Eric Lipton, "E.P.A. Chief, Rejecting Agency's Science, Chooses Not to Ban Insecticide," The New York Times, March 29, 2017.
  7. Lorraine Chow, "EPA Chief Met With Dow Chemical CEO Before Deciding Not to Ban Toxic Pesticide," EcoWatch, June 28, 2017.
  8. Maura Dolan, "Appeals court orders Trump administration to ban pesticide harmful to children's brains within 60 days," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 09, 2018.
  9. Earthjustice, "EPA Again Drags Its Feet On Banning A Pesticide Linked To Brain Damage In Children," Sept. 24, 2018.
  10. Sammy Caiola, "Chlorpyrifos Makes California List Of Most Dangerous Chemicals," Capital Public Radio, Dec. 1, 2017.

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