Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sign the petition: Don’t help Trump sabotage the Iran deal

Tell congressional Democrats: Don't help Trump undermine the Iran deal

The petition to congressional Democrats reads:
"Block and resist any attempt by the Trump administration or Republicans in Congress to undermine the Iran nuclear deal."

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Dear Katy,

Stop War with Iran

Donald Trump is trying to send us into war with Iran. Yesterday, he recklessly decertified the historic Iran nuclear deal without any justification or basis in reality. 1

Trump's dangerous action pushes us toward further chaos and potential war in the Middle East. However, the nuclear deal with Iran is still intact, and Congress has 60 days to decide whether or not to re-impose sanctions on Iran, which would violate the terms of the deal.2

We have to make sure Congress knows that a vote for sanctions is a vote for war. No matter what Trump does, Congress must defend the Iran nuclear deal and stop the Trump regime's march toward yet another reckless war of choice in the Middle East.

Tell congressional Democrats: Block and resist any attempt by the Trump administration to undermine the Iran nuclear deal. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump's haphazard decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal is further proof that he is unqualified and unfit to serve as the commander in chief. Right now, even influential Republican senators such as Bob Corker are publicly blasting Trump for treating the office like "a reality show" and setting the nation "on the path to World War III."3 Yet Trump continues to play dangerous games with American foreign policy, putting our national security interests at stake.

During his campaign he cavalierly promised to "rip up" the Iran nuclear deal4effectively pledging to send the country into yet another war of choice in the middle east. Now, after twice certifying that Iran is keeping up it's end of the bargain,7 Trump has made the cowardly, petty decision to decertify in a desperate attempt to prove to his supporters that he is "tough on Iran."

And yet some Democrats in Congress are helping him.

Weeks ago, Congressional Democrats overwhelmingly voted to impose new sanctions on Iran,5 which Iranian officials categorized as a direct attempt to undermine the Iran nuclear deal.6 There was no justifiable reason for this vote – experts agree that the Iran deal is working.7 Without the deal, Iran might at this moment be only weeks away from being able to produce a massive bomb, but instead it has spent the past two years actively dismantling its nuclear program.8 As our friends in the Congressional Progressive Caucus made clear in a statement: "The Iran deal must be upheld because the alternative is war."9

Democrats in congress need to hear the message loud and clear: We will not stand for them collaborating with the Trump administration or Congressional Republicans in any attempts to sabotage or undermine efforts to secure peace. The stakes are too high.

Tell congressional Democrats: Block and resist any attempt by the Trump administration to undermine the Iran nuclear deal. Click here to sign the petition.

If war hawks in Congress and Democrats collaborating with Trump's agenda succeed in sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal, the unprecedented constraints on Iran's nuclear program would completely collapse – making Americans less safe, and putting us on a path to war.

An undermined Iran nuclear deal would also cripple America's standing as an international leader on nuclear non-proliferation and diplomacy, and it would unravel the coalition the Obama administration under then Secretary of State John Kerry's leadership had assembled to hold Iran accountable for its activities. The rest of the world would blame the United States for a failure to uphold the only diplomatic solution available to avoid war – and they would be right.10

We have to make clear to the war hawks in Congress and to the Democrats collaborating with Trump's agenda: Even though Trump has de-certified the Iran deal – reimposing sanctions is not an option. A vote for sanctions is a vote for war.

Tell congressional Democrats: Block and resist any attempt by the Trump administration to undermine the Iran nuclear Deal. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you for standing up for peace,

Tessa Levine, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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1. Eliana Johnson, "Trump prepares to wound Iran deal — and then save it," POLITICO, Oct. 3, 2017.
2. Amanda Erickson, "Iran nuclear deal: What you need to know," The Washington Post, Oct. 8, 2017.
3. Jonathan Martin and Mark Landler,"Bob Corker Says Trump's Recklessness Threatens 'World War III'," The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2017.
4. Tim Daiss, "Trump Pledges To Rip Up Iran Deal; Israelis Say Not So Fast," Forbes, Nov 22, 2016.
5. Ryan Cooper, "Democrats are being staggeringly reckless with Obama's greatest diplomatic achievement," THE WEEK, July 31, 2017.
6. Euan McKirdy and Nick Paton Walsh, "Iran: US sanctions designed to derail nuclear deal," CNN, Aug. 3, 2017.
7. Philip Gordon and Richard Nephew, "The 'Worst Deal Ever' That Actually Wasn't," The Atlantic, July 14, 2017.
8. Ibid.
9. Reps. Raúl Grijalva and Mark Pocan, "Congressional Progressive Caucus Statement on Sanctions Legislation," Congressional Progressive Caucus, July 16, 2017.
10. Jeremy Diamond, "Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal," CNN, July 18, 2017.

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