Saturday, August 12, 2017

Speak out against KXL

We're fighting KXL through the banks, on the ground, and in the hearing rooms.

Kathleen -

Sign the Petition: Tell JPMorgan Chase: don't fund dirty tar sands pipelines!

Take Action!

We need just 662 more signers to reach our goal of 50,000!

Take action

Last Sunday in Nebraska I joined Indigenous activists, farmers, ranchers, landowners, and concerned citizens facing pipelines in their communities all for the same purpose — to speak out against Keystone XL.

Since then there have been five days of public hearings where people on the frontlines of this fight testified and shared their stories before the Nebraska Public Service Commission — the committee who will decide if TransCanada will be permitted to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, which would go through Indigenous sacred grounds, farms and ranches, and precious water sources.

As representatives of these communities continue to take the fight to the hearing room, we can also do our part to stop Keystone XL by putting the big banks that fund these pipelines on notice — starting with JPMorgan Chase. As one of the world's largest banks — and one that has publicly supported action on climate in the past — JPMorgan Chase has a responsibility to pull its support from Keystone XL.

Take action now to tell JPMorgan Chase to defund all tar sands oil pipelines.

In the lead up to these hearings, Greenpeace produced a new report that captures the serious risk Keystone XL and other tar sands pipelines pose to precious water resources across the continent. Since 2010, the three companies that hope to build new tar sands pipelines — TransCanada, Kinder Morgan, and Enbridge — have had 373 spills, totaling 63,221 barrels of hazardous liquids.1

Oil spills anywhere pose serious risks to human health and the environment — and tar sands oil is especially difficult to fully clean up. Diluted bitumen transported from Canada's tar sands fields represents a severe threat to water resources along the routes of proposed pipelines.

But if we cut off big bank funding to these pipelines they can be stopped. That's why we need you to raise your voice and tell JPMorgan Chase to DEFUND tar sands pipelines and stand up for communities, the environment, and the climate. Are you in?

This past week's movement against Keystone XL is by no means the first protest against the pipeline in Lincoln. People like you have been fighting Keystone XL for almost a decade. You've won before, and I know that together, we will win again.

We are working closely with partners from every corner of this continent to say boldly and loudly that we can and will stop these pipelines. Tell JPMorgan Chase: DO NOT fund tar sands pipelines.

With respect,

Isabelle Geczy
National Mobilization Organizer, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We are proud to stand alongside so many powerful allies resisting the KXL pipeline. Together, we are fighting tar sands pipelines through the banks, on the ground with protests and marches, and in the hearing rooms. Please join us by sending a clear message to JPMorgan Chase: Defund tar sand pipelines today!


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