Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hurricane Harvey and the long road ahead

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Dear Kathleen-


The images and stories are heartbreaking.

Overcrowded shelters. Thousands stranded by floodwaters. Hazardous chemicals released from Gulf Coast oil facilities — the list seems endless. Hurricane Harvey has affected tens of thousands of lives, and we're only at the beginning of finding out the full impact.

Over the past few days, it has been inspiring to see the response by community members, first responders, and frontline organizations to Hurricane Harvey. If there is hope in this ongoing crisis, it's in being reminded that in times of great challenge, communities across the nation can be depended upon to show up and help. We are all in this together — that's why it is so critical for the Greenpeace family to stand with people facing the storm's impacts. Please consider offering what you can.

To find out ways you can help, visit this source for frontline-to-frontline direct resource and support mobilization from our friends at Another Gulf is Possible.

The human impacts of Hurricane Harvey have been staggering, and our greatest concern is for the people struggling in its aftermath. Coastal Texas and the wider Gulf region are on the frontlines of sea level rise and extreme weather heightened by climate change, as well as the toxic threats posed by fossil fuel infrastructure. We know that climate change made Harvey more deadly1. As global temperatures increase, sea level rise and extreme weather becomes an even bigger threat to communities at home and around the world.

Stopping the worst effects of climate change should be a top priority of the Trump administration. Instead, the administration refuses to even acknowledge the problem exists, is allowing more climate changing pollution, and is putting more communities in harm's way2. Harvey shows that a policy of denial and willful ignorance results in structural injustice3. Poorer communities and people of color often have less means to evacuate, live in neighborhoods with worse flooding4, live closer to damaged fossil fuel facilities releasing hazardous chemicals5, and tend to have fewer resources for recovery, including backup housing and flood insurance6.

Trump and his enablers must be held accountable for not only refusing to do the basics to stop climate change in the future but also for refusing to protect coastal communities from the climate change-fueled disasters right now. We must continue our fight against the fossil fuel industry and the climate change-denying Trump Administration. And we must push for a different future — one built on clean, renewable energy with safe secure jobs. It's not just important, it's imperative, for people and the planet.

For people affected by this disastrous storm, a long, hard road lies ahead. We have to start now to ensure an equitable recovery, one that brings relief and comfort to all. If you have a few minutes, please visit this site to find out how you can help the communities affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Thank you for all your continued work to protect people and the environment.



Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

[1] [2]



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Sign the petition: Save lives by planning for the next flood now

Tell the Trump regime: Restore flood safety rules

The petition to the Trump administration reads:
"We cannot afford another Hurricane Harvey. To protect American lives and infrastructure in future disasters, federal agencies must rely on science-based planning. Restore the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard."

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Dear Katy,

Trump is unacceptable

Texas is experiencing the most extreme rainfall event in U.S. history,1 and it isn't over yet. Stranded victims on rooftops are begging for rescue. Hospitals and nursing homes are filling with polluted floodwater. Tens of thousands have been left homeless. The state will take years, if not decades, to recover.

But the harsh truth is that we can only expect more nightmare floods in the future. As our atmosphere and oceans heat up, we will face more record-breaking storms, rainfall and flooding.2 Even as first responders race to save lives, there are things we can do now to protect human life in advance of storms to come.

Yet just 10 days before Hurricane Harvey made landfall, Donald Trump signed an executive order to reverse potentially life-saving flood safety rules implemented by Pres. Obama.3 This destructive, irresponsible decision risks American lives when future disasters strike. The Trump regime must reverse this order – now.

Tell the Trump administration: Restore the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard now. Click here to sign the petition.

The Federal Flood Risk Management Standard requires federal agencies to take sea level rise and flood risks into account when funding new infrastructure or rebuilding after disasters.4 It is the first new U.S. flood protection rule in 40 years,5 and a former official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) called it "the most significant action taken in a generation" to safeguard U.S. infrastructure.6

Since 1998, FEMA has spent nearly $50 billion on grants in response to federally declared flood disasters, most of which have gone to rebuild public infrastructure projects like bridges, schools, roads and hospitals.7 FEMA estimates that every dollar spent on mitigation saves $4 in recovery and rebuilding costs after disasters.8

By requiring agencies to either build projects that withstand future flooding or avoid building in flood-prone areas, the new standard was supposed to move the United States toward a safer, more prepared future. Instead, Donald Trump reversed it with a stroke of his pen – making communities less safe and putting taxpayers on the hook to pay for future destruction.

Tell the Trump administration: Restore the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard now. Click here to sign the petition.

Even some Republicans in Congress denounced Trump's decision to reverse the rules as "fiscally irresponsible."9 Now just two weeks later, Congress is now returning after its recess to contemplate a budget that will require increased emergency funds and flood insurance costs. Hurricane Harvey will cost Texas between $30 billion and $100 billion in damage, if not more.10 Experts say that if the Trump regime does not restore the flood standard, much of the federal funds sent to rebuild will be wasted on construction that won't withstand the next severe storm.11 And these numbers hide the human cost of that damage, including lives lost.

Trump's refusal to listen to scientists and experts is putting Americans at risk. We cannot let the right-wing extremists in the Trump regime and Congress politicize preparation for natural disasters. We need our federal government to use the best available science to protect our roads, bridges, schools and hospitals. Anything less is gambling with our future.

Now is the time to push the Trump administration to reinstate the flood safety rules and restore the role of science in government policy.

Tell the Trump administration: Restore the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard now. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting back,

Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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P.S. Want to make a donation now to directly help those most in need in the wake of Hurricane Harvey? Click here to view a list of resources and opportunities to donate compiled by CREDO staff.


  1. Jason Samenow, "Harvey marks the most extreme rain event in U.S. history," The Washington Post, Aug. 29, 2017.
  2. National Climate Assessment, "Findings: Extreme Weather," 2014.
  3. John Nichols, "How Donald Trump and Elaine Chao sold off flood-control policy to the highest bidders," The Nation, Aug. 28, 2017.
  4. Franklin Nutter and Robert Moore, "Don't block Obama's flood rule," POLITICO, July 6, 2016.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Harriet Sinclair, "Trump rescinded Obama's flood-risk rule weeks before Hurricane Harvey hit," Newsweek, Aug. 27, 2017.
  7. Nutter and Moore, "Don't block Obama's flood rule."
  8. Ibid.
  9. Nancy Klingener, "Curbelo: Trump Infrastructure Order Is 'Irresponsible,'" WLRN, Aug. 16, 2017.
  10. Eliza Relman, "Trump reversed regulations to protect infrastructure against flooding just days before Hurricane Harvey," Business Insider, Aug. 28, 2017.
  11. Ibid.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Don't let Trump censor scientists (signature needed)

Tell the inspector general of the Department of the Interior: Investigate the censoring of government scientists and experts

The petition to the inspector general of the Department of the Interior reads:
"Censoring experts for doing their jobs is an abuse of authority. Launch an investigation into Interior Department Secretary Zinke's arbitrary reassignment of Joel Clement and 50 other senior officials and scientists."

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Dear Katy,

Stand up for science

Joel Clement was the top climate change scientist at the Department of the Interior until last month. That's when Trump's department chief quietly banished him to an accounting job, where he processes royalty payments from fossil fuel companies.

Clement is one of about 50 scientists and senior officials quietly removed from their posts at the Department of the Interior in July. He believes he was punished for speaking out about the climate risks facing Alaska Native villages.

Censoring scientists will not solve the climate crisis – but Donald Trump is much more interested in covering it up. Banned from doing his job, Clement filed a whistleblower complaint and called for an investigation.1

Tell the inspector general of the Department of the Interior: Investigate the reassignment of top officials and scientists. Click here to sign the petition.

Before he was demoted, Clement coordinated the federal response to Alaska Native communities threatened by climate change. In a region that is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, these communities are located on melting permafrost.2 A major storm could flood them away entirely or cause major loss of life.

Clement was helping these communities prepare. Some want to relocate now, and others need emergency evacuation plans. Now the federal government has abandoned them, and as Clement points out, they are not the only Americans at risk:

"Right now Alaska Native villages are on the front lines, but every coastal city, the deserts of the Southwest, the farms of the Midwest that are getting these frequent and almost biblical deluges, these are direct impacts on the health and safety of Americans and our economic prosperity."3

Systematically eliminating the government's expertise on climate change is not only foolish, it is dangerously irresponsible. As temperatures increase, so will the dangerous impacts of climate change – flooding, catastrophic storms, heat waves and droughts. We need our scientists to help us understand how to prevent and respond to these threats.

Unfortunately, helping out oil and coal companies is a far bigger priority for federal agencies under Trump's authority. Instead of helping us prepare, they are retaliating against anyone who acknowledges the risks we face.

Joel Clement's story is part of a broader pattern. Trump has appointed anti-science ideologues and industry lobbyists to key agency roles, revoked environmental safety regulations, removed climate information from government websites, censored scientists from speaking up and reduced public access to data. This administration is at war with reality, and our future will be the casualty.4

Tell the inspector general of the Department of the Interior: Investigate the reassignment of top officials and scientists. Click here to sign the petition.

Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke actually admitted that reassignments are part of his plan to downsize – in other words, he hopes that staff will resign because of their new jobs.5 Trump's government is intentionally pushing out senior scientists and officials by making their jobs intolerable.

Fortunately, federal employees like Joel Clement who speak up about health and safety risks are protected under whistleblower laws. While his complaint is being investigated, he has no intention of going anywhere.

And now, eight Democratic senators have called for an investigation into Zinke's decision to reassign Clement and other officials.6 If we join them, we can add pressure and publicity to Clement's case, making it harder for the Trump administration to quietly sweep scientists under the rug.

Tell the inspector general of the Department of the Interior: Investigate the reassignment of top officials and scientists. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting back,

Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Joel Clement, "I'm a scientist. I'm blowing the whistle on the Trump administration." The Washington Post, July 19, 2017.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, "Meet the senior federal official blowing the whistle on Trump's suppression of climate science," Democracy Now!, Aug. 8, 2017.
  4. Jacob Carter, et al., "Sidelining science since day one: how the Trump administration has harmed public health and safety in its first six months," Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, July 2017.
  5. Lisa Rein, "Interior chief wants to shed 4,000 employees in department shake-up," The Washington Post, June 21, 2017.
  6. Juliet Eilperin, "Senate Democrats call for an investigation of climate scientist whistleblower complaint," The Washington Post, July 24, 2017.

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The Fall Greenpeace Magazine Is Here!

Compass magazine by Greenpeace
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Kathleen -

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to the brand new online version of Compass, the quarterly publication by Greenpeace. In it you will find amazing stories of our progress and victories all over the world! 

These are just a few of our latest endeavors covered in this issue.

Compass is filled with inspiring stories of resistance, action, and victory. Check it out now!

Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. - Your generosity makes so much possible. I hope you'll take a minute to check out all the work you support today.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!



702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995


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Monday, August 28, 2017

Sign if you agree: No climate denying racists at the USDA

Reject Sam Clovis: No racist climate deniers at USDA

The petition to the Senate reads:
"Sam Clovis is a racist climate-change denier with zero experience in food or agriculture policy. Reject his nomination to be chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture."

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Dear Katy,

If you thought Donald Trump's war on people of color and the climate couldn't get any worse, think again: Trump has nominated long-time racist and climate-denying conservative talk radio hack Sam Clovis to serve as the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) chief scientist.

Clovis is a birther conspiracy theorist who has called President Obama and his Black and Latino cabinet members "racists." He has no policy expertise in food and agriculture or experience in hard sciences, and he believes climate science is "junk."1,2

He is wholly unqualified to fill this position, and the Senate will be taking up a vote to confirm him soon. We must pressure members of the Senate to block and resist his nomination.

Tell the Senate: Reject Sam Clovis' nomination for USDA chief scientist. Click here to sign the petition.

In the past, chief scientists at the USDA have been experts in food and farming, biochemistry, public health, or food nutrition. In fact, the law requires the USDA's chief scientist be chosen "from among distinguished scientists with specialized training or significant experience in agricultural research, education, and economics."3

However, Clovis' only apparent qualifications to head this critical science post is that he lives in agriculture-heavy Iowa and is a shameless Trump supporter. Clovis is instead deeply anti-science, claiming the overwhelming evidence behind climate change is "not proven" and "junk science" and has stated that he will not prioritize climate change in the agency's policy.4

Tell the Senate: Reject Sam Clovis' nomination for USDA chief scientist. Click here to sign the petition.

During his time as an extreme right-wing activist and conservative radio host, Clovis frequently espoused racist conspiracy theories. In a now-deleted blog that Clovis ran, he "accused progressives of 'enslaving' minorities, called black leaders 'race traders,' and labeled former President Barack Obama a 'Maoist' with 'communist' roots."5

In light of the recent white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, every Senate Democrat and any Senate Republican with a conscience must do everything in their power to stop Donald Trump from installing yet another unqualified racist hack in his administration.

Clovis' nomination is not just absurd, it's dangerous. We must act now to ensure the Senate keeps this incompetent racist from heading up USDA science policy and rejects this nomination outright.

Tell the Senate: Reject Sam Clovis' nomination for USDA chief scientist. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for all you do.

Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Juliet Eilperin and Chris Mooney, "Trump just nominated a climate change skeptic to USDA's top science post," The Washington Post, July 19, 2017.
  2. Miranda Green, "Trump plans to nominate non-scientist to head science at USDA," CNN, July 21, 2017.
  3. Juliet Eilperin and Chelsea Harvey, "Trump's expected choice for USDA science job lacks hard-science background," The Washington Post, May 13, 2017.
  4. Friends of the Earth, "Trump nominates anti-science climate denier to lead USDA Science, violating 2008 Farm Bill," July 20, 2017.
  5. Miranda Green, "Trump plans to nominate non-scientist to head science at USDA," CNN, July 21, 2017.

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Tell Trump's EPA: Don't poison our water (comment needed)

Tell the EPA: Don't repeal the Clean Water Rule

Trump's EPA is trying to repeal a rule that protects streams and wetlands that provide drinking water for one in three Americans. Submit a comment to the EPA now to defend our waters.

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Dear Katy,

Save our water

Donald Trump wants to reverse any progress made under President Obama, regardless of the consequences. In the latest dangerous example, his administration is trying to repeal the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Water Rule – which protects drinking water for one in three Americans.1

The Clean Water Rule protects millions of miles of streams and 20 million acres of wetlands.2 Fossil fuel companies and factory farms have been fighting the rule since it became law in 2015. Now with industry shill Scott Pruitt as Trump's EPA administrator, the agency is ready to do their bidding and repeal it.

The EPA must accept comments from the public whenever it considers changing a rule. And while Trump's EPA may not listen to us now, if we document widespread public opposition to their irresponsible action, we can use that later to fight them in court.

Tell the EPA: Do not repeal the Clean Water Rule. Click here to submit a comment.

It should come as no surprise that EPA administrator Pruitt is trying to roll back critical protections for our nation's waters. Before joining the EPA, Pruitt was a key player in 14 separate lawsuits against the EPA that attempted to roll back environmental protections, including the Clean Water Rule.3 He has deep ties to the fossil fuel industry4 and has made a career out of rejecting science.5 Trump himself has already signed orders to reverse other environmental protections, including the Stream Protection Rule6 and the Clean Power Plan.7

Pruitt even recently said, "science should not be something that's just thrown about to try to dictate policy in Washington, D.C."8 Instead, he apparently thinks polluters should dictate the rules. Unless we fight back, Pruitt will continue to reverse every environmental regulation he can get away with.

Tell the EPA: Do not repeal the Clean Water Rule. Click here to submit a comment.

The Clean Water Act provides crucial pollution protection for our nation's waters. The safeguards include:

  • Restricting sewage plants from dumping into protected waters without permits.
  • Requiring facilities storing large amounts of oil to develop oil spill prevention and response plans.
  • A provision that states must prepare plans to clean up protected waters that do not meet water quality standards.
  • Requiring developers get approval before discharging solid material into protected waters.
  • Prohibiting the discharge of radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agents, any high-level radioactive waste, or medical waste into covered waters.9

Repealing the Clean Water Rule would mean the loss of these pollution protections for the nearly 60 percent of streams in the lower 48 states that don't flow year-round – almost 2 million miles of streams.10 It also could mean the end of these protection for countless wetlands – perhaps even most of the 110 million acres in the continental United States.11

We cannot allow the Trump administration to destroy our nation's waterways without a fight.

Tell EPA administrator Scott Pruitt to defend our waters. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting back,

Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Natasha Geiling, "RIP, Obama's Clean Water Rule," ThinkProgress, June 27, 2017.
  2. Ibid.
  3. The New York Times, "Pruitt v. EPA: 14 challenges of EPA rules by the Oklahoma Attorney General," Jan. 14, 2017.
  4. Ben Jervey,"Mapping EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt's Many Fossil Fuel Ties," DeSmogBlog, Jan. 13, 2017.
  5. Jeff Goodell, "Scott Pruitt's crimes against nature," Rolling Stone, July 27, 2017.
  6. Devin Henry, "Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule," The Hill, Feb. 16, 2017.
  7. Tatiana Schlossberg, "What to know about Trump's order to dismantle the clean power plan," The New York Times, March 27, 2017.
  8. Emma Foehringer Merchant, "Scott Pruitt doesn't want to politicize science?," Grist, Aug. 11, 2017.
  9. Jon Devine, "Trump's attack on clean water: What you need to know," Natural Resources Defense Council, June 27, 2017.
  10. Ibid.
  11. Ibid.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Resist: No backdoor cuts to Social Security (petition)

Sign the petition: Stop the latest sneak attack on Social Security.

The petition to Congress reads:
"Social Security is not a hostage or a bargaining chip. Reject H.R. 3423, the Social Security Commission Act of 2017, and remove Social Security from the upcoming debt ceiling debate."

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Dear Katy,

Sign the petition: Stop the latest sneak attack on Social Security.

A handful of conservative Democrats in Congress are teaming up with right-wing Republicans to sneak through legislation that would slash our Social Security benefits.

Worse, they are effectively taking Social Security hostage by attaching the scheme to a routine debt ceiling increase that must be signed into law by the end of September to prevent the U.S. government from defaulting on its debts.1

A final deal could be struck any day now that would lead to devastating cuts to Social Security benefits. We need to fight back now to make sure Congress knows that this or any other attack on Social Security benefits is unacceptable.

Tell Congress: No backdoor cuts to Social Security. Reject the Social Security Commission Act of 2017. Click here to sign the petition.

The Social Security Commission Act of 2017 would establish a 13-member commission, made up of seven Republicans and six Democrats, tasked with developing a proposal for ensuring Social Security's solvency for the next 75 years. Congressional leaders would then fast-track the commission's proposal without amendments, with limited debate and with only a simple majority's approval in the Senate.2 The purpose of this sham commission is to justify and jam through cuts to Social Security benefits.

During the Obama administration, Republicans in Congress began the dangerous practice of holding the country's credit rating hostage while demanding cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Even now, with one of their own in the White House, they are planning to do it again – and some conservative Democrats like Rep. John Delaney (D-MD) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) are helping them do it.

Not surprisingly, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which includes such anti-Social Security stalwarts as Pete Peterson, the Wall Street billionaire who built the Social Security lie machine, as well as Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, the notorious co-chairs of the "Bowles-Simpson" commission to cut Social Security, supports this attack on Social Security.

We will not stand by while conservatives in Washington and on Wall Street take Social Security hostage. That's why we're joining our friends at Social Security Works to fight back against this dangerous proposal to fast-track slashing Social Security benefits before it is too late.

Tell Congress: No backdoor cuts to Social Security. Reject the Social Security Commission Act of 2017. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for everything you do.

Josh Nelson, Deputy Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Bob Bryan, "Congress has 12 working days to avoid an economic disaster — and there's good reason to panic," Business Insider, Aug. 13, 2017.
  2. Rep. John Delaney, Text: H.R.3423 — 115th Congress (2017-2018), introduced July 26, 2017.

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