Thursday, February 7, 2019

Signatures needed: Tell Congress to expand Social Security

Tell Congress: Expand Social Security. Pass the Social Security 2100 Act.

Petition to Congress:
"Pass the Social Security 2100 Act, which would increase Social Security benefits and keep the system solvent into the next century."

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Dear Katy,

Expand Social Security. Pass the Social Security 2100 Act.

The shutdown was a disaster for Donald Trump and Trump Republicans, and not just because they got blamed for it. The shutdown also made millions of people realize the essential role government workers and government services play in our lives every single day.

Now it is time to use our advantage to push a bold progressive agenda – and progressives in the House of Representatives are doing just that. Rep. John Larson just introduced a bill to expand and protect Social Security with the support of almost all House Democrats.1

Trump and his loyal Republicans won't stop trying to slash Social Security and demolish the programs that serve Americans. It's up to us to show Americans that bold progressives have a better vision for the country.

Tell Congress: Expand Social Security. Pass the Social Security 2100 Act. Click here to sign the petition.

The Social Security 2100 Act would increase Social Security benefits and keep the system solvent into the next century by making the super-rich finally pay their fair share. America is on the brink of a retirement crisis. Low wages and Wall Street scams have left countless Americans unable to save for retirement. Yet instead of protecting the best and most stable retirement program we have, Donald Trump and Trump Republicans repeatedly attack it. They proposed slashing $492 million from the Social Security Administration and routinely invoke the deficits they created with the Trump Tax Scam as an excuse to cut our earned benefits.2,3

That is why we are standing with our friends at Social Security Works to support the Social Security 2100 Act, which would:4

  • Increase Social Security benefits for all of us.
  • Force millionaires and billionaires to pay the same rate as everyone else.
  • Protect low income workers by increasing the minimum monthly benefit.
  • Guard against inflation by indexing benefits to what the elderly really must spend money on.

Social Security is one of the most successful government programs in our history, helping to keep tens of millions of Americans out of poverty over the past 80 years. It can pay all the benefits we earned through 2034 and nearly 80 percent after without any changes. But forcing the wealthy to pay their fair share will secure the program for all of us into the next century.

Republicans have been plotting for decades to undermine Social Security any way they can. Right now – with Americans reminded of all the good government does – is the best time to promote a bold vision for the future of Social Security.

Tell Congress: Expand Social Security. Pass the Social Security 2100 Act. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Robert Pear, "Democrats Push Plan to Increase Social Security Benefits and Solvency," The New York Times, Feb. 3, 2019.
  2. Nancy Altman, "Republicans Are Killing Social Security One Tiny Service Cut at a Time," Slate, Jan. 22, 2018.
  3. Rep. John Larson, "The Social Security 2100 Act," accessed Feb. 6, 2019.
  4. Ibid.

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