Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sign the petition: Two years is too long. Congress must repeal Trump's Muslim ban.

Keep the pressure on Congress to repeal the Muslim ban

The petition to Congress reads:
"Repeal Donald Trump's racist Muslim ban."

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Dear Katy,

Keep the pressure on Congress to repeal the Muslim ban

Two years is too long. It's time for Congress to repeal the Muslim ban.

Donald Trump began separating and terrorizing Black and Brown families as soon as he took office. His Muslim ban was one of the first racist policies he enacted to attack our communities.

Over the summer, five justices on the Supreme Court failed to put checks on Trump and refused to strike down the ban.1 Now, it's up to Congress to take the lead. Democrats just reintroduced legislation to block the Muslim ban.2 Congress needs to pass it now.

Tell Congress: Two years is too long. Pass legislation to repeal Trump's hateful Muslim ban. Click here to sign the petition.

No family should ever be torn apart because of their religion or place of birth – but that's exactly what Trump will continue to do if Congress doesn't stop him.

Trump is nothing if not persistent in his crusade to institutionalize his white nationalist agenda. Two of his signature policies – the Muslim ban and asylum ban - stem from a bigoted desire to divide and keep out communities who threaten the white supremacy at the core of his administration.

His Muslim ban is dividing many American Muslim families, but it's a more hidden crisis than family separation at the border. Some people locked out by the ban qualify for waivers that would allow them to re-enter the country and reunite with their families, but reports of the government denying people's waiver application even though they meet every criterion are growing.3 The Trump administration is tearing apart Muslim families at U.S embassies scattered around the world – and out of sight of most Americans. We must put a stop to this now.

Two years ago, thousands of us were in the streets and at airports welcoming Muslims and refugees and demanding that Congress intervene to block Trump's Muslim ban. We must keep up the fight and use that same grassroots power to force Congress to act now.

Rep. Judy Chu and Sen. Chris Murphy just reintroduced legislation that would declare Trump's Muslim ban unconstitutional and bar him from using federal funds to enforce it.4 This bill moves the fight to repeal the ban one huge step forward. Congress should approve it and work to pass legislation that would completely strike it down.

Tell Congress: Two years is too long. Pass legislation to repeal Trump's hateful Muslim ban. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thank you for all you do,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Rachel Brown and Georgia Travers, "The Muslim ban expands the cruel policy of family separation," The Washington Post, July 3, 2018.
  2. Niels Lesniewski, "Democrats want to defund President Trump's 'Muslim ban,'" Roll Call, Jan. 29, 2019.
  3. Brown and Travers, "The Muslim ban expands the cruel policy of family separation."
  4. Lesniewski, "Democrats want to defund President Trump's 'Muslim ban.'"

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