Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Your New Guide to Living Creatively😻💫💥💖

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... BOOK?!
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Eeek!  It's so close, I can smell it.  For the past few months I've been a little quiet working on a new project DIY Rules for a WTF Worlda book I wrote in hopes that I can communicate with you all the conversations I wish I could have with each of you personally.  I've basically tried to gift myself in book form, and I hope you pick up a copy so I can be your "bad influence friend" who is always telling you, "Yes gurl, GO for it!" and adamantly believes in YOU and your so-called "crazy" ideas.

It's my ulterior motive that by writing this book, all of you amazing people will pursue your amazing ideas with gusto, you will meet success, change lives, and I can sit back drinking a piña colada basking in the glow of your brilliance.  I'm truly eager to see what comes of your mind and this book coming together and creating something utterly new and never before seen. 

Pre-orders are available now, and as a big thank you I want to give away 5 pussyhats made by myself, my 86 year old Grandma Wu (who taught me how to knit!), and my super crafty Aunt Celia in our little family knitting circle.  All you have to do is send your pre-order receipt via this form on my website and you'll be entered to win one of these 5 hand-made pussyhats, each will come with a note from me.  I'm so eager to send these tactile delights to you.  I love that on a primal level I will be able to give you something I made and touched and you will be able to hold it and touch it with your hands, and understand how real (and 3-D! and soft! and wearable!) my love is for you.  
The big question on my mind lately is how can we can most effectively emotionally connect with each other?  (It's been on my mind since November 2016 frankly.)  How can we express our pain, our gratitude, our joy in such a way that others say "Me Too" and want to join in and help?

I'm still figuring this out, and this book and this newsletter and all my social media handles are experiments in trying to do that - connect emotionally with each of you.  To thank you, to share with you.  I can feel it when it happens - that emotional connection.  And isn't that magic?  To take rather static typefaces and dry internet channels, and transform them into real connection?  To combine each other's thoughts and opinions and alchemize them into action?  We are making magic here.  It's powerful stuff.

I love reading your notes and comments to me, and I hope DIY Rules is a continuation of that conversation in our community as we rise up to be the change we wish to see in this world.

Thank you SO much for being here.  Being the change we wish to see in the world is a tall order!  Having you here reminds me that none of us need to do this alone.  

Talk soon,
 .            .   

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Krista Suh · 601 N Larchmont Blvd · Los Angeles, CA 90004 · USA

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