Thursday, April 13, 2017

Your 6-step guide to resistance


Dear Kathleen,

You want the tools to resist the Trump administration's anti-environment agenda — we're here to give them to you.

RESIST Launch Kit
Check out the new RESIST Launch Kit today and take these six steps to effective resistance!


Trump's attacks on our air, water, and communities seem to get scarier by the day.

Already, he's signed an executive order to cancel the Clean Power Plan and resume the practice of leasing our public lands to coal mining companies. On top of that, his budget would slash the EPA's funding by one-third and cut critical programs like the environmental justice and superfund clean-up programs that protect clean air and water for millions of people.

People like you are already doing so much to resist Trump's anti-environment agenda, but if we're going to stop this administration from putting fossil fuel profits before our climate and communities, we need to do more.

Right now, we have a chance to take our resistance to a new level — and we absolutely have to take it. The current congressional recess — when our senators and representatives leave Washington to come back and interact with you, their constituents — runs through April 23. Let's make it a Resistance Recess.

Make sure Trump and Congress know that we won't back down in the face of attacks on our air, water, and communities. Build the movement to resist Trump: dive in with the RESIST Launch Kit today!

Whether you're looking to begin your resistance journey or are a seasoned activist, the RESIST Launch Kit is built for you. It features six avenues to action so you can make a difference for our health and environment.

No matter how you choose to resist, this is a critical time to speak out and ask your representatives what their plan is to protect clean air and clean water where your live. If Congress doesn't step in right now, Trump could actually succeed in destroying programs that clean our air and protect our water from pollution. But we know they won't take action unless you do.

We only have until April 23 — when Congress reconvenes — to take advantage of this window. Don't wait. Use the RESIST Launch Kit today to make sure your representatives are taking action for clean air and water!

Trump may have big banks and the fossil fuel industry on his side, but the resistance movement has creativity, conviction, and people power. We've already defeated him in the courts, dwarfed his rallies with our marches, and made his Cabinet nominations the most contested in history.

But we can't stop until our air, our water, and our health are protected; we can all play a role in resisting these latest attacks. Check out the new RESIST Launch Kit and help make this the biggest Resistance Recess yet!

Yours in resistance,

Hanna Mitchell
RESIST Project Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Thousands of people joined the first Resistance Recess in February, storming their town halls and demanding action from their representatives. Now we need you to make this movement even stronger. Visit the RESIST Launch Kit and get ready to #ResistOften!

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