Saturday, April 8, 2017

Fight for the EPA -- lives are at stake!


Dear Kathleen,

Power the Resistance – Fight for the EPA!

Give today
Help us reach our $180,000 goal by the People's Climate March on April 29!

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It's terrifying that I even have to say this, but it has to be said: Trump's agenda could cost people their lives.

One study shows that if the Clean Power Plan is overturned, as Trump has ordered, that tens of thousands of people will die prematurely from heart problems and respiratory illness caused by particle pollution.[1] If the Environmental Protection Agency's budget is slashed to the level that Trump wants, enforcement of our environmental regulations will become difficult and more people will face lead poisoning from their drinking water and higher rates of cancer due to other pollutants.[2]

It's unbelievably tragic and utterly senseless. But we can rewrite this story. The budget is not a done deal — yet. Please bring the full force of Greenpeace to the fight right now to block EPA budget cuts and save programs to combat climate change and protect our air and water. Please give today!

We simply must reach our $180,000 funding goal this month to fight Trump, Scott Pruitt, and their attempts to dismantle the EPA, and continue our work to save the planet. Trump wants to cut the EPA's budget by a staggering 31% more than any other agency! But when you power our resistance with your contribution now, you'll help us do what we do best — investigate abuse of power, expose the truth about environmental impacts, mobilize our activists, and resist!

We're taking action across the country — sponsoring the March for Science and the People's Climate March — and in communities everywhere in between. We're running petition drives, giving people tools to engage and persuade their legislators, and giving people the tools they need to take action and make their voices heard. All while continuing to run important environmental campaigns like our campaign to stop Big Banks from funding the disastrous Keystone XL pipeline.

Your support now can make all the difference. I hope to hear from you!


Mary Nicol
Climate Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Your contribution to our fundraising drive will make a powerful difference as we scale up our opposition to Trump's budget cuts and the fossil fuel agenda — in time for the People's Climate March and every fight beyond. Please give now so we can hit our $180,000 goal by April 29.


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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