Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sign the petition: Override Trump's cruel veto of the Yemen war powers resolution

Tell Senate Republicans: Override Trump's veto and stop the war in Yemen.

Tell Senate Republicans:
Use your power to save lives. Override Trump's veto of the Yemen war powers resolution.

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Dear Katy,

Tell Senate Republicans: Override Trump's veto and stop the war in Yemen.

Over the last year, hundreds of thousands of CREDO members, along with allies from across the country, took action to stop our government's complicity with the war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen. And over the last few months, we won in Congress, when Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the House voted to use the War Powers Act to cut off U.S. funding for the war.

Unfortunately Donald Trump cares more about staying in the Saudi regime's good graces than about ending a crisis that has resulted in around 50,000 direct casualties of violence and more than 113,000 children dying of malnutrition and preventable disease. He vetoed the bill two weeks ago.

But we can fight his veto this week when the Senate takes up a vote to override it. It's a long shot, but if we can get enough Republican senators to lead with courage and join with Democrats, we win.

Tell Senate Republicans: Use your power to save lives. Override Trump's veto of the Yemen war powers resolution.

Some people are calling this fight impossible. But in 2016, when our friends at Win Without War and other allies started building momentum for the Yemen war powers resolution, people said passing that would be impossible too. Now we've won two votes each in the House and Senate. And we haven't come this far to give up now.

Yemenis are still living in a war. Yemeni kids are still facing famine, cholera epidemics and a sky that rains airstrikes – because the Saudi-led coalition is still dropping U.S. bombs.

The power to start and end wars belongs in the hands of Congress and we cannot give up now on demanding that they use it.

It's an uphill fight, but we don't get many chances to stop the war machine. We hope you join us today to make the most of this opportunity and demand that Senate Republicans join with Democrats to use their power to override Trump's veto, end Yemen's brutal war and save tens of thousands of lives. Click the link below to sign the petition:


Thanks for everything you do,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Deadline for oceans



I just heard from our crew on the Esperanza, who are absolutely thrilled to have begun their nearly year-long, "Pole to Pole" expedition building global support for sanctuaries permanently protecting a third of the world's oceans from human exploitation.

With plastic pollution and other dire threats pushing our oceans to the brink of collapse, they know how critical their mission is.

But they also know they're not alone on their long voyage, that they carry with them the support and good wishes of people like you, Kathleen.

And that's why I'm reaching out to you with this urgent request. We saw that you recently started a donation, but didn't finish it. Now is the time to make that donation!

As of today, we are more than $45,000 short of the extra $380,000 we need by today to fund this ambitious expedition and support all of our crucial campaigns to protect the natural world.

Please, help us close the gap by making a generous contribution of $50, $100, or even $250 to Greenpeace immediately.

Our movement is already achieving so much for the ocean. Last week, Trump backed off from plans to expand offshore drilling. And you've helped make the plastic pollution crisis a mainstream issue.

Now we have to go even further with the most ambitious voyage in Greenpeace's history. 

The scientists and crew on the Esperanza are hard at work conducting research, highlighting the urgent threats facing our oceans, and, most important, galvanizing millions of people around the world to join our fight to protect the oceans …

… before it's too late.

With the world's governments negotiating a Global Ocean Treaty this year, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to win a massive victory for oceans and all the whales, turtles, seabirds, seals, sharks, and other wondrous creatures that call them home.

But we need your help to seize that opportunity. You recently came close to making a donation. Now is the time. We really need your support. 

Please, make your generous contribution to Greenpeace right now.

On behalf of the crew and scientists on the Esperanza, thank you so much for joining their mission!


Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We are almost out of time to raise the $380,000 we need to fund this expedition and step up all of our critical work for the ocean and our planet. Please, help us close the gap by clicking HERE now and making a safe and secure online contribution. And thanks again for all that you do!

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!



702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995


Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.


If you wish to no longer receive our emails, you may unsubscribe. We value your privacy. If you have any questions about how we use your information please read our privacy policy.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Stop the horrible handout to H&R Block and TurboTax

Demand free online tax filing

Petition to Congress:
"Instruct the IRS to offer free online tax filing to every American. Reject provisions in the Taxpayer First Act that would bar the IRS from offering this service and force Americans to pay for-profit tax preparers."

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Dear Katy,

Demand free online tax filing

Want to skip paying a for-profit company and file your taxes online, simply and easily, directly with the IRS? Too bad.

The House of Representatives just passed a bill that would ban the IRS from ever offering its own free online tax-filing tool. It is a major win for companies like H&R Block and Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, which lobbied for years to secure protection from any competition1

There is still a chance to remove the IRS ban from the overall legislation but we need to speak out soon. Congress needs to hear immediately that Americans demand free online tax filing without a for-profit middleman.

Tell Congress: We want free online IRS tax filing. Click here to sign the petition.

Tax preparation companies spent millions of dollars to force people like you and me to pay for their products. The IRS receives information about most Americans' taxes directly from employers. In other developed nations, taxpayers can access this data, correct or confirm it and file their taxes without going through third-party tax-preparation software. But the IRS has a long-standing agreement not to compete with H&R Block and TurboTax.2

Unfortunately, Democrats like House Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal – and, sadly, even progressive champion Rep. John Lewis – pushed to transform that agreement into an outright ban as part of the Taxpayer First Act. Because the overall bill is progressive, other Democrats voted for it even while voicing objections and House progressives like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter and Ro Khanna promised to work with the Senate to strip the provision and push for a permanent solution.3

Without a public option for tax filing, Americans are at the mercy of for-profit companies. To avoid criticism, these companies currently offer sham "free" services that mostly serve as advertising for their paid products and put your sensitive data in the hands of a third party.4 Congress must reject the ban and instead instruct the IRS to offer a free online tax filing service as soon as possible.

Tell Congress: We want free online IRS tax filing. Click below to sign the petition:


Thank you for speaking out,

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Justin Elliot, "Bill to Limit IRS' Ability to Offer Free Tax Filing Service Is Getting New Scrutiny," ProPublica, April 10, 2019.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.

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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Our boldest expedition ever



Earlier this month, the Greenpeace ship Esperanza embarked on the kind of larger-than-life expedition only Greenpeace would ever mount:

A nearly year-long sea voyage, from the Arctic through the North and South Atlantic to the frigid southern waters off Antarctica.

The mission?

To highlight the dire threats facing our oceans and to demand the immediate, dramatic action necessary to save our blue planet … before it's too late.

But the scientists and crew of the Esperanza can't do it alone. They need dedicated Greenpeace supporters like you with them.

And that's why I'm asking you to join their critical mission, and support our work to protect our oceans and all of the natural world, by making a generous gift of $25, $50, or even $250 to Greenpeace right now.

We noticed you recently started to make a donation but didn't finish. I get it, we're all busy.

But for this mission to succeed, we urgently need to raise an additional $380,000 by April 30, and I'm hoping you will get us off to a great start by contributing today.

Because plastic pollution — along with other threats like industrial fishing, offshore drilling and mining, and climate change — are pushing our oceans to the brink of collapse.

In a groundbreaking study called 30x30: A Blueprint for Ocean Protection, Greenpeace and leading marine biologists recently documented how these threats are already devastating the populations of seabirds, turtles, sharks, whales, and other ocean creatures.

It's absolutely heartbreaking to see an 80-year-old turtle struggle to escape a tangled mess of plastic in the high seas.

But our report also offers reason for hope and a path forward: set aside at least 30% of the world's oceans as sanctuaries, off-limits to fishing, mining, and other destructive industries.

That's why we're timing our "Pole to Pole" ship tour now, when world leaders are negotiating a Global Ocean Treaty that could create the sanctuaries our oceans and the wildlife that depend on them so urgently need to recover.

When we mobilize we can win big for the ocean. Just last week, years of work — and hundreds of thousands of grassroots voices like yours — paid off when Trump's Interior Department indefinitely sidelined plans to expand offshore oil and gas drilling. And every week we hear of new corporate executives scrambling to address your concerns on the ocean plastic crisis.

But with so many powerful industries with so much at stake, world leaders are already getting pressured to back away from the strong protections our oceans need.

And that's why the Esperanza's voyage is so important. It's captivating people's attention and helping us build support for a strong Global Ocean Treaty. We are once again showing the world Greenpeace at its bravest and most inspiring.

But we need your help, urgently. 

This mission requires a lot of resources. We know you recently started to make a donation but didn't finish. Now is the time to make your immediate gift: we really need it! Help us reach our fundraising goal of $380,000 by April 30. 

Please donate now to support this ambitious campaign to protect ocean creatures like whales, sea turtles and dolphins.

Thank you so much for joining us on this crucial expedition!


John Hocevar
Oceans Campaign Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. This is our once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect the vast oceans that lie beyond national borders. Please click HERE now to power all our efforts for the environment and help us win this massive victory for the oceans by making a safe and secure online contribution. And thanks again for all that you do!

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!



702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995


Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.


If you wish to no longer receive our emails, you may unsubscribe. We value your privacy. If you have any questions about how we use your information please read our privacy policy.