Thursday, December 6, 2018

Signatures needed: The U.N. must investigate human rights violations at the border

Tell the United Nations to investigate U.S. human rights violations of asylum seekers.

The petition to the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights and High Commissioner on Refugees reads:
"Launch an investigation into U.S. human rights violations of asylum seekers."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the United Nations to investigate U.S. human rights violations of asylum seekers.

Tear gas and rubber bullets should never be used to attack asylum seekers.

Yet, Donald Trump's deportation force used these weapons against unarmed refugee children and families. It also recently closed a major port of entry. And now, his hateful administration is considering a new rule that would require many refugees to pay an asylum fee.1

These actions are in gross violation of international law. More than 100,000 CREDO members recently demanded that the United Nations send observers to the border. Now we need it to go one step further and immediately launch an investigation.

Tell the United Nations to investigate U.S. human rights violations of asylum seekers. Click here to sign the petition.

The Trump administration has treated members of the migrant caravan like enemy combatants. It has launched tear gas and rubber bullet attacks against them, extended the military occupation at the border and authorized troops to use lethal force.2 Caravan members are unarmed refugees fleeing extreme poverty, violence and oppression. We should be welcoming them, not using violence and slowdown tactics to force them to give up and turn back.

The Trump regime's "metering" system is causing major delays, confusion and chaos at the border.3 It severely restricts the number of asylum seekers who enter the country every day. International law requires the United States to review every application for asylum. This system is preventing refugees from even applying. Now, the Trump administration is considering a new rule that would require many refugees to pay an asylum fee, adding yet another barrier to the process. It is also conspiring with the Mexican government to send these asylum seekers back to the countries they fled.4

These actions violate the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees under which the United States government has obligations. There is enough evidence for the United Nations to launch an investigation. It's up to us force it to act.

Join us and our friends at Presente, Puente and Mijente to demand that the United Nations investigate human rights violations at the border immediately.

Tell the United Nations to investigate U.S. human rights violations of asylum seekers. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thank you for all you do,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Michael Burke, "Trump mulling charging immigrants a fee for applying for asylum: report," The Hill, Dec. 4, 2018.
  2. Wesley Morgan, "Mattis extends border troop mission until end of January," POLITICO, Dec. 4, 2018.
  3. Jonathan Blitzer, "The long wait for Tijuana migrants to process their own asylum claims," The New Yorker, Nov. 29, 2018.
  4. The Guardian, "Mexico to deport up to 500 migrants who tried to cross US border," Nov. 26, 2018.

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