Friday, November 30, 2018

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans

Tell Congress: Stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans

Petition to Congress:
"Support the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act, which would stop Big Pharma from ripping off the American people and lower drug prices by more than 40 percent."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Congress: Stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans

Big Pharma knows it can count on Donald Trump to make noise about drug prices but stay loyal to pharmaceutical companies. After all, Trump appointed Alex Azar, whose company tripled the price of insulin and faces an investigation, as head of the Department of Health and Human Services.1

But the progressive wing of the Democratic Party has real plans to crack down on Big Pharma.

At the top of the list is a new bill from Rep. Ro Khanna and Sen. Bernie Sanders that would force pharmaceutical companies to reduce their prices or lose their lucrative monopolies.2 We need to show how many Americans support bold action against Big Pharma by getting behind this progressive proposal in a big way.

Tell Congress: Stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans. Click here to sign the petition.

America, unlike most other countries, allows Big Pharma to set its own prices, hold exclusive patents with no limit and corner the market on a particular drug and jack up the price.3

So far in 2018, for every one cut in pharmaceutical prices, there were 96 drug price hikes. Pfizer already announced it will jack up prices on 41 more drugs in 2019. Meanwhile, 1 in 5 Americans cannot afford the medicine they need.4

No more. That's why we are standing with our friends at Social Security Works to support the big, bold, progressive Khanna-Sanders plan.

The Khanna and Sanders bill is simple. It says that Big Pharma must sell medicine for the same price or cheaper in the United States than it does in countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada and Japan. If companies don't, the government will take away their monopoly – allowing other companies to produce cheaper, generic versions of the exact same drug.5

Almost every politician claims to want to do something about skyrocketing drug prices. Now we have a progressive plan that could lower prices by more than 40 percent across the board.6 Members of Congress must choose between Big Pharma's deep pockets and the American people's health.

Tell Congress: Stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans. Click here to sign the petition.

One recent study found that taxpayer funding helped develop every single one of the 210 new FDA-approved medicines between 2010 and 2016. We are investing in new cures while Big Pharma spends more on advertising than research and development and ridiculously claims that companies need obscene profits to fund new cures.7

Big Pharma cannot keep charging Americans more for the same drugs – and members of Congress must take a clear stand to stop it.

Tell Congress: Stop letting Big Pharma rip off Americans. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Alex Lawson, "Sanders and Khanna have a plan to lower your drug prices," The Hill, Nov. 18, 2018.
  2. Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Sanders, Khanna to Introduce Legislation to Drastically Lower Prescription Drug Prices," Nov. 20, 2018.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Zach Carter, "Bernie Sanders And Ro Khanna Have A New Plan To Tackle Prescription Drug Rip-Offs," HuffPost, Nov. 19, 2018.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sign to stand with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez

Tell House Democrats: Support Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

The petition to House Democrats reads:
"Support Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's resolution for a Select Committee for a Green New Deal."

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Dear Katy,

Tell House Democrats: Support Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal

For the first time ever, someone in Congress has a plan that is ambitious enough to address the climate crisis.

Newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing her fellow Democrats to create a Green New Deal – a plan to transform our economy and society at the scale needed to stop the climate crisis.1

Fifteen House Democrats have already signed onto the Green New Deal resolution,2 but so far Democratic leaders have not backed the plan. We need to pressure them now to make sure the Green New Deal is on the agenda when Democrats take over the House of Representatives in January.

Tell House Democrats: Support Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Select Committee for a Green New Deal. Click here to sign the petition.

Last week, the latest federal climate report again confirmed that unless we take dramatic action, global warming will devastate the American economy – wreaking havoc with our energy, water, transportation and public health.3 This week, Trump dismissed the report because he said he didn't "believe it."4

Fortunately, we have an alternative to this nightmare. The Green New Deal would be a sweeping overhaul of the economy away from fossil fuel towards 100 percent clean energy. Named for Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal that helped lift the United States out of the Depression, the Green New Deal would not only fight climate change, but also includes a federal jobs guarantee, universal health care and a universal basic income.

Like the first New Deal, this plan is ambitious – but it is necessary and it is possible. To make this transformative vision a reality, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wants Congress to create a new committee with a mandate to create a Green New Deal plan by 2020.5

Likely new Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi would need to authorize that committee, but she has not yet signaled her support. For a plan this bold to have any chance of success, we will need strong grassroots pressure at every step of the way.

To convince Rep. Pelosi and other Democratic leaders to act, we need to push every House Democrat to stand up for a sustainable, healthy and prosperous future for us all.

Tell House Democrats: Support Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Select Committee for a Green New Deal. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting back,

Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. David Roberts, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already pressuring Nancy Pelosi on climate change," Vox, Nov 15, 2018.
  2. Sunrise Movement, "Green New Deal Day of Action," accessed Nov. 19, 2018.
  3. Jennifer Ludden and Christopher Joyce, "New U.S. Climate Assessment Forecasts Dire Effects On Economy, Health," NPR, Nov. 26, 2018.
  4. Chris Cillizza, "Donald Trump buried a climate change report because 'I don't believe it,'" CNN, Nov. 26, 2018.
  5. Roberts, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already pressuring Nancy Pelosi on climate change."
  6. Sunrise Movement, "Green New Deal Day of Action."

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We’re grateful to everyone who helped

We’re grateful to everyone who helped

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Signatures needed: Demand that Congress reject white nationalism

Tell Congress: Reject white nationalism

The petition to Congress reads:
"Stand up to Trump's hate. Unequivocally reject white nationalism."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Congress: Reject white nationalism

Tear gas attacks on Central American children.1 The deadliest anti-Semitic mass shooting in U.S. history.2 White supremacists marching in the streets. This is Trump's America – a country where xenophobia and hate have replaced freedom and justice for all.

Donald Trump's racist rhetoric and agenda have emboldened white nationalists from coast to coast and in the halls of power. If we care about the future of our country and the safety of millions of Americans who Trump and his supporters are attacking daily, we must demand that Congress take action now.

CREDO is teaming up with our friends at Bend the Arc to demand that every member of Congress reject white nationalism and fight to stop Trump from institutionalizing hate. Will you add your name now?

Tell Congress: Stand up to Trump's hate and reject white nationalism. Click here to sign the petition.

White nationalism is a dangerous political ideology that seeks to build a country for white people only – and rid it of everyone else. Trump has elevated this toxic worldview from the margins to the mainstream, stoking fear in communities across the country and inciting violence.

Anti-semitic violence and other white supremacist hate crimes targeting people of color, immigrants and Muslims have surged in the last two years.3 The common thread is Trump, who deliberately courts, stokes, fuels and encourages violent right-wing white nationalism.

He told his supporters to "knock the crap" out of protesters and said Trump fans who beat a Hispanic man sleeping on the street were just "passionate." After white supremacists marched and killed a woman in Charlottesville, Trump called them "very fine people." He publicly threatens political opponents with violence. He tweeted an anti-Semitic image from a right-wing message board that featured a Star of David, demonizes George Soros – a prominent target of anti-Semites – and spouts right-wing euphemisms about "globalists."4,5,6

As Trump pushes the country toward more and more violence and hate, we must keep the pressure on Congress to fight back. Incoming Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler is planning to crack down on white nationalist violence as one of his first orders of business.7 Every member of Congress should follow his lead.

Tell Congress: Stand up to Trump's hate and reject white nationalism. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for speaking out,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Tim Elfrink and Fred Barbash, "'These children are barefoot. In diapers. Choking on tear gas.'" The Washington Post, Nov. 26, 2018.
  2. Campbell Robertson, Christopher Mele and Sabrina Tavernise, "11 Killed in Synagogue Massacre; Suspect Charged With 29 Counts," The New York Times, Oct. 27, 2018.
  3. Mallory Simon and Sara Sidner, "State of Hate," CNN, Nov. 27, 2018.
  4. Ed Mazza, "Shocking Supercut Shows Trump Encouraging Violence Again And Again And Again," HuffPost, Oct. 25, 2018.
  5. Jay Willis, "Gary Cohn, Who Was Fine with Charlottesville, Courageously Quits Over Donald Trump's Dumb Tariffs," GQ, March 6, 2018.
  6. Jeremy Diamond, "Donald Trump's 'Star of David' tweet controversy, explained," CNN, July 5, 2016.
  7. Lauren Fox and Ashley Killough, "Democrats ask Trump administration for answers on rise of white nationalism in US," CNN, Nov. 27, 2018.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Don’t leave money on the table

Sign the petition: The border crisis is about to get worse

Tell the U.N.: Send observers to the border

The petition to the United Nations Human Rights Council reads:
"Send observers to the U.S.–Mexico Border to witness, document and report on the Trump administration's human rights violations."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the UN: Send observers to the border

There is a human rights crisis happening at the U.S.–Mexico border, and this weekend, it got worse.

Donald Trump deployed the military against a caravan of Central American refugees and authorized troops to use lethal force against them.1 On Sunday, Customs & Border Patrol tear gassed refugee children.2 We need to do everything we can to expose this crisis before tear gas turns into bullets.

The United Nations condemned Trump's family separation policy this summer.3 Now the U.N. should go one step further and send observers to witness and report on state-sanctioned violence and human rights abuses at the border. Documenting the Trump administration's human rights violations will help build momentum to stop them from happening and shine a bright light on Trump's tyranny and hate.

Tell the U.N.: Send observers to witness, document and report on human rights violations at the U.S.–Mexico border. Click here to sign the petition.

Like racist authoritarians before him, Trump is trying to distract the country by demonizing, scapegoating and attacking immigrants while his lapdogs in Congress and the administration are rolling back civil rights, gutting health care access, disenfranchising LGBTQ people and passing tax reforms that fatten the pockets of corporations and the wealthy.

This latest border crisis is just as manufactured and cruel as the last one. Trump's cuts to the country's immigration programs created a bottleneck at the U.S.–Mexico border where thousands of Central American asylum seekers are waiting to surrender themselves to immigration officials. Trump authorized lethal military force against these unarmed refugees, enacted an illegal asylum ban that was recently blocked in court and now is trying to broker a deal that would force refugees to wait in Mexico while the administration processes their asylum applications.4 He is going to extraordinary lengths to dehumanize and criminalize these asylum seekers, and we need to fight back with everything we've got.

If we want to stop Trump's war on immigrants and prevent a military escalation at the border, we need to put a spotlight on this crisis now. Demanding that the U.N. send observers is a crucial step.

Tell the U.N.: Send observers to witness, document and report on human rights violations at the U.S.–Mexico border. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Thanks for speaking out,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Kate Sullivan, "Trump says troops on US border can use 'lethal force,' threatens to close border," CNN, Nov. 22, 2018.
  2. Common Dreams, "Children 'Screaming and Coughing in the Mayhem' as Trump Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas Into Mexico," Nov. 25, 2018.
  3. Nick Cumming-Bruce, "Taking Migrant Children From Parents Is Illegal, U.N. Tells U.S." The New York Times, June 5, 2018.
  4. Dara Lind, "Trump is reportedly cutting a deal to force asylum seekers to wait in Mexico," Vox, Nov 25, 2018.

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There is still time to act

Monday, November 26, 2018

Sign if you agree: No lethal force at the border

Tell Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis: No lethal force at the border

The petition to Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis reads:
"Refuse to follow the unconstitutional memo from the White House encouraging lethal force and cancel the deployment of troops heading to the United States-Mexico border."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Secretary of Defense James Mattis: No lethal force at the border

Disgraceful: The U.S. border patrol just tear gassed mothers with children and toddlers in diapers seeking asylum on our southern border.1

Every day, Donald Trump's white supremacist war on immigrants grows worse. Just last week, the White House issued a memo authorizing the troops at the border to use lethal force against asylum seekers.2 The tear-gassing of families shows that Trump's plan to have the military treat immigrants like enemy combatants in a war zone is no idle threat.

This is America under Trump, and it is shameful. Though Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis has the authority to order troops to use lethal force, he has not yet done so. In fact, Trump's order for lethal force may be unconstitutional.3 It is the responsibility of people of conscience to speak out and demand that Mattis put a check on Trump before the situation gets even worse.

Tell Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis: No lethal force at the border. Click here to sign the petition.

The reports of Customs & Border Patrol's actions are truly shocking:4

Children screamed and coughed amid the gas, The Associated Press reported. The wind carried the aerosol chemicals toward people hundreds of feet away who were not attempting to enter the U.S., the wire service noted. One woman collapsed unconscious amid the chaos, and two babies sobbed with tears running down their faces from the gas, Reuters reported.

CREDO members will continue to press to end the racist, anti-immigrant culture that gives birth to such horrors. That includes cracking down on ICE and the the Customs & Border Patrol's complicity in terror. The heads of the ICE and CBP unions were in the room with Trump last week when he gave the order for lethal force.5

Right now, we need an urgent call to stand down before tear gas turns into live bullets.

Tell Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis: No lethal force at the border. Click here to sign the petition.

Let's be clear: The United States is not under attack. The families walking from Central America are survivors of deadly state and domestic violence, climate devastation and poverty.6 They are coming to exercise their right under U.S. law to petition for asylum.

But instead of fulfilling his legal obligation to evaluate their asylum claims,7 Trump plans to terrorize migrants with military force. His dangerous ploy is part of a white supremacist agenda that includes banning Muslims, restricting legal immigration, separating children from their families and denying citizenship to children of immigrants born in the United States.8

Further militarizing the border will do nothing to keep our country safe. But it will terrorize and harm vulnerable migrant families and add fuel to the fires of racism and xenophobia.

Tell Secretary of Defense James Mattis: No lethal force at the border. Click below to sign the petition:

Thank you for speaking out,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Mary Papenfuss, "Activists, Politicians React With Horror At Border Scenes Of Tear-Gassed Children," HuffPost, Nov. 25, 2018.
  2. Eliana Johnson, "Fiery West Wing meeting led to more power for military at U.S.-Mexico border," POLITICO, Nov. 22, 2018.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Papenfuss, "Activists, Politicians React With Horror At Border Scenes Of Tear-Gassed Children."
  5. Johnson, "Fiery West Wing meeting led to more power for military at U.S.-Mexico border."
  6. Washington Office on Latin America, "9 Questions (and Answers) About the Central American Migrant Caravan," Oct. 22, 2018.
  7. Maya Rhodan, "President Trump Threatened to Turn Back Caravan Migrants If They Don't Claim Asylum in Mexico. That's Not Legal," TIME, Oct. 23, 2018.
  8. William Cummings and David Jackson, "President Trump says he plans to end birthright citizenship with an executive order," USA Today, Oct. 30, 2018.

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