Kathleen, |
As 2022 comes to a close, Greenpeace USA is proud of all we achieved together the past year and hopeful for even bigger wins in the year to come. But in the uphill climb against the worsening climate crisis, we're afraid that we'll carry one big regret when the clock strikes midnight on the New Year — failing to meet our critical end-of-year goal. |
We need your help to hit our ambitious $100,000 goal to cap a year of successful advocacy for local communities impacted by the greed-fueled climate crisis. But we just looked up your record and couldn't find your donation: |
SUPPORTER RECORD: Name: Kathleen Saunders Email: katy63.kelso@blogger.com End of year 5X MATCHED Donation: [PENDING] | | |
If you've saved your payment information with FastAction, your donation will go through immediately: |
Coal, oil, and gas corporations lie at the heart of more than just the current emergency facing our climate. Racial injustice, voter suppression laws, and public health harms — responsible for the premature deaths and sickness of thousands in the United States each year — can be linked to these polluting industries. |
Meanwhile, the politicians in the pockets of fossil fuel profiteers abandon people across the globe as collateral for their short-term gains without a second thought. |
But we say enough is enough — so we're uplifting local activists at the forefront of the movement to expose injustice and hold corporations and governments accountable for the environmental destruction threatening our homes. |
That's why Greenpeace USA refuses to take a single cent from corporations or the government. The work we do is 100% reliant on supporters who fuel our fight for justice across the country. That means that we can't do any of this without you. |
And thanks to a few generous donors among your ranks who understand the gravity of the stakes we're up against, you can take advantage of a 5X MATCH offer that they've promised until we reach our goal. So please, Kathleen, make a $20 contribution (it will become $100!) to Greenpeace USA today to make THREE times the difference in the fight for our home. |
Thank you for your solidarity and support — let's end the year with no regrets. |
Greenpeace USA |