Kathleen, With more than 70% of Americans concerned about the climate crisis, Big Oil CEOs are dead-set on drowning out our voices so they can continue to pad their wallets. To make sure their profits keep soaring, the oil industry isn't just watching attacks on our democracy unfold: it's fueling them. The fossil fuel industry has donated huge sums — more than $13 million — to election deniers in 2022. And big oil has funded politicians who voted against the Freedom to Vote Act. These corporate powers are trying to grow their influence and profits by limiting fair and equitable access to our foundational democratic rights. We will not let corporate greed overtake the voice of the people. Donate today so that we can keep up the fight for a strong and healthy planet — and democracy. Extremist politicians are spreading disinformation about the 2020 election to give cover to their racist voting laws. At the same time, they're enacting "anti-protest" laws written almost word-for-word by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its Big Oil lobbyists. These bills threaten peaceful protesters with long-term imprisonment, felony charges, and unpayable fines at a time when civil disobedience remains a crucial tool for protecting the environment. The top 10 investors in lobbying for anti-protest bills since 2017 are all fossil fuel companies. 22 companies involved with producing, transporting, or distributing fossil fuels donated $1.26 million to sponsors of state anti-protest bills in the last election cycle (2019-2020). Oil and gas companies are also abusing our legal system with Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) in an attempt to scare activists and organizers into silence. SLAPPs and anti-protest bills are two sides of the same coin. They are tactics used by the same corporate actors to quash dissent. We only have a handful of years left to stop fossil fuel companies from polluting our communities and democratic systems before we find ourselves at a place of no return. We must take immediate action to solve the climate crisis, and we will not win unless we first fix our broken democracy. We need your support to continue pushing for strong democracy reforms at the state and federal levels, including rolling back voter restriction laws and pushing for pro-democracy reforms. Help Greenpeace USA keep up the fight for a thriving planet and strong democracy with your donation today. In solidarity, Eli Vargas Senior Democracy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA |