Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Passing the buck on pipelines

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Net neutrality's fate rests with the House (signatures need)

Tell the House: Save net neutrality

The petition to the House of Representatives reads:
"Save net neutrality. Support the Joint Resolution of Disapproval overturning the Federal Communications Commission's reversal of the 2015 Open Internet rules."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the House: Save net neutrality

Last week, the Senate voted to protect net neutrality. Now it's all up to the House.

Rep. Mike Doyle has filed a petition calling for a vote to overrule Trump's FCC and save net neutrality.1 But we need a majority of our representatives in the House to join him – or the vote won't ever happen.

Big Telecom lobbyists think their grip on our political system is so strong that we can't win, but this movement keeps surprising them. With enough pressure, we can do it again.

Tell the House of Representatives: Save net neutrality. Click here to sign the petition.

When Trump's FCC voted to kill the open internet, they ignored millions of Americans to give Big Telecom control of what we say and do online.

But this fight isn't over. Thanks to the Congressional Review Act, Congress can review new regulations and overrule them by passing a joint resolution of disapproval. The Senate passed that resolution last week. So far, 90 House representatives have already signed on to call for a vote on the resolution – and more than 160 have indicated their support.2,3

Trump's FCC chairman has shown that he is in the pocket of big telecom companies. But unlike the FCC, members of Congress are elected and they must answer to us. More than 80 percent of Americans support net neutrality, Republicans and Democrats alike.4 We can win this if enough of us demand that our representatives stand up for our rights online.

Tell the House of Representatives: Save net neutrality Click the link below to sign the petition:


Thanks for fighting back,

Brandy Doyle, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Russell Brandom, "House Democrats are collecting signatures to force a vote on net neutrality," The Verge, May 18, 2018.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ernesto Falcon, "The Path to Victory on Net Neutrality in the House of Representatives and How You Can Help," Electronic Frontier Foundation, May 18, 2018.
  4. Harper Neidig, "Poll: 83 percent of voters support keeping FCC's net neutrality rules," The Hill, Dec. 12, 2017.

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Sign the petition: Block and resist anti-abortion extremist Wendy Vitter

Tell the Senate: Block and resist anti-abortion extremist Wendy Vitter

The petition to the Senate reads:
"Block and resist Wendy Vitter's confirmation to the federal bench."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the Senate: Block and resist anti-abortion extremist Wendy Vitter

An anti-abortion zealot has no place on the federal bench.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has begun proceedings to confirm one of Donald Trump's extreme anti-abortion judicial nominees, Wendy Vitter.1 Vitter – a Republican anti-abortion operative – has tried only one federal case in her entire legal career.

If the Senate confirms Vitter, it would empower a dangerously unqualified right-wing extremist who could use her power to undo decades of progress in the fight for reproductive freedom. We cannot allow that to happen.

Tell the Senate: Stand with women. Block anti-abortion extremist Wendy Vitter's confirmation to the federal bench. Click here to sign the petition.

Trump's anti-woman administration wants to end abortion in our lifetime. Since Trump took office:2,3,4

  • He expanded the global gag rule, which restricts access to abortion and STI prevention in countries that receive U.S. foreign aid.
  • His Department of Health and Human Services is trying to defund abortion providers like Planned Parenthood by restricting Medicare and Title X funding.
  • Trump Republicans in Congress and state legislatures have also advanced unconstitutional abortion bans.

Federal courts have been the strongest line of defense against many of the country's most extreme anti-abortion laws. When North Dakota and Arkansas passed statewide abortion bans, federal courts stopped lawmakers from enforcing them.5 We cannot let Trump destroy this firewall by stacking the courts with right-wing Republicans like Wendy Vitter.

Vitter has won awards for her anti-abortion extremism.6 She has used her platform as an attorney for the Catholic Church and wife of former right-wing senator David Vitter to spread dangerous lies that scare many women into carrying unwanted or life-endangering pregnancies to term. She once spoke on a panel called "Abortion Hurts Women" where she falsely linked abortion to breast cancer, violent death and mental illness.7 At an anti-abortion rally in Baton Rouge, Lousiana, she tried to discredit and demonize Planned Parenthood by accusing it of "killing over 150,000 females a year."8

We must make clear to every member of the Senate that there is no place on the federal bench for a Republican extremist who endangers women's lives by promoting junk science and anti-abortion propaganda. Speak out now to demand that Senate Democrats and Republicans of good conscience refuse to confirm Wendy Vitter.

Tell the Senate: Stand with women. Block anti-abortion extremist Wendy Vitter's confirmation to the federal bench. Click the link below to sign the petition.


Thanks for speaking out to protect our courts,

Nicole Regalado, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Nina Totenberg, "Judicial Nominee Wendy Vitter Gets Tough Questions On Birth Control And Abortion," NPR, April 11, 2018.
  2. Casey Quackenbush, "The Impact of President Trump's 'Global Gag Rule' on Women's Health is Becoming Clear," TIME, Feb. 4, 2018.
  3. Sarah McCammon, "Planned Parenthood Sues To Block Trump's 'Radical Shift' In Family Planning Program," NPR, May 2, 2018.
  4. Jonathan Swan and Caitlin Owens, "Trump weighs cutting Planned Parenthood's Title X funds," Axios, April 30, 2018.
  5. Julie Bosman and Mitch Smith, "Iowa Lawmakers Pass Abortion Bill With Roe v. Wade in Sights," The New York Times, May 2, 2018.
  6. Dana Singiser, "In a field of terrible judicial nominees, Wendy Vitter is exceptionally unfit," The Hill, April 11, 2018.
  7. Totenberg, "Judicial Nominee Wendy Vitter Gets Tough Questions On Birth Control And Abortion."
  8. Amanda Arnold, "Trump's Latest Judicial Nominee Said Planned Parenthood Kills '150,000 Females a Year,'" New York Magazine, April 11, 2018.

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Your chance to be a hero…

Friday, May 18, 2018

Urgent petition: Gun control now

Tell Republicans in Congress: Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Gun control now.

The petition to Republicans in Congress reads:
"Put your constituents before the National Rifle Association. Take immediate action to pass gun control legislation."

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Dear Katy,

Tell Republicans in Congress: Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Gun control now.

It's happening again. At least 10 people were killed by gun violence in an American high school this morning, and Republican leaders are offering nothing but their thoughts and prayers.

Their cowardly responses to the killings today at Santa Fe High School in Texas are the same they offered after Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Vegas, Pulse and Sandy Hook.

It is time for Republicans in Congress to join Democrats in standing up to the National Rifle Association and pass gun control legislation that will save lives.

Tell Republicans in Congress: Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We need gun control now. Click here to sign the petition.

Tragic mass shootings like the one today have become all too common. This is the 22nd school shooting and the 101st mass shooting this year.1,2 And while these mass events receive more media attention, we cannot forget the gun violence that strikes people, families and communities across the country on a daily basis, killing 5,400 and injuring almost 10,000 so far this year.3

There's one reason why politicians consistently fail to take real action on gun violence: the National Rifle Association. The NRA has a chokehold on Congress that keeps most bills about gun control from even coming to the floor for a vote. Politicians beholden to – or afraid of – the NRA are willing to turn their backs on their constituents when it comes time to implement reasonable limits and controls on guns. But you can count on them for a "heartbroken" tweet about their "thoughts and prayers" when a tragic shooting makes the national news.

Finally breaking the NRA's chokehold on Congress will require massive grassroots pressure on our elected officials, demanding that they deliver more than thoughts and prayers in the face of our epidemic of gun violence.

The momentum after Parkland was a start. Today, we must continue to forcefully demand that Congress takes immediate action for gun control. Please add your name to our emergency petition now.

Click the link below to tell Republicans in Congress: Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We need gun control now:


Thanks for everything you do,

Heidi Hess, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. J Hanna, Dakin Andone and Keith Allen, "Officials identify suspect in shooting that killed 10 at Texas' Santa Fe High School," CNN, May 18, 2018.
  2. "Gun Violence Archive 2018," accessed May 18, 2018.
  3. Ibid.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Did you see this, Kathleen?!

Sign now: Stop the attack on Social Security

Tell the Senate: Stop the attack on Social Security

The petition to the Senate reads:
"Dangerous and dishonest policies such as the "balanced budget amendment" hurt children and working families; they hurt older Americans and people with disabilities; all to protect tax breaks for wealthy Wall Street donors. We demand that you reject the dangerous "balanced budget amendment," which would result in massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and more."

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Dear Katy,

Tell the Senate: Stop the attack on Social Security

The House of Representatives recently rejected a dangerous bill that would have forced automatic cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and more.1

Now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is promising a vote in the Senate on this very same so-called balanced budget amendment (BBA). If the bill passes the Senate, it could embolden extremists in the House to bring the bill up for another vote.

This amendment would jeopardize our retirement security and the security of veterans, people with disabilities, children and surviving spouses.2 That's why we're joining our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness for an urgent campaign to stop it.

Tell the Senate: Stop the attack on Social Security. Reject the so-called balanced budget amendment. Click here to sign the petition.

Republicans have already tried unsuccessfully to cut trillions from our earned benefits and other critical services to pay for their massive tax breaks for the rich and corporations. This BBA is a dangerous underhanded attempt to enshrine those cuts into our Constitution.

This political stunt by Republican leaders threatens the financial and retirement security of millions of Americans. Social Security has a $2.9 trillion surplus. This is the American people's money and not part of the federal budget. But if this amendment passes, it would prevent Social Security from using that surplus to pay benefits, leading to massive cuts.

Stand with CREDO and our friends at Americans for Tax Fairness and sign the petition to demand that the Senate reject the so-called balanced budget amendment that would cause automatic cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Click the link below to sign the petition:


Thanks for everything you do.

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Eliza Collins, "House fails to advance a balanced budget amendment to counter high spending levels," USA TODAY, April 12, 2018.
  2. Seth Hanlon and Alex Rowell, "The Balanced-Budget Amendment Threatens Americans' Health Care, Social Security, and Jobs," Center for American Progress, April 11, 2018.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Signature needed: A greedy Trump donor is suing the National Park Service

Yosemite hotels belong to the American people, not a billionaire Trump donor

Tell Delaware North Chairman Jeremy Jacobs:
"Yosemite's Wawona Hotel and Ahwahnee Hotel were built in the 1800s and 1920s, respectively, and belong to the American people, not a private corporation. Drop your frivolous lawsuit against the National Park Service."

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Dear Katy,

Yosemite hotels belong to the American people, not a billionaire Trump donor

When you think of Yosemite, you might imagine majestic waterfalls, ancient Sequoias and stunning cliffs. But you might not think about a greedy Trump donor suing the National Park Service (NPS) for $51 million.

That's exactly what Yosemite is facing.1 Billionaire Jeremy Jacobs, the chairman of the concessions company Delaware North that recently lost its $2 billion contract in Yosemite, is suing the NPS for tens of millions of dollars to turn over naming rights of two iconic and beloved landmarks in the park, the Wawona and Ahwahnee Hotels.

These hotels and their historic names belong to the American people and should not be held hostage by a bitter billionaire. We must speak out now and stand up for Yosemite.

Tell Delaware North Chairman Jeremy Jacobs: Drop your lawsuit against the National Park Service.

For 20 years, Delaware North had a contract to run concessions, lodging and food in Yosemite but recently lost its bid to renew to a competitor. In an act of spite, Delaware North sued the government in federal court for $51.2 million for breach of contract and violations of its intellectual property pertaining to the Wawona and Ahwahnee Hotels, claiming it owns the rights to these names. The NPS has temporarily covered the names of the hotels as litigation continues.

It's absolutely absurd, but it's not surprising: Delaware North's billionaire Chairman Jeremy Jacobs – who has been called a "bully and a jerk" – and his family have a long history of greed and shady dealings.2 They strong-arm lawmakers with political donations – including over $165,000 to Donald Trump – to benefit their bottom line, secure tax breaks and grease the political wheels where their companies operate.3,4,5,6

HuffPost reports that Jacobs could profit from the repeal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement opened an office in the same building as Delaware North's headquarters and hired "a former US Attorney who had just led the largest workplace immigration raid during the Obama administration."7

And some are even speculating that Jacobs could use the millions from his Yosemite lawsuit to sign a new player for the Boston Bruins, the NHL hockey team that he owns.8

Suing the NPS for millions to profit off the names of these two historic and iconic hotels is just another example of Jacobs' greedy, out-of-touch ways. We must pressure him to drop this ridiculous lawsuit and give back to the American public what is rightfully theirs.

Tell Delaware North Chairman Jeremy Jacobs: Drop your lawsuit against the National Park Service.


Thanks for all you do.

Josh Nelson, Co-Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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  1. Megan Woolhouse and Janelle Nanos, "Iconic names at Yosemite are subject of $51 million trademark battle," The Boston Globe, Jan. 16, 2016.
  2. Sean Gentille, "Jeremy Jacobs spent $625K on horse crusade before NHL lockout," Sporting News, March 26, 2013.
  3. Neil A. Lewis, "THE 1992 CAMPAIGN: Campaign Finances; Being Governor Helps Clinton Raise Money at Home," The New York Times, April 27, 1992.
  4. Frank Phillips, "Jacobs family, owner of TD Garden and Bruins, gives $13,000 to Walsh," The Boston Globe, April 26, 2017.
  5. Matt Ufford, "Boston Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs is awful," SB Nation, March 26, 2013.
  6. Gin Armstrong and Derek Seidman, "Immigration Protest Targets Concessions Magnate & Trump Donor Jeremy Jacobs," LittleSis, Sept. 8, 2017.
  7. Donald Cohen, "Ending DACA Means More Profit For These Corporations," HuffPost, Sept. 13, 2017.
  8. Paul Altmeyer, "Boston Bruins Owner Jeremy Jacobs Suing Yosemite," Causeway Crowd, Jan. 15, 2016.

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