Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Power the Resistance


Dear Kathleen,

Power the Resistance!

We've vowed to raise $180,000 by April 29:
 the day of the People's Climate March. Will you help us reach our goal?

Trump just dismantled the Clean Power Plan AND approved the Keystone XL pipeline permit. The sun is setting on our chance to stabilize the climate, but Trump's administration seems determined to push us towards a climate disaster.

But I have news for Trump: if he wants to push this pipeline through and tear down our climate protections, he's going to have to go through all of us.

Power the resistance with a donation to support Greenpeace's environmental campaigns. With so much at risk, there's never been a more important time to give!

Trump's actions — approving the pipeline, cutting environmental regulations, slashing EPA's budget to the bone — show a total disregard for the environment and a complete disconnect from reality. Millions of people have voiced opposition to the pipeline, and the majority of Americans want our leaders to act on climate.

Greenpeace is fighting all of Trump's decisions that put our climate, air, water, and health at risk. We set an ambitious goal to raise $180,000 by April 29 — the day of the People's Climate March.

We need a complete 180-degree turn on Trump's climate policy, and we're not going to stop resisting until we make it happen. Please give today to help fund the resistance and support all of Greenpeace's important environmental campaigns.

We stopped Keystone XL Pipeline before with a powerful alliance of Indigenous communities, ranchers, farmers, labor groups, and climate activists like you. Now we must all come together again.

We're putting US banks like Citi, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America on notice: If they bankroll Keystone, they should plan on meeting our fiercest opposition. We also must turn out in full force to resist Trump's agenda by joining the People's Climate March on April 29 in DC and across the country.

With you behind us, Greenpeace will be active in all these ways and more to protect our climate, communities, and planet from Trump's dangerous agenda.

Please make an urgent donation today and help us reach our funding goal to put pressure on Trump and his fossil fuel allies.

For our future,
David Barre
Program Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. If Trump wants to turn the clock back on climate, he's going to have to go through all of us. We're not giving up. We're not going away. We're going to resist. Please give now and together we'll be unstoppable.

Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.

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Friday, March 24, 2017

BREAKING: Keystone XL pipeline approved



Put the US banks on notice: DO NOT fund Keystone XL!

Take Action!

Tell US banks they must NOT provide any financial assitance for KXL!

Take Action

Trump's State Department has approved the permit for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

By reversing course on the controversial Keystone XL project, Trump has put the desires of fossil fuel companies before the rights of our communities. This pipeline will pollute our heartland, contaminate our clean air and water, and tread on the on the rights of Indigenous people and private landowners. This pipeline will be an absolute disaster — but you can help stop it. 

The pipeline it still faces obstacles and one of the biggest is funding. TransCanada, the energy giant behind Keystone XL, will need major support from their banking partners if they want to complete their gigantic tar sands project. That why we're asking you to put the US banks on notice: DO NOT fund Keystone XL.

Tell Citi, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, TD Bank and Bank of America they must NOT provide any financial services to TransCanada that could help construct the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Keystone XL pipeline will carry 800,000 barrels of tar sands oil daily across the US, to be refined, exported and burned, and this pipeline will have devastating effect on our climate and set the stage for increased fossil fuel dependence for years to come. Financial institutions can no longer get away with funding climate chaos.

Banks funding highly controversial pipeline projects like Dakota Access have already drawn the resistance of tens of thousands of people and protests around the world. Any financial institution associated with bankrolling the Keystone Pipeline should expect to meet similar scrutiny, reputational risk, and opposition every step of the way. 

Sign the petition now demanding Citi, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, TD Bank and Bank of America honor their climate commitments and NOT provide any financial assistance for Keystone XL.

The Keystone XL pipeline was stopped the first time round by a powerful alliance of Indigenous communities, ranchers, farmers, and climate activists. Millions of people, like you, friend, made phone calls, sent emails and letters, and spoke up to friends and neighbors, and I know we will come together again to do everything in your power to stop any attempt to restart this project. 

Please join me in telling US banks they need to say NO to financially supporting the Keystone Pipeline and protect our communities and our planetThis movement is powerful and we will resist this project — with our allies across the country and across borders — and we will continue to build the future the world wants to see, one without fossil fuels.

Keep resisting,

Diana Best
Senior Climate and Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We can't continue to let the banks ignore their climate and human rights commitments. The time is now to call them out and let them know we mean business. Demand the US banks commit to absolutely no financial services for the Keystone Pipeline.

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702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995

Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Protect the EPA!


Dear Kathleen,

Stop Trump from slashing the EPA's budget!

Take Action!

Tell your representatives to protect clean air and water by rejecting budget cuts to the EPA.

Take Action

Donald Trump's proposed budget is a disaster for the Environmental Protection Agency and the environment.

Under Trump's plan, the EPA's budget would be cut by almost a third, which would leave the agency hobbled and unable to protect the public from dangerous pollution.

Scott Pruitt, the head of the EPA, has called for an aggressive rollback of environmental protections and has falsely stated that carbon dioxide is not a primary cause of global warming. He's not likely to defend the agency's budget, so that means it's on us.

Trump's budget has to be approved by Congress. Contact your representatives today and tell them to protect the EPA's funding and keep our communities safe!

Without proper resources, the EPA will have difficulty enforcing basic rules to protect our communities, which could include...

  • Clean air standards that prevent choking smog and limit the amount of toxic chemicals released into the air.
  • Clean water protections to keep toxic chemicals out of drinking water.
  • The Clean Power Plan, which limits climate-change-causing emissions and carbon pollution.
  • And many more programs that protect our planet and communities from harm.

Tell Congress to stand up for the EPA and protect clean air and water!

Scaling back the EPA benefits big polluters in fossil fuel and other industries, at the expense of our health. Without the EPA's protection from pollution, we could see more asthma attacks, heart attacks, and even premature deaths.

We CANNOT allow Trump and Pruitt to sacrifice our communities. We must make sure this budget isn't passed!

For our future,
Mary Nicol
Climate campaigner, Greenpeace US

P.S. Trump's vision for our future is grim, but he can't pass it by himself. Tell your representatives to reject any plans that will put polluters over people!

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702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995

Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.

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Friday, March 3, 2017

Get ready for the People's Climate March!



Calling on the Resistance….


Get ready for the People’s Climate March!

RSVP now

In the past few weeks, Trump has declared all-out war on our environment, and our democracy. With your help, we’re ready to fight back more than ever. Next up, we’re participating in the People’s Climate March in Washington, DC, on April 29 — which Greenpeace is proud to partner.

Let us know you’re with us! RSVP today.

On April 29th, we will march with our partners, our allies, and our families. We will march for clean air and clean water. We will march for clean energy jobs and climate justice. We will march for our communities and the people we love.

We will march in the spirit of the unprecedented Women’s Marches and other powerful rallies that shook the globe in the hours and days following the inauguration of Donald Trump and the 115th Congress. And we will march to demonstrate our resistance to Trump and Congress’ attacks on our climate, our communities, and our jobs. Commit now to joining us in DC or at one of the other days of action across the country!

I look forward to resisting alongside you in the weeks ahead!

For our climate and communities,

Adrienne Lowry
National Mobilization Organizer, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Whether you plan to march in DC or participate in your own community with acts of resistance, you’ll want to download our #RESIST toolkit, with printable signs and posters so you can make a stand wherever you are. Check it out here!


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Does Disney stand with Trump?

Disney CEO Bob Iger cannot claim to believe in environmental protection and equal rights while he works hand-in-hand with the Trump administration.


It’s time for Disney to pick a side.  Will it serve the Trump administration’s hate and climate denial or take a stand for the people?

Disney: Drop Trump

Tell Disney CEO Bob Iger to resign from Trump’s economic advisory council today!

Take Action button

It seems like with each day that passes, Donald Trump unleashes a fresh assault on our climate and civil rights.

This week already, he’s called for massive cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency — threatening air and water safety for tens of millions of people across the country.1

While dangerous policies like this one have fueled the people’s resistance movement to grow larger and stronger every day, there is still a small group of influencers advising Trump despite his disastrous agenda — his business advisory council.

On that council sits Disney CEO Bob Iger, head of a company whose family values and stated commitment to protecting the environment are completely out of step with everything Trump represents. But rather than recognizing this conflict and stepping down, Iger said that being on the council is a “great opportunity” that gives him a “pipeline” to speak with Trump.2

Thousands of people across the country disagree.

There’s no negotiating with an administration that attacks the most vulnerable members of society, denies basic science, and justifies its dangerous policies with “alternative facts.” Tell Disney and Bob Iger: it’s time to drop Trump and take a stand for our climate and civil rights.

Disney’s own website says that the “well-being of people is deeply connected to the health of the planet.”3

If Disney truly believes in protecting our planet, its CEO needs to stop collaborating with a president who denies climate change, supports the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and has given fossil fuel companies permission to dump their waste in our rivers.4

It’s time for anyone still serving under Trump’s dangerous agenda to cut ties. Tell Disney CEO Bob Iger to denounce Trump and leave his business advisory council today!

We’ve already seen public pressure force one major CEO to leave the council and speak out against Trump’s hateful policies. After thousands of users deleted their accounts and #DeleteUber trended nationwide, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick left the council less than a week after joining. In an email to Uber staff, he vowed to resist Trump’s Muslim ban and inhumane immigration policy.5

Together, we can put the same kind of pressure on Disney and Bob Iger.

Disney cannot claim to believe in environmental protection and equal rights while it works hand-in-hand with the Trump administration. CEO Bob Iger needs to step up and speak out. Tell him to drop Trump and join the resistance today!

Thanks for all you do,

Vicky Wyatt
RESIST Project Leader, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We know the millions of people like you resisting Trump’s agenda are on the right side of history — which side will Disney choose? Tell Disney’s Bob Iger speak out against Trump’s attacks on our climate and community today!



Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

UPDATE: EPA budget cuts leaked

Greenpeace’s research team just received some new information about the specifics of the devastating EPA cuts we told you about this morning — and it’s not pretty.


Greenpeace’s research team just received some new information about the specifics of the devastating EPA cuts we told you about this morning — and it’s not pretty.

Here’s what we found out Trump wants on the chopping block1:

  • ONE FIFTH of the total EPA budget could be cut.
  • Critical climate change initiatives could receive ZERO funding.
  • Clean water grants for Alaska Native villages on the front lines of climate change could receive ZERO funding.
  • Project funds for crucial community pollution projects like cleaning up abandoned industrial sites, tracking hazardous waste, and ensuring environmental justice — could be completely CUT.

These shocking proposed cuts come less than 24 hours after Trump’s joint address to Congress where he stated his administration wants to “promote clean air and clear water.” Trump's actions are completely opposite to what he’s saying. It’s impossible to protect our communities and the environment while at the same time slashing programs that protect public health. Millions of people around the country will be affected by these cuts, but especially the most vulnerable.

It’s never been more urgent for Greenpeace — and supporters like you — to fight back. We are up against powerful forces, but Greenpeace has worked to expose these very people for decades — and we’re not stopping now. Please make an emergency contribution today to help us run more investigations like this to expose corruption and injustice — and support all of our critical campaigns for the environment.

Keep resisting,

Tim Donaghy
Research Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. The war on clean and air and water — that will affect every community across the country — has begun. We need your support NOW more than ever to expose Trump and his crony cabinet's wrongdoings and to mobilize and RESIST across the country like never before. Please give an emergency gift today.




Trump and Pruitt just launched their attack on the EPA. Support the resistance!

Do we want to go back EPA gif

Give to Greenpeace by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to join the RESIST supporter drive and fight back!

Donate now!

The attack on the EPA — and our clean air and water — has begun. Yesterday, Trump started his promised rollback of the EPA with devastating budget cuts1 and a new executive order on the Waters of the United States Rule, a critical protection for streams, lakes, and other waterways.2 Before this important rule, 117-million Americans — one in three people in the country — depended on the drinking water that lacked these basic protections.3

Now, thanks to Trump, their water will be in danger again. Help us fight back!

Kathleen, in light of these developments, Greenpeace is raising the goal for our RESIST supporter drive from 1,000 supporters to 1,500. We need all the help we can get to resist the attacks from the Trump administration's dangerous anti-environment agenda. Will you please help us step up our resistance with your urgent contribution by midnight tonight?

Unbelievably, Trump and new EPA head, Scott Pruitt, claim that the EPA can better protect our air and water without critical regulations like the Clean Power Plan or Waters of the US Rule.4 Wrong! We have to expose these insidious attacks on our environment for what they are: favors to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our air, water, health, and the safety of our communities. Your support for Greenpeace will give us the resources to do that.

Stand with this movement now — RESIST!

Together we will demonstrate the power of our movement — and keep demanding change until we achieve a just, sustainable world for all.

Thank you for your continued support,

Rebecca Gerber
Climate Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. The news about this new executive order is crushing, but giving up has never been what Greenpeace stands for! Help us fight back for our communities and environment. Please donate by midnight tonight so we can reach our goal for this supporter drive and scale up our nationwide resistance across the country.


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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URGENT: Trump's attacks on the EPA have begun

Yesterday, Trump started his promised rollback of the EPA with devastating budget cuts and a new executive order on the Waters of the United States Rule, a critical protection for streams, lakes, and other waterways.


Trump and Pruitt just launched their attack on the EPA. Support the resistance!

Do we want to go back EPA gif

Give to Greenpeace by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to join the RESIST supporter drive and fight back!

Donate now!

The attack on the EPA — and our clean air and water — has begun. Yesterday, Trump started his promised rollback of the EPA with devastating budget cuts1 and a new executive order on the Waters of the United States Rule, a critical protection for streams, lakes, and other waterways.2 Before this important rule, 117-million Americans — one in three people in the country — depended on the drinking water that lacked these basic protections.3

Now, thanks to Trump, their water will be in danger again. Help us fight back!

Kathleen, in light of these developments, Greenpeace is raising the goal for our RESIST supporter drive from 1,000 supporters to 1,500. We need all the help we can get to resist the attacks from the Trump administration's dangerous anti-environment agenda. Will you please help us step up our resistance with your urgent contribution by midnight tonight?

Unbelievably, Trump and new EPA head, Scott Pruitt, claim that the EPA can better protect our air and water without critical regulations like the Clean Power Plan or Waters of the US Rule.4 Wrong! We have to expose these insidious attacks on our environment for what they are: favors to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our air, water, health, and the safety of our communities. Your support for Greenpeace will give us the resources to do that.

Stand with this movement now — RESIST!

Together we will demonstrate the power of our movement — and keep demanding change until we achieve a just, sustainable world for all.

Thank you for your continued support,

Rebecca Gerber
Climate Team, Greenpeace USA

P.S. The news about this new executive order is crushing, but giving up has never been what Greenpeace stands for! Help us fight back for our communities and environment. Please donate by midnight tonight so we can reach our goal for this supporter drive and scale up our nationwide resistance across the country.


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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