Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Why Voting Is Witchy - Happy Halloween!

Psssst… Did you know? Not only are you a "nasty woman" you're probably…a WITCH.

How do I know that? Because I'm a storyteller AND an etymology nerd.

I love that stories are made up of words, but also… words themselves are stories…

Let me tell you the story about the word "WEIRD."

It comes from the Old English word wyrd which meant "destiny."

So when you call someone weird you are saying they have the power to control destiny.

The witches in Macbeth were called the Weird Sisters.

And now, in modern times, pussyhat-wearing, nasty, voting, feminine, emotional WOMEN are shaking things up and we're scaring people. We're too weird.

Witches were often women who took their own path, had the gall to live by their own DIY Rules, dared to make money when men felt privy to it, in short - they owned their power to control destiny. 

On this day, All Hallows' Eve, I invite you to consider all the witches (women) before you, and all the witches who will come after you. Consider how witches (women) have been held back - how we've been denied the right to vote, denied to right to own property, denied the right to choose what to do with our bodies…

And consider how we have fought back. How we decided to control our own destiny, even if we were called weird or witchy or bitchy or weak or whiny…it didn't matter.  

Because we fight for the women before us who have died for our rights today. And we fight for the women who will come after us, who need us to speak up and create a better world for women.

Have a great Halloween, and have an even more amazing Election Day. Please do some magic to get out the vote. And remember, a weird sister - someone who controls her fate - is most certainly someone who VOTES.

Be Magical!

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