Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Bite into democracy with these felted apples (link to pattern!)

Two weeks ago my family participated in our yearly tradition – the Harvest Moon Festival. In addition to exchanging moon cakes with our family and friends, we would often bring a crate of apples to each home, fruit being a traditional gift from the harvest.

Arriving with a gift creates a bond, an instant rapport. Gifts are an ancient form of communication.

The pussyhat worked because it was connected to this ancient rite of gift giving. And each pussyhat was a gift thoroughly embedded with love and meaning.

Let's be honest, in a world of iPhone screens and mass printed flyers, wasn't it deeply touching to receive a handmade soft tactile pink hat? Didn't you listen? Yes, because you weren't just hearing the call to March on Washington, you were hearing the ancient call of human community, of the love we have for one another, the genuine hopes we have for each other.

With that in mind, I've been wondering how to deepen the relationship between us and the neighbors we ask to vote on November 6th.

When I've canvassed for political candidates, I saw flyers stuck on doorknobs and doormats, the paper decaying in the snow. How can we get past that apathy and information overload?

Inspired by Eve and her apple, I've made these felted apples with "VOTE Nov 6" felted onto them. I pass them around, leave them on my car dashboard for the world to see, and like an elf leave them on my neighbors' doorknobs. They are small objects of beauty, and completely surprising to see in one's normal day. They are soft and just slightly squishy (I don't felt until the roving is rock hard, maybe I'm lazy).

On my website, there is a free felting pattern.

As well as a link to a sewing pattern for a large squishable apple.

AND for those of you who aren't crafty but maybe want to share fruit from your backyard tree or your local bulk store… here are free stickers you can print out to stick on actual apples (no crafting required!)

If not apples, what type of gift would you like to communicate with? When you encourage those around you to vote, what creative gift will you use to get past the flyers and the ads to tap into the deep wellspring of love?  A reminder to your neighbor to vote is a reminder that she is important, her voice deserves to be heard, and that she is loved.

Apples are a part of American folklore (Johnny Appleseed) and peppers our language (The Big Apple, an apple a day, the apple of my eye…). Apples are American, let's make voting as American as, well, apple pie.



P.S. How 'bout them apples? If you make some remember-to-vote apple gifts, share it on Instagram and tag me @kristasuh so I can see the "fruit" of your labor!

P.P.S. For those of you who are witches/wizards in the kitchen, or just plain love to eat, look out for my "Eve's Election Day Apple Pie" recipe coming tomorrow!

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