Thursday, January 12, 2017

Welcome, Kathleen!


Hi Kathleen-

Welcome to Greenpeace! I'm grateful you joined our people-powered movement to create a green and peaceful future. You couldn't have picked a more important time to be part of this community.

The window to act on climate change is closing, just as President-elect Donald Trump is pledging to expand drilling and fracking, stacking his administration with climate deniers and fossil fuel barons. For decades, companies like Exxon, Shell and BP have profited by drilling and fracking unchecked in U.S. public lands and waters, while our communities and ecosystems pay the price for their destruction.

But Greenpeace has launched a campaign to stop them — to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

Watch the "Together we are unstoppable" video now to find out more about the Keep it in the Ground movement and how you can help.

WATCH and SHARE: Together We Are Unstoppable!

The path to a sustainable future for people, wildlife, and the climate does not include fossil fuels. That's why we must keep fossil fuels in the ground and build a US powered by 100 percent renewable energy. More drilling, mining and fracking will only make climate change worse for us all.

It has been shown time and again renewable energy prevents further pollution in the atmosphere and is safer, cheaper, and accessible to all. The path towards 100 percent renewable energy leads to cleaner air and water, keeps temperature increases within the limits our planet can sustain, and keeps the promises our nation made in the Paris Agreement last year to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Please take a few minutes to watch our video to find out more about our efforts to keep fossil fuels in the ground and then share it with friends and family.

It's concerning what Donald Trump will do to roll back progress the climate movement has made towards a clean, safe, and equitable planet for us all. BUT our movement isn't going anywhere — we have the momentum. Thanks to people like YOU, the Obama administration ruled out new drilling plans in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and put a halt on coal leasing on public lands. Now it's time for us to continue to raise our voices and keep moving forward — to protect our progress from Donald Trump's dangerous agenda.

Thank you so much, Kathleen , for joining Greenpeace. It's because of people like you we';re able to rally our movement.

To a green and peaceful future,

Leila Deen
Deputy Campaigns Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. We're excited to have you with us. Watch "Together we are unstoppable" to find out about more about our urgent campaign to keep fossil fuels in the ground!

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