Friday, January 27, 2017

Fueling the resistance


Kathleen -

Across the country, we're helping people act courageously to stand up for justice — do we have your support?

Resist Banner

Make a donation to Greenpeace today to build the movement and protect our climate!

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I figured there was no better time.

Our democracy is under attack. In the coming hours, days, months, and years, we will all need to act on our values. And on Wednesday, that's exactly what I did when I joined a group of Greenpeace activists to hang a massive banner of resistance hundreds of feet above the White House where Trump and his climate-denying administration couldn't ignore it.

I feel privileged to take part in this movement, and to be part of an organization that will never stop fighting for what's right. And if we're going to continue, we need you on our side. Will you join me by making a donation today?

On Wednesday, I felt empowered to join this resistance. I felt energized knowing that the banner flying above my head stood for something powerful. But I felt most inspired by seeing what people like you were doing all around the world at the same time — stepping up and acting bravely in a million different ways. Thank you. 

Our movement is growing every day, but it needs fuel. Will you make a donation today to help grow the resistance and fight for climate progress?

As the board chair of Greenpeace Inc., I know what this organization — with people like you at the center — has the power to create.

We take action against all odds. We make the impossible possible. We fight, we persevere, and we win. And to do it all, we need YOU! Your courage, your volunteer leadership, and your generosity keep us going. Will you give what you can today to help power the next year of resistance?  

While exhausted today, I also feel fully energized by this powerful resistance movement and am ready to get back to work building a country and society that protects our most vulnerable. In the coming year, I will continue to work with the Greenpeace community with YOU to build a world that's green, peaceful, and just. I hope that you will continue to stand with us.

Please make a donation today and be a part of this critical work and all our campaigns to protect the planet. Together, I know we are unstoppable.

Yours in resistance, 

Karen Topakian 
Activist and Greenpeace Inc. Board Chair 

P.S. People like you taking action and standing up for your communities are what gives me hope in this challenging time. Please give today to help fuel the resistance!

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