Friday, February 17, 2017

Scott Pruitt, climate denier, new head of EPA



Breaking: Scott Pruitt, Trump's pick for EPA head and long-time climate denier, just confirmed by the Senate.

We, the people, RESIST

We are ready to RESIST. Help us fight back with your emergency gift today!

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Today, Republicans in Congress have voted to have Scott Pruitt run the Environmental Protection Agency. This is disgraceful.

Scott Pruitt has made it clear he wants to dismantle the EPA, and now Trump and the Republicans in Congress have put him in charge.1 Now, everyone who cares about protecting our air, water, and land must now do everything in our power to minimize the damage. Every Senator who voted for Pruitt should be prepared to answer to constituents when the next environmental disaster happens in their districts. And every Senator who voted against Pruitt and boycotted his vote must continue resisting and holding Pruitt accountable for every step of the way.

We, the millions of people in this country who want a government that works for them — not for fossil fuel companies — will not stand for this. Scott Pruitt’s legislative history clearly illustrates that he does not place healthy communities, clean air and water, or a safe climate as a high priority. It is up to all of us to still demand those basic rights and fight for them.

We, the people, will RESIST.

We will never stop fighting for a clean, healthy planet — and will continue to peacefully resist Scott Pruitt — and the Trump administration’s — plans to roll back ANY environmental protections. Your emergency support today will help us mobilize even more people and run stronger campaigns to protect our planet.

By appointing Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Trump is putting America at risk:

  • As Oklahoma Attorney General, Pruitt blocked basic protections for clean drinking water.2
  • Pruitt opposed the Clean Power Plan because it would endanger industry profits.
  • Pruitt made a career suing the EPA to undo environmental protection.
  • Pruitt pushes fracking and other dirty energy sources over clean energy.3

If climate change denial is going to be the default position of the Trump White House, then relentless resistance will be the default position of the American people. Please affirm your resistance and commitment with a gift to Greenpeace today.

Yours in solidarity,

Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA

P.S. In order to stay completely independent and do the critical work we do, Greenpeace never takes any money from corporations or government. We rely entirely on financial support from people like YOU. Help us fight back against attacks to our communities, environment, and climate with your emergency gift today!


Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!

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